Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 271 The Peaceful Daily Life of the Art Museum

Chapter 271 The Peaceful Daily Life of the Art Museum
"Okay, it's getting late, I'll go to the bathroom first, and then we'll go eat." Qing'an Hanyu patted Yuzu on the head, "I can't do this again next time, if I eat snacks and don't eat, I'll kill you Stop all the snacks."

"Oh..." Youzi nodded obediently, not sure if she remembered it or not.

"I'll take Yuzu there too."

Hanyu Qingan went into the bathroom of the art museum, found a cubicle and locked it, then entered the courtyard, summoned the map to confirm, there was indeed no token mark, it was confirmed that it was an ordinary daily activity, and then returned to the art museum .

Pushing open the bathroom door and walking to the washbasin at the door, I saw an old man with ridiculously long eyebrows and beard standing there motionless, looking in the mirror.

Hanyu Qingan gave him a strange look, he had seen a person with such a long beard, and it was really rare to see a person with such long eyebrows.

"Are you okay? Is there something wrong with your body? Do you need my help to call an ambulance?"

The old man who was originally like a sculpture moved now, and turned to look at Hanyu Kiyoan.

The old man's eyebrows were so long that they completely covered his eyes, so that Hanyu Qingan didn't know whether he could see or not.

Before the old man opened his mouth and heard a word, his beard trembled three times, "Thank you, young man, but no need, I'm fine."

"That's good." Hanyu Qingan nodded, turned and left, but suddenly a question came from behind him.

"Young man, have you read the news a few days ago? Do you think there are gods and hells in this world?"

Hanyu Qingan looked back, but couldn't see the old man's expression clearly, so he replied concisely: "I have seen it, yes."

"That's it..." There seemed to be a sigh coming from under the old man's beard.

"Shouldn't people of your age believe in such things more than young people? The pious believers in China are generally elderly people." Hanyu Qing'an asked curiously.

The old man shook his head slightly, "Where there are so many pious believers, they are all pious pragmatists. As long as they can bless themselves, people will visit no matter what god or shrine."

"If the gods are good for people, people will expect the gods to exist, but if the gods are bad for people, people will start to fear the existence of the gods."

After finishing speaking, the old man walked away from Hanyu Qingan. Hanyu Qingan looked at his back and felt that the old man seemed to have some troubles, but everyone has their own troubles, and even the gods cannot solve them all.

For the elderly, the troubles are nothing more than illness and fear of death. This old man looks healthy, so it may be the latter.

He can't reverse things like life and death.

After waiting at the door of the bathroom for a while, I heard the sound of Yuanzi coaxing Yuzu to wash his hands, which seemed to be a nursery rhyme about hygiene.

"What's wrong?" Suzuki Sonoko pulled Yuzu out, and asked Hanyu Kiyoan who seemed to be thinking about something.

Hanyu Qingan shook his head, "It's nothing, what did you sing just now?"

Suzuki Sonoko blushed, singing nursery rhymes or something, it was really hard to say.

"It's very nice, it's the first time I've heard you sing, let's sing for a while."

"I'm not singing." Suzuki Sonoko made a face, pulled Yuzu and left.

Yuzu looked back at Hanyu Qing'an who was rejected, and said comfortingly: "Yuzu will also, Yuzu will sing for Dad."

"This is an art museum, we need to be quiet, we can sing after we go out." Suzuki Sonoko tugged at Yuzu as a reminder, and then pulled her away first.

After leaving the art gallery, Yuzu sang the song Suzuki Sonoko was humming just now. She lost her key while singing, Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help correcting it, and ended up singing along.

"What are you laughing at?" Suzuki Sonoko turned his head and glared at Hanyu Kiyoan.

"Nothing, it sounds good."

"Really?" Suzuki Sonoko was a little unsure, she sang well, but singing nursery rhymes was really weird.

"Well, from now on, you can sing a lullaby to lull you to sleep at night, and sing to wake you up in the morning. Is this much better than an alarm?" Kiyoan Hanyu suggested.

Suzuki Sonoko looked down at Yuzu, "It's okay to sing lullabies to Yuzu at night, but it's fine to sing nursery rhymes in the morning. This little guy sometimes wakes up earlier than me."

Hanyu Qing'an corrected: "I'm talking about singing a lullaby at night to lull Yuzu to sleep, and singing a lullaby to wake me up in the morning."

"..." Suzuki Sonoko squinted at him.

"It's best to hum softly in your ear." Hanyu Qingan looked at her expectantly.

"Good idea! Let's go eat." Suzuki Sonoko snorted and walked towards a restaurant by the side of the road, pulling Yuzu.

It's already past two o'clock in the afternoon. It's very late for lunch at this time, which almost overlaps with afternoon tea. They are almost the only people in the restaurant, so that Kamel and others don't scare other guests.


While they were eating, the Maori family came to the art gallery.

"Sister Xiaolan, didn't you say that Sister Sonoko and Brother Hanyu are here? Why didn't you see anyone?" Conan asked strangely.

"Wait a minute, I'll send an email to ask." Mao Lilan took out her mobile phone.

Mori Kogoro on the side dissatisfied: "I just had a full meal and it's time for a nap, why do you have to come here?"

Mao Lilan pressed the phone button with one hand, clenched her fist with the other hand, and threatened without looking back: "Do you have an opinion?"

Mori Kogoro shrank his neck immediately, "No, it's good to visit art galleries to cultivate sentiment, very good."

But when he turned his head, he muttered in a low voice, "I shouldn't have allowed her to learn karate and become so violent..."

"Okay, posting is over, let's continue shopping~" Mao Lilan smiled and took Mouri Kogoro's arm, and the latter was almost half-stacked and followed.

"Yuanzi and the others have already been here for a stroll, but they said they didn't see any armor, so they went to eat first, but it should be this place, let's look for it."

An hour later, Mori Kogoro and Conan sat back to back, slumped on the rest chair in a highly synchronized manner, not wanting to move anymore.

"Let's go find Brother Hanyu and have something to eat together..."

"I want to drink something to quench my thirst..."

The appearance of the two made Mao Lilan very dissatisfied, "How long has it been since lunch? Are you hungry again? It's so rich at noon."

Mori Kogoro corrected: "I'm thirsty, not hungry."

Conan explained: "I didn't eat much for lunch..."

He really didn't eat much, and was just looking around.

Mao Lilan didn't listen to the excuses of the two of them at all, and was looking around, "Huh? You can pass here, the no-entry sign just now disappeared, we only left this room without seeing, the moving armor said It might be right here!"

"Oh..." Mori Kogoro and Conan both looked unmotivated.

Mao Lilan encouraged: "Hurry up, we'll meet Yuanzi and the others after shopping here, and then go home, okay?"

Mori Kogoro and Conan sighed, pulled themselves together and stood up, followed behind Mori Lan limply as if they had no bones.

(End of this chapter)

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