Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 276 Edogawa Ranpo and Conan Doyle's Bastard Son

Chapter 276 Edogawa Ranpo and Conan Doyle's Bastard Son
"Ah, this weather... I really hate it!" Suzuki Sonoko looked out of the window, with a look of overcast clouds and dim light, with a disgusted expression on his face.

"Thanks to my careful dressing up, I can't even see the sun. The weather forecast is useless at all."

Hanyu Qingan sat by the bed and looked at the white dress she was wearing. The style was very plain and there were no fancy patterns.

But if you look closely, you can find that the neckline, cuffs and waist details are all embroidered with the same pattern, echoing up and down, and the embellishment is very appropriate.

Under the skirt is a pair of white and tender calves that dazzle the eyes, only a part is exposed, but it is more eye-catching than all of them.

"Okay, I'm done admiring it, now you're not dressed for nothing." Hanyu Kiyosuke raised his head to look at Suzuki Sonoko's face, and comforted him with a smile.

Suzuki Sonoko pouted, shaking her head and finally satisfied.

"There is a car when you go out, and you can go directly to the place. There is no delay in rainy days, and it is better to say that rainy days are better."

"How?" Suzuki Sonoko asked.

"Did you forget? When you first held an umbrella for me?" Hanyu Qingan grabbed Suzuki Sonoko's wrist, "That rainy day was the first time I fell in love with you."

When Suzuki Sonoko heard it, she immediately felt that it made sense, and she became very happy in her heart. However, a sudden thought made her feel that something was wrong, so she pulled out her hand in annoyance, thrusting her waist and blamed:

"You are heartless, you fell in love with me so late, it's my fault!"

"..." Qingan Hanyu was speechless for a moment, is this okay?

Seeing that the time to go out was delayed, fortunately, someone who was more anxious to go out broke in. Youzi woke up early today, dressed up obediently, and took two bites of lunch, just waiting for the evening meal. What about dinner?

"Are you all right?"

Yuzu looked impatient, and relieved Hanyu Qingan, he got up and patted Suzuki Sonoko's back, "Hurry up, stop making trouble, the little greedy cat is in a hurry."

Suzuki Sonoko gave him a sideways look, went to the cabinet to find out the bag that he was going to use when going out today, and then walked out with Yuzu.

When we got downstairs, a taxi was already waiting here. Today was overcast and cloudy, which was a suitable day for recruitment. Toru Amuro and others were relatively busy, so Hanyu Kiyosuke didn't add any tasks to them.

"Mr. Driver, please take us to Chinatown." After getting into the car, Sonoko Suzuki reported the destination.

Hearing the name Chinatown, Hanyu Kiyoan felt much more anticipation.

After driving for a long time, Hanyu Kiyoan didn't feel familiar at all when he saw the neon lights flashing in front of him and the antique buildings.

Where does this Chinese style come from?I'm afraid it's not cyberpunk style.

Especially when he saw a signboard at the entrance of the hotel, he was even more confused.

"Conan Doyle?" Suzuki Sonoko was also very surprised, "Why does Chinatown have such a foreign name?"

"Who knows, but this place is quite suitable for Conan to come..." Hanyu Qingan complained.

Suzuki Sonoko nodded and agreed: "That's right, it's strange to say that Conan's kid's name is also strange, it sounds like the illegitimate child of Conan Doyle and Edogawa Ranpo."

Hanyu Qing'an was startled, and looked at her in surprise, and he guessed it almost, "You still know Edogawa Ranpo?"

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly dissatisfied: "Am I an idiot who doesn't know anything in your eyes? Although I don't dare to be interested in these two people, but that guy Shinichi, who talks endlessly in front of me and Xiaolan every day, I don’t know if I don’t know.”

Hanyu Qing'an suddenly realized, yes, it seems that Kudo Shinichi is indeed very talkative when talking about reasoning.

But... the illegitimate child of two men...

Hanyu Qing'an said with a strange expression: " didn't see anything weird, did you? For example, Tanmei or something..."

Suzuki Sonoko was taken aback, "What is that?"

Hanyu Qingan shook his head, "It's okay, there's nothing, go in quickly, Yuzu can't wait."

A few people entered the restaurant. The interior decoration is indeed very Chinese. It is the ancient style popular among the older generation. The bright red color is like splashed ink, which is used everywhere.

It seemed that it was because of the rain that there were only two sporadic tables of guests in the huge hall. The three of Hanyu Qing'an were warmly received as soon as they entered.

The layout of the lobby on the first floor is open and there is no privacy. Hanyu Qingan chose a table by the window on the second floor, which is quiet and convenient for watching the rain scene.

"One serving of mapo tofu, and then some dishes that you are good at, with authentic taste." Qingan Hanyu didn't look at the menu they provided, and ordered it directly, and it was in Chinese.

The menus produced by this kind of restaurants are all for the Japanese to read. Maybe the names and dishes don’t match up, and the taste is even worse. It’s better to see what the chef is good at and what he does.

As soon as he heard it was in Chinese, the waiter immediately understood it, and after using Chinese to ensure that it was authentic, he went down.

"You can also speak Chinese?" Suzuki Sonoko looked curious.

Hanyu Qing'an said as a matter of course: "How can I not know Chinese when I study "Book of Changes"? I know a little grapefruit."

Hanyu Qing'an didn't force Yuzu to learn two languages. The child was still young, and when he was having fun, he only occasionally taught some Chinese vocabulary on things Yuzu was interested in.

Well, it’s all kinds of snacks.

"No, no, I mean, you seem to speak fluently, and your accent seems to be very authentic."

Suzuki Sonoko found it very strange. When we first met, this guy had a weird accent in Japanese, but now he speaks Chinese so fluently.

"You can't understand Chinese, so how do you know that my accent is authentic?" Hanyu Kiyosuke said casually, leaving Suzuki Sonoko speechless.

Because there were few customers, the meals were served one after another in a short while, and a large table was fully set up.

Dishes include Mapo Tofu, BJ Roast Duck, Kung Pao Chicken, Boiled Fish, Three Cup Chicken, etc. The main snacks include Xiaolongbao, dumplings, spring rolls, siu mai, fried rice, etc.

Hanyu Qingan looked at the size of the dishes, and the corner of his mouth twitched, this is not enough for three people to eat, this restaurant is really rude to fellow villagers.

Take two more bites with chopsticks, oh, this taste is really "authentic".

Hanyu Qing'an was about to shake his head, but he was quite happy to see that his mouth was full of oil from eating yuzu.

"Is it tasty?"

"Yeah..." Youzi couldn't find the time to answer, her face was puffed up like a hamster, her eyes were so full of food that her eyes were narrowed, and that kind of joy made people feel infected just by looking at it.

"What do you think?" Hanyu Kiyosuke asked Suzuki Sonoko again.

Suzuki Sonoko nodded, "It's not bad, I heard about this place before and said it's the most authentic one."

This is the most authentic...

Hanyu Kiyosuke had nothing to say at once, forget it, maybe it is right to adapt to local conditions, people in each country have different tastes, and adaptive improvements must be made.

(End of this chapter)

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