Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 274 Kudo Shin 1 Birthday

Chapter 274 Kudo Shinichi's Birthday
The case was solved, and the curator was taken away, but he left with a smile, very carefree, and even comforted the remaining employees to take good care of the artworks here.

As long as the museum is preserved, everything he has done will be worth it.

"I still don't quite understand why he chatted with you? Then he turned himself in after the chat. Do you know him?" Suzuki Sonoko scratched his head and couldn't figure it out.

Conan's voice suddenly sounded, "Because Hanyu Shrine appeared at the press conference that day, and Police Officer Megure called Hanyu brother just now, so the curator must have guessed the relationship between Hanyu brother and Hanyu Shrine."

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly realized, "It turns out that this is the case..."


After returning home, Sonoko Suzuki took Yuzu to the bathroom to wash his hands. He wanted to develop good hygiene habits for the children. Yuzu had a bitter face and was a little reluctant. Seeing this, Sonoko Suzuki taught:
"It's important to wash your hands frequently and pay attention to hygiene. Don't you remember what I told you before? What will happen if you don't wash your hands?"

Youzi frowned and recalled, but didn't think of anything, and said dully: "Will your hands be dirty?"

"..." Suzuki Sonoko paused, isn't this nonsense?

"If you don't wash your hands, when you eat, bacteria will enter your stomach, and then you will get sick, remember?"

Yuzu nodded obediently, "I remember."

Suzuki Sonoko continued to ask: "Then tell me, when should you wash your hands?"

Yuzu thought for a while, and then came up with nothing, "When... when it's time to wash your hands..."

"..." Suzuki Sonoko's eyelids twitched, this child, she asked again, "Then how do you wash your hands?"

"...Water?" Yuzu looked at the faucet in front of her and tentatively replied.

Suzuki Sonoko was completely speechless, she helped Yuzu wash her hands without saying a word, arranged for her to watch TV in the living room, and then came to the study, who knew that Hanyu Kiyoan was not there.

Suzuki Sonoko soon realized that he was going to the courtyard, so he stood by the window, watching the night outside and waiting.

Hanyu Qing'an was studying his newly acquired token in the courtyard at this time. This token looked like a visor. Judging from the legend that the armor could walk, it was most likely the token of the Shikigami Terracotta Warriors.

This kind of R-rank shikigami doesn't need to bother others, he just draws two strokes on the talisman just like the keepsake and it's done.

Soon, another shikigami with a physical body stood in front of him.

"There is nothing stronger than the body underneath."

Hanyu Qing'an nodded, indeed, you are the toughest, looking at the skills of the terracotta warriors, the first thing that comes to mind is - you must first attack that taunting attendant.

That's enough, in the future there will be terracotta warriors standing beside me, no matter who wants to attack me, they have to hit him first, and it has to be a normal attack.

The ability of the terracotta warriors is very simple, it is to attract firepower and take damage. After a few minutes of research, it was over. Qingan Hanyu opened the portal and returned to the study.

As soon as he came out, he saw Suzuki Sonoko standing by the window with a rare melancholy look.

Hanyu Qing'an leaned close to her, looked at her delicate side face, looked carefully, and found that there was light fluff on her delicate skin, which was very beautiful.

"What are you looking at?" Suzuki Sonoko held his chin, turned his head, and said sullenly, looking a little listless.

Hanyu Qingan smiled, "You are watching the night view by the window, and I am also watching the view."

Suzuki Sonoko was not in the mood to joke with him, and sighed: "Do you think I am too unqualified in educating children?"

Hanyu Qing'an's smile narrowed slightly, "What's the matter? Yuzu's mischief got you?"

"No." Suzuki Sonoko shook her head, told the conversation she had with Yuzu just now, and then said with a worried face, "Do you think there is something wrong with this child's way of thinking? Or something I can't teach?"

Hanyu Qing'an couldn't help laughing and said, "I didn't expect Yuzu to learn nonsense literature without a teacher at a young age."

Suzuki Sonoko slapped him on the arm, "Don't laugh, to be serious, this child doesn't have parents, so it's up to the two of us to teach her, but I don't know how to teach children. If the grapefruit grows crooked, then I'm guilty." It's big."

Hanyu Qingan took her into his arms, sat on a chair, let her sit on his lap, smelled the faint fragrance of her body, and comforted him: "Don't be too nervous, teaching children is actually not that difficult. I'm still here."

Suzuki Sonoko gave him a blank look, "I'm even more worried because you're here. It's a good thing you don't bring bad grapefruit."

Hanyu Qing'an was speechless, indeed, father is the safest when there is danger, and father is the most dangerous when there is no danger, and now this matter is finally his turn.

"You should think this way. Although Yuzu didn't answer correctly, she turned her brain quickly anyway. Didn't she answer all the answers? Another child might not be able to say a word."

"Didn't the teacher in your school teach you? During the exam, no matter whether you can or not, you should fill the test paper completely. Maybe you can get one or two right."

"What fallacies?" Suzuki Sonoko spat, and couldn't help laughing. If Yuzu's answer was indeed because he couldn't turn his head fast enough, he couldn't say it.

It seems that she doesn't have to worry about the kid being stupid.

"By the way, let me tell you, Xiaolan said that guy Shinichi is coming back!" Suzuki Sonoko said mysteriously.

Hanyu Kiyoan was a little surprised, isn't Conan right next door?
"Why are you coming back all of a sudden? Are you done with the outside business?"

Suzuki Sonoko explained: "It's his birthday soon, and Xiaolan asked him out to watch a movie, saying that it was on the night of May [-]rd, and wanted to say happy birthday to Shinichi as soon as possible."

Looking at Suzuki Sonoko's aunt's smile, Hanyu Qingan asked strangely: "How do you know so clearly?"

Suzuki Sonoko raised his head and said triumphantly: "Xiao Lan has been obviously absent-minded recently, and there are problems at first glance. Naturally, these things can't be hidden from my master Sonoko's eyes."

"Then I discussed with Xiaolan, if she doesn't tell me what's going on, I'll spread the news about her writing in the class and help her promote her work in advance~"

Hanyu Qing'an laughed and said, "Are you discussing this? You are clearly threatening, Xiaolan didn't hit you?"

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly said angrily: "You still have the nerve to say that when Xiaolan beat me up in Izu before, you didn't help, and you were still watching jokes."

After complaining casually, she continued: "How could I succumb to violence? Of course, I would rather die than submit, even if I get beaten, I will spread the news about her writing the book."

"Then Xiaolan gave in, hahaha..."

Suzuki Sonoko was very proud, but she finally defeated Xiaolan once with her wit.

"Huh? What's that expression on your face?" Sonoko Suzuki looked at Hanyu Qingan's weird look in surprise.

Hanyu Qingan's eyes were burning, and he frowned and said, "You are sitting on my lap, so restless, what do you think is wrong?"

Suzuki Sonoko: ...

(End of this chapter)

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