Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 275 Relaxation and Massage

Chapter 275 Relaxation and Massage

After being reminded like this, Suzuki Sonoko suddenly realized something, no wonder it felt like something was breaking right from the beginning, it turns out...

"Pervert..." Suzuki Sonoko cursed in a low voice without anger.

Hanyu Qingan's hands slipped from her shoulders and came to her waist, "Do you want to take a hot spring tonight? Today seems to be quite busy, you should relax."

Suzuki Sonoko said with a red face, "It's easy to get tired of relaxing in hot springs every day, let's change the way."

Hanyu Kiyosuke agreed without hesitation, and then...



Sensing a sensitive reaction somewhere, Hanyu Qingan took a deep breath.

"Is this what you mean by relaxing?" Hanyu Qingan was lying on the bed at this time, Yuzu was stepping back and forth on his back, and Suzuki Sonoko was holding Yuzu's shoulders to prevent her from falling.

"What? Are you uncomfortable?" Suzuki Sonoko asked with a smile.

Hanyu Qingan felt the right amount of strength on his back, "It's comfortable..."

"That's fine~" Suzuki Sonoko was like a fox at this moment, with a sly smile showing in the corners of his eyes.

"Okay, I'll give you a massage later." Hanyu Qing'an's voice came from between the pillows.

Suzuki Sonoko quickly refused, "That's no need, I'm not very tired today."

"It's okay, you can have a massage if you're not tired, and besides, since you're not tired, then there's nothing wrong with singing, right?"

"I didn't promise you." Suzuki Sonoko said vigilantly.

"You promised Yuzu that you would sing her a lullaby, is that Yuzu?"

"Yes~lullaby~" Yuzu is also very happy. She has experienced the ups and downs in the past at a young age, which made her particularly yearn for motherly love and fatherly love.

The obsession with something before, and the expectation of listening to the lullaby now are all manifestations of this kind of psychology.

Suzuki Sonoko said helplessly, "Well..."

Yuzu had been busy for a long time, and it was not in vain. After washing, she lay obediently on her little bed, looking at Suzuki Sonoko with piercing eyes.

Suzuki Sonoko cleared his throat, feeling that it was almost done, and then opened his mouth in a low voice.

[The canary bird on the tree is singing that lullaby.

Sleep baby, sleep baby, go to sleep, my sweet baby.

The fruit on the loquat tree is swinging on the cradle.

Sleep baby, sleep baby, go to sleep quickly, my good baby...]

Hanyu Qing'an had never heard this song before, and he didn't know what the original song was like, but seeing Sonoko singing a lullaby softly and putting Yuzu to sleep, he felt extremely peaceful, as if he himself Back to normal as a child.

Yuzu was still excited at first, but as the nerves relaxed, the tiredness and drowsiness of the day surged, and she quickly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Seeing that she was sleeping soundly, Suzuki Sonoko and Hanyu Kiyoan quietly left the room.

"That sentence is true." Hanyu Qingan sat on the sofa, feeling a little emotional.

Suzuki Sonoko sat on the other side, then put her feet on Hanyu Kiyoan's lap, "What?"

Hanyu Qing'an grabbed her ankles, kneaded and massaged them casually, and said, "It's different if there is a woman in the family, it will be much better than not having one."

Suzuki Sonoko kicked him restlessly, "Who is a woman now? I am still a serious girl."

"Yes, yes, I was wrong." Hanyu Kiyoan suddenly laughed, he didn't expect girls of all ages to care about this.

"However, the way you coaxed Yuzu to sleep just now is really maternity. With you here, I feel that the family is not so cold and hard."

The corners of Suzuki Sonoko's mouth could not be restrained, and his heart was sweet, "Really? I'm so good?"

Hanyu Qing'an nodded, "Well, it reminds me of my childhood. At that time, I often fell asleep to my mother's singing, and woke up to her singing in the morning. That was the most peaceful period in my life. It's time."

"After studying and working, when I was out alone, I often had difficulty falling asleep late at night, and was woken up by the harsh alarm clock in the morning. Every time I woke up, I felt that my heart was about to fail. That feeling was really uncomfortable."


Suzuki Sonoko produced a voice-over, with a face like you continued to make up, "So, you want me to sing to wake you up tomorrow morning?"

Hanyu Qingan nodded, seeing her expression, said helplessly: "Look at my eyes, do I seem to be making up nonsense?"

Sonoko Suzuki leaned closer and took a look.


"..." Hanyu Qing'an was helpless, sure enough, it's not good to make up stories if you get used to it, and when you tell the truth, no one will believe you.

He sighed, grabbed the restless foot in his arms with his left hand, made a fist with his right hand and protruded his knuckles, and pressed against the acupuncture points on the sole of the foot.


Suzuki Sonoko cried out in pain, tears were about to come out, "What are you doing?!"

Hanyu Qing'an said calmly: "Give me a massage, isn't that what I just said, you are tired all day, help you relax."

"I thought you were talking about that kind of massage." Suzuki Sonoko wanted to pull his foot out, but Hanyu Qingan didn't let go at all.

"What kind?" Hanyu Qing'an's subordinates kept moving, "That's what you told me just now."

"Ah, it's too bad, it hurts, you're necrotic, let go quickly." Suzuki Sonoko's white and tender toes curled up, only to feel the soreness go deep into the bottom of her heart, with numbness and itching, which was unbearable.

"If it hurts, you need to massage more, which means there is a problem here."

"you are bullying me!"

Suzuki Sonoko was bitter, but there was nothing he could do about Hanyu Qingan, so he could only ask for trouble, "Okay, okay, don't press it, can I promise you?"

Hanyu Qingan let go of his hand, "You're talking like I'm really bullying you. Massaging the soles of your feet is a very beneficial thing, but it turns out to be a threat."

Suzuki Sonoko hugged her feet and glared at him angrily, "Then I'll press it for you? See if you can bear it!"

Hanyu Qing'an nodded happily, "Okay, I'm fine."

"That's what you said!" The desire for revenge on Suzuki Sonoko's face was not concealed at all.

"Well, I said that."

2 minute later.


Hanyu Qingan felt his scalp tingling, this feeling was really sour, and he couldn't shout like Sonoko, so he could only grit his teeth and bear it.

With this forbearance, his brows were wrinkled, and his temples were bulging.

"Hmph, let you bully me." Seeing his reaction, Suzuki Sonoko was very satisfied, "Are you okay?"

Hanyu Qingan's eyelids twitched, "Okay, of course, you can continue, it's my honor for the lady to give me a massage, of course I have to enjoy it for a while."

Suzuki Sonoko curled her lips, seeing that his mouth was stiff, she increased her strength by two points.


Next door, Mao Lilan is also busy.

[Mao Lilan: Xinyi, you must come, you know?Otherwise, I won't let you go! 】

[Kudo Shinichi: Don't worry, it will be this time. 】

(End of this chapter)

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