Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 270 Amuro, you come to be the president.

Chapter 270 Amuro, you come to be the president.

In the car on the way back, Hanyu Kiyosuke and Amuro Toru continued to chat about work arrangements.

"I just noticed that someone in those resumes marked the skill of encoffining. If this is the case, I think that Umezawa will not have to help the newcomers here. I can arrange her to help take care of the shrine."

Amuro glanced at the rearview mirror, Miyano Akemi in the back seat was also surprised, he asked, "Are you planning to make Umezawa a shrine maiden?"

Hanyu Qing'an thought for a while, "The structure of the shrine has not yet been set up. Umezawa may need to take on several roles, mainly responsible for management personnel, and may also be responsible for encoffining and shrine maiden work if needed temporarily."

The corners of An Shitou's eyes twitched, and he couldn't help but said: "Then this is the three jobs of Ni Yi, Miko and Embalmer..."

Thinking about it, Hanyu Qing'an seemed to be a bit oppressive, but it should be better with subordinates.

"The working environment at the shrine is always better than here. There are fewer people and quieter, and it is more suitable for her to cultivate. Of course, it depends on Umezawa herself."

"If she is willing, she will take care of the shrine. Those employees who plan to be witches will also be under her management. Try to arrange things for the subordinates, so that it should not be so tiring."

"In short, I trust the two of you the most in the shrine, so the funeral shrine will be completely handed over to you, Amuro, and the shrine will be handed over to Umezawa. The high-end funerals over there don't really need much communication. , Umezawa should be able to handle it."

"By the way, Amuro, you will be the president of the funeral home in the future, remember to get a new business card."

Hanyu Kiyosuke finally got rid of the dangerous position of the president, Amuro Toru's smile was a little stiff, he didn't come here just to become the president.

Once the shrine and the funeral club were separated, it was not as close as before to Hanyu Qingan, and there were fewer opportunities to obtain information, but to deal with the gang of undercover agents who were not easy to fool, it was simply...

"I don't need that. I'm in charge of the funeral club now, and it won't be much different in the future. Everyone is used to calling you the president or something, so there's no need to change it."

As the chief student of the famous Maori detective, Toru Amuro also knows the stalk of the president, and he is unwilling to bear such a meaningless, but very dangerous name.

Seeing that Hanyu Kiyosuke was going to perform a game of giving and three pushing with him, Toru Amuro hurriedly said, "Now you are not only the president of the funeral club, but also the president of Hanyu Shrine, so you can be called uniformly like this."

Qing Hanyu said with peace of mind, where did the president of the shrine come from?It's not a club. The top manager of the shrine is called Gong Si. Although he "lost his memory", he knows this anyway.

However, Toru Amuro has already changed the subject, "By the way, President, it may be difficult for Umezawa to manage the shrine alone, and the arrangements are mainly for new female employees, so it is even more difficult for her to control the shrine alone. gone."

"It's better than..."

Toru Amuro wanted to say that he might as well go by himself and throw it to Kazami, but Hanyu Kiyosuke had already said: "That's right, then let Kazami go there together, and assist Umezawa in managing the shrine."

"..." Toru Amuro sighed secretly, feeling as if he had been assigned.

"Kamel should also be arranged to go to the shrine. It is more remote and there are mostly female employees. If he is there, it will be safer and he can share some heavy physical work."

"..." Toru Amuro was helpless, it's okay, anyway, Kazami is one of his own, so neither side will miss the information.

"Umezawa, what do you think?" Hanyu Qingya looked back at Miyano Akemi.

The two of them discussed for a long time, and they were almost settled. What else could Akemi Miyano say, she could only nod her head in agreement, and repeatedly figured out the intention of the president's arrangement in her mind.

Is it intentional to separate people like myself? There is probably a reason for the selection...

Suddenly, the mobile phone in Hanyu Qingan's pocket rang, he took it out and saw that it was Sonoko, and quickly connected.

"What's the matter? I just finished my work here, and I'm planning to go back."

Over there, Suzuki Sonoko couldn't restrain his excitement, mixed with a hint of excitement, and said, "Are you done with your work? That's just right, come to the Mihua Art Museum, there is an exhibition of medieval art~"

"Mihua Art Museum?" Hanyu Qing'an sounded familiar, "What are you going to do there?"

Suzuki Sonoko whispered: "Xiaolan heard that there are ghost legends here, don't you care about such things most? It is said that there will be medieval armor walking by themselves at night, there must be ghosts?"

Hanyu Qingan said at ease that this is probably some kind of murder case under the guise of ghosts and gods, but what marks appeared on the map?

"Okay, I see, I'll go right away." Hanyu Qingan hung up the phone, decided to go and have a look, and told Amuro Toru to drive towards the Mihua Art Museum.


When he arrived at the place, Hanyu Qingan saw Suzuki Sonoko standing on the steps in front of the Mihua Art Museum, waiting for him. After seeing him, he jumped down from the steps with youthful vigor, and ran to his side to hold her hand. own arm.

After her, Yuzi hurried down the steps and threw herself into his arms.

Picking up Yuzu, Hanyu Qingan looked around, but did not find the Mori family, and asked strangely: "It's just you and Yuzu? Xiaolan and the others didn't come?"

Suzuki Sonoko nodded, "Yes, they were invited to the reception at Moritani's house today, and they have no time to come."

Hanyu Qingan thought to himself, since Conan is not here, today is probably a waste of time, there should be no cases, and I will go back to the courtyard later and look at the map to confirm.

But it’s not bad to enjoy a peaceful daily life. Hanyu Qing’an has been in this world for a while, and he has long been used to life without smartphones. He gradually feels fun in some slow-paced activities that he was not interested in at first.

One of his fingers was held by Yuzu's small hand, and the other hand was interlocked with Yuanzi's fingers. Behind the three of them, a group of men in black who looked like bodyguards walked slowly through the art gallery.

"Why didn't I see the armor? Are they all paintings?" After shopping around, Suzuki Sonoko frowned and asked strangely, "Could it be tricked? Is it really just a rumor?"

Hanyu Qingan looked down at Yuzu, and Yuzu looked down at his stomach, then looked up at him innocently, as if he had nothing to do with her.

"Didn't you have lunch at noon?" Hanyu Qing'an asked strangely, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon, they were delayed because of seeing a psychiatrist, what happened to Sonoko and Yuzu?

"I have eaten at noon, but this little guy ate a lot of snacks in the morning, so he didn't eat much for lunch." Suzuki Sonoko said helplessly.

Hanyu Qingan pressed Yuzu's head, and the latter glanced at him shyly, then lowered his head.

(End of this chapter)

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