Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 269 You are haunted by ghosts!

Chapter 269 You are haunted by ghosts!
Kyosuke Fudo was a surgeon at Toto University Hospital before he switched careers to become a cardiologist when he was very young.

The disadvantage of age not only did not conceal his talent in surgery, but on the contrary, he won the title of "the youngest first-class surgeon".

However, during a surgical operation seven years ago, his dominant left hand was "accidentally" cut by his colleague Dr. Ninoho.

The left hand of the golden left hand was abolished, and his whole body suddenly lost the youthful and radiant radiance, and became extremely depressed.

He tried to train his right hand, but he couldn't reach the level of his left hand at all. He couldn't accept this fact because of his pride, so he finally chose to give up his surgical career and transferred to Mihua Yaoshiye Hospital as a cardiologist.

However, just a year ago, he met Ninoho again by chance, and learned from the drunken Hinoho that the truth of the incident was not an accidental injury, but a deliberate plan.

Just to ruin his career as a surgeon!

After Kyosuke Fudo heard this, the resentment and hatred accumulated in his heart for six years suddenly broke out. He killed Ninoho at home with a scalpel and pretended to commit suicide.

Although there were many doubts in this case, at that time Ninoho was being sued by the family of the deceased because of an operation error, and there was a letter of apology from the deceased. After the investigation was fruitless, the police could only shelve this case for the time being.

Although Kyosuke Fudo was not punished by law, he has had nightmares since then.

In the nightmare, he killed Ren Yebao again and again, and the hatred in his heart not only failed to completely disappear, but brewed more and more intensely during this year.

Physicians do not self-medicate. Although Fudo Kyosuke knows that his psychological state is not right, he can't go to another psychiatrist for treatment, so he can only let it continue to develop.

Hanyu Qingan looked at Fudo Kyosuke's trembling eyes, and realized that he was right. This psychiatrist seems to have some psychological problems. No wonder he doesn't look calm at all.

Dark circles under the eyes, lack of energy, irritability, and forced composure, this is what Qingan Hanyu felt from this Fudo doctor.

It's just that he didn't know that except for the dark circles, other problems were caused by his employees.

Although the reasoning process is wrong, the final result is right anyway.

Hanyu Qing'an felt happy, and entered the work mode, "The press conference before was right. In fact, the newborn kid can't cause much harm to people, but it's not completely harmless."

"For example, people who are possessed by ghosts will become weak, mentally unwell, have nightmares, etc. These problems are not considered serious diseases. Just go to the hospital, do more outdoor sports, and change your life In this way, it can actually be solved.”

"So, even if he is really entangled by the kid, Dr. Fengto doesn't have to worry too much."

Fudo Kyosuke looked at Hanyu Kiyoan in amazement, he didn't believe in those ghosts and ghosts, even though the official announcement had been made twice, and he specially invited professionals to prove it on the spot.

He is an elite talent who grew up under the modern education system. He believes in himself more than in ghosts and gods.

However, he hesitated at this moment, because he felt that it might really be Ninoho's ghost that was haunting him, and even if it wasn't, he could still give himself psychological comfort by visiting the shrine, asking the master for enlightenment, and so on.

Before there was the profession of a psychiatrist, religions had always been responsible for the job of soothing the human mind. Although all religions used this job to brainwash their believers and do countless evil things, except for a few cults in modern society. Much improved.

He can't find peers, so he can get comfort from religion, which is perfectly fine.

While Fudo Kyosuke was thinking and hesitating, Hanyu Qingan had already taken out his business card and put it on the table.

"Although I am engaged in funeral work, in fact I am an onmyoji. Exorcising ghosts and demons was originally my job."

Fudo Kyosuke looked at the word yin and yang on the business card, was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, yes, religion is inseparable from people's funerals, and he didn't expect it for a while.

He raised his head abruptly, only to see that Hanyu Qing'an in front of him had changed his clothes at some point, no, even his temperament!
"President Hanyu?"

Fudo Kyosuke was a little confused about the current situation. He stared blankly at the blue hunting clothes on Hanyu Kiyoan, and suddenly wondered if he was dreaming, an exhausting nightmare.

Hanyu Qingan glanced at the watch on the wall, saw that the time was almost up, then got up and said, "My shrine will be open next month, and Dr. Futo is welcome to visit."

After speaking, he left the consulting room.

Fudo Kyosuke stared blankly at him disappearing into the room, and rubbed his temples vigorously with both hands. He wondered if he was too tired, was it a hallucination or a dream?
Looking down at the business card on the table, Fudo Kyosuke stared at Hanyu Seiyasu's name on it, his eyes widened suddenly.

Hanyu... next month... the shrine will open!
He finally remembered the last official advertisement at the previous press conference. At that time, he still sneered at it, thinking it was the meddling of capital, religion, and politics.

But now seeing the word Hanyu on the business card, and the last words Hanyu Qingan left just now, he suddenly opened his mouth in disbelief, but he couldn't make a sound for a long time.

Could it be... there really are ghosts and gods?


"President, how is your situation?" Toru Amuro saw Hanyu Qingan coming out, and asked with a smile as he approached him.

Hanyu Qing'an changed back to ordinary clothes when he went out. He was really annoyed at this subordinate who followed him to check, so he said succinctly:

"no problem."

"What about your mental health certificate?" Toru Amuro's words attracted everyone's attention.

"..." Kiyoshi Hanyu said reassuringly, I am the president, and you want me to show you a certificate for inspection?
"It's already noon, and Dr. Fengto is a little busy. He was in a hurry to take a lunch break, so I didn't bother him. Okay, let's go first. I have something to tell you."

Speaking of Hanyu Qingan, he turned around and left, Toru Amuro looked at the hurried back of the president, feeling very comfortable in his heart, it seemed that he would not need to see a psychiatrist in the future.


"Doctor Fudo, Doctor Fudo!" The little nurse watched Kiyoan Hanyu and his party leave before entering the consultation room, only to find Kyosuke Fudo in a daze.

"Doctor Fudo, are you alright?"

"Huh? What's the matter?" Futo Kyosuke suddenly recovered.

"It's already noon, it's time to eat lunch." The little nurse looked at Futo Kyosuke's tired look, feeling a little distressed.

Although this doctor is over 30 years old, but this age is still in the golden stage for men, mature and handsome, with a successful career, and has a different style from the previous mixed-race handsome men.

"Dinner... Sorry, I have something urgent in the afternoon and I need to ask for leave. Please help me arrange it."

After finishing speaking, Fudo Kyosuke hurried away under the blank eyes of the little nurse. He wanted to go back and carefully confirm the details of the press conference that day.

 Thank you for the rewards of [Tsuka Tiger Tianxuan, Squirrel Aviation, Yu Yixun, S Xiaoyu Y] last week, thank you for your support ~
  ps: The state has been bad recently, the faucet is broken today, and I have been tossing for a long time, alas...

  The current merchants are really good. The middle of the faucet spool and the switch is glued to death. If it cannot be removed, it can only be pried hard.

  They insist on forcing you to change the whole faucet for a few dollars to replace the spool, and if it is rusted to death, you have to find someone to replace it, and you have to pay an extra labor fee. This is really to help the country stimulate domestic demand. Brainstorming...

(End of this chapter)

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