Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 272 There Was No Murder Case Here...

Chapter 272 There Was No Murder Case Here...

"Between hell..." Mao Lilan glanced at the name of the room, and was taken aback for a moment. It was dark inside, and the lights were not turned on, but it really looked like hell.

"Ah, yes, the armor is really here." Conan stood on the side of the room, looking at the entire row of armor placed against the wall.

"Well, there are also here." Mori Kogoro said from the other side.

"Great, I'll call Yuanzi and the others over here." Mao Lilan clapped her hands and said excitedly, "I just said there are armors here, Yuanzi thought I was lying to her."

"So, just to prove that there is armor here, you are right, so you just finished a banquet, no, the banquet was only halfway through, and you just dragged us over to accompany you to look for it?" Maori Kogoro was listless typical.

Mao Lilan smiled a little embarrassedly, "Yuanzi got the news from me, so of course I have to help. I didn't expect her to come here in such a hurry. I originally planned to bring her here in two days..."

"You don't want to look reluctant, Hanyu-kun has helped our family so much, and when encountering things that may be useful to him, it is right to do your best."

"Help Brother Hanyu?" Conan reacted, and managed to wake up a little from the sleepiness in the afternoon. He looked at a small ball of light in the depths of the room, and immediately understood.

He didn't pay much attention to that little light before, but now he heard Mao Lilan's words and thought, this should be what Hanyu Qingan has been collecting, right?
Doesn't that mean...

Conan thought about it carefully. When he saw this thing several times, it was often accompanied by a corpse, and he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Sister Xiaolan..."

"What's the matter, Conan? Don't worry, Yuanzi and the others are already coming this way." Mao Lilan reassured.

"Maybe not only to call Brother Hanyu, but also to call the police." Conan turned on the watch-type flashlight, and walked towards the depths of the room step by step with a solemn expression.

Then...the beam of light was directed towards the direction where the sound of water droplets came from.

A dead body, nailed to the wall with a sword, dripping blood!


An hour later, Hanyu Kiyoan and the others and Police Officer Megure were all present, looking at the murder scene with mixed feelings.

Conan secretly looked at Qing'an Hanyu. Although Xiaolan's father seemed to be more restrained than the president, like a plague god, this onmyoji did not give in. No matter where there is a murder case, he is inseparable.

Hanyu Qing'an also happened to look down at Conan, with the same look of death in his eyes.

When he, Yuanzi and others came to visit the art museum, they looked like the years were quiet and nothing happened, so they went out to have a meal and rested for a while, and a homicide happened.

And from Xiaolan's mouth, they learned that they came here on a temporary basis today, and originally planned to come back in two days, and then call Shang Yuanzi together.

This also explained the doubts in Hanyu Qingan's heart. There were no murder cases here today, but when the Mori family arrived, there were murder cases.

That's why he couldn't see the token marker on the map before.

"Ahem, Master Hanyu...Look..." Police Officer Megure rubbed his hands, and moved over embarrassedly.

He also figured it out now, the Metropolitan Police Department is so busy, and the case is so difficult, it is the right way to solve it as soon as possible, and it is irresponsible to the taxpayers if you have to care about face and insist on your own opinion.

Can rely on detectives to rely on detectives, can rely on spells to rely on spells, whatever it is, as long as you can solve the case quickly.

Amuro jumped out of his eyelids, what's wrong with the current police circle, such a simple case must rely on external force?
He couldn't stand it anymore, coughed, and reminded: "There is surveillance here, we can see what the surveillance records first, and the sun hasn't set yet."

Police officer Mu Mu immediately blushed, indeed, the sun hadn't set yet, so it was useless to be anxious.

After being reminded by Toru Amuro, Police Officer Megure brought people to the monitoring room and began to retrieve the surveillance video.

"Ah, there really is!" Police officer Mumu's eyes widened, in disbelief, "It was actually recorded!"

"The prisoner is so stupid this time?" Mori Kogoro rubbed his chin in disbelief.

Police officer Mumu nodded in agreement. How long, how long has it been, he has never seen the monitoring work, either it is not there, it is broken, or nothing is recorded, so that he habitually ignores this The process is over.

The crowd gathered together and watched the murder process in its entirety. From the time the victim really hit the boss in the screen, to being attacked by the armor behind him, and finally being nailed to the wall, there was not a single frame missing.

"Master Hanyu, what do you think? Could this be the work of a monster?" Officer Megure and Mori Kogoro first confirmed with Hanyu Qingan whether this is a case that ordinary people like them can solve.

There is actually nothing wrong with this process, let’s rule out a wrong answer first, but... this is the first time, Hanyu Qingan said helplessly:
"I've already said that you don't need to consider ghosts in this kind of ordinary murders. Newborn ghosts don't have this ability. The king of ghosts can't move, and the generation has already been broken in the middle, so ordinary cases don't need to consider ghosts."

Officer Megure and Mori Kogoro nodded and looked at each other, both of them were thinking, did you say that before?It seems there is...

"Teacher Mori, look here." As Mori detective's first disciple, there is nothing wrong with Toru Amuro participating in the investigation of the case, and it is reasonable to show some level of handling the case, so he does not need to hide too much strength.

Kogoro Mori leaned in front of the screen, and Conan came out from below, poking his head at the table to look at it, and Ran Mori was also reading and recording with a small notebook.

On the screen, after the armor slashed the boss of Zhenzhong, and the two sides exchanged positions, something seemed to fall out of the armor and rolled into the corner.

The few people who caught the clue were suddenly excited and hurried to find evidence.

Hanyu Qingan didn't have that skill, the scene of the murder this time was quite bloody, he was watching Yuzu with Sonoko, lest she run around and see things that are not suitable for children.

The curator of the art museum who was still in the monitoring room walked quietly to Hanyu Qingan at this moment, his eyes covered by eyebrows seemed to be sizing up Hanyu Qingan.

Yuzu saw this old man curiously, it was the first time she had seen such long eyebrows and beard, she asked Hanyu Qing'an innocently with a shocked face.

"Is grandpa a fairy? His eyebrows are so long~"

The curator smiled and said: "I'm not a fairy, and I can't be a fairy, but I want to ask this Mr. Hanyu, does the underworld really exist in this world?"

Hanyu Qingan thought deeply, took a deep look at him, nodded solemnly, "Yes."

The curator was silent for a while, and then asked again: "Will all the good and evil words and deeds of a person's life be liquidated and judged there?"

"Yes." Hanyu Qing'an replied briefly.

"No one can escape?"

"No." Hanyu Qingan shook his head.

"That's it..." The curator's beard trembled, and he was silent again. After a while, he sighed and smiled again, "That's fine, then he will be tried again, and no one else can escape."

After finishing speaking, he took the initiative to find the police officer on the side and surrendered, "I killed the man, don't worry about it."

(End of this chapter)

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