Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 283 Are You Richer Than Shijing's Family?

Chapter 283 Are You Richer Than The Yotsui Family?
Kawabata's expression changed immediately, and he explained: "Li Hua's death was just an accident, so it's impossible for someone to kill me because of an accident, right?"

Conan looked back at Hanyu Qingan, he felt like a fool, asked for a long time, analyzed for a long time, why didn't he think that he could check the news online first?

His mobile phone also has Internet access... In terms of technological trends, he lost to the elderly in their 20s...

By the way, last time the doctor said that he added a new function to his mobile phone, but he hasn't used it yet, and he doesn't know what it is, so he almost forgot.

Conan put away that bit of frustration, regained his confidence, and reminded Kawabata aloud:

"Uncle Kawabata, you are only temporarily resurrected now, and you will return to the previous state of death tomorrow morning. At this time, it is meaningless to hide it? Isn't it more important to find the murderer?"

Everyone present had different expressions when they heard this statement. Most of them felt that it was easier to accept it. If the resurrection was really that simple, the world would be in chaos.

"What? Still dying?" Kawabata panicked again, and looked at Police Officer Yokomizo as if asking for help. Seeing that the other party was also at a loss, he turned to look at Hanyu Kiyoan.

Seeing that the drama of survival was about to be staged again, Hanyu Qingan spoke first, and said concisely: "Life and death are fate, manpower is limited, and God's will is inevitable, so there is no need to say more."

"..." Kawabata just opened his mouth, and before he could say a word, he was blocked back.

Although Hanyu Qingan refused happily, but how could the producer Kawabata give up so easily, he turned over and knelt down, begging: "As long as you can survive, you can have whatever you want..."

"Are you richer than the Mitsui Zaibatsu?" Hanyu Qingan interrupted him again.

Kawabata was taken aback, only to hear Hanyu Qing'an continue, "When the only daughter of the Shii family left, her father begged me in the same way, and my answer was still the same sentence, which is beyond human power."

"Any question?"

Kawabata hesitated to speak, his mouth opened and closed, unable to speak, he was just a small film producer, he was not worthy to carry shoes for the helm of the Shii Zaibatsu, and his daughter could not be saved after death, and he relied on What?
The prime minister is bald, so those who claim to cure hair loss are mostly liars, and the prime minister is nearsighted, so the method of treating myopia may have hidden dangers.

Most ordinary people understand this truth.

Seeing him calm down, Conan asked again: "The matter is already like this, is it more important to catch the criminal?"

Kawabata raised his head and glanced at this strange child, then at Hanyu Kiyosuke and police officer Yokomizo, and felt that this was true.

Anyway, he is dead, who can do anything to him?
Heartbroken, he recklessly said what he tried to cover up before, gritted his teeth and said:

"Lihua's matter is really nothing. I didn't intentionally harm her. I just helped her fulfill her wish. She also hopes that all the scenes will be shot by herself."


"You don't need a substitute, and you acted in the finale scene yourself. You encouraged her?!"

Both the screenwriter and the assistant supervisor couldn't help exclaiming, but only Supervisor Isozami clenched his fists and said nothing.

Kei Kawabata sat on the ground and argued: "This is her wish, why should I stop it?"

Supervisor Jishang couldn't bear it anymore, and roared angrily: "She is a newcomer, how could she act in such a dangerous scene, you are murder!!!"

Kawabata was taken aback, and suddenly thought of something, he pointed at Isozami with trembling fingers, "You, you, you really didn't kill me because of this, did you?"

Supervisor Jishang really couldn't bear it anymore, and didn't want to hide it anymore, "That's right! When you were at the film celebration party, when Lihua's bones were still cold, and when you said those words with a smile, I decided to kill you. the guy!"

Kawabata was taken aback by his yelling, and just murmured brokenly, "Unreasonable, unreasonable, what good will it do you to kill me, and I didn't force Lihua to do anything. How long have you known her ? For a small actor, as for?"

Supervisor Isogami calmed down a bit after shouting, thinking that Kawabata was still going to die, his face was not so ugly, and he didn't even bother to pay attention to Kawabata's disgusting remarks.

He took out a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket, lit one, took a puff, and exhaled a puff of smoke. The tough face wearing sunglasses showed an indescribable calmness.

"I never thought that I would fall in love with her like this after watching Li Hua in the camera for several months."

Kawabata opened his mouth wide. He never expected that a casual sentence from a young actor would lead to his death today.

"Unreasonable, unreasonable..."

Police officer Henggou had already lost his face towards the deceased, so he recruited the police to restrain the deceased first, and then asked Isakami about the murder.

Isogami told the story of his murder without reservation. It turned out that Kawabata had two dishes that he didn't like very much, the kind that he couldn't even smell.

Today, these two dishes were placed next to each other on the table, and he deliberately placed these two dishes against the edge of the turntable.

While he was going to the bathroom, he poured cyanide on his towel and smeared it under the turntables of the two dishes that Kawabata hated.

Next, as long as those two dishes were deliberately turned in front of Kawabata during the meal, Kawabata would have to put his hand against the poison-smeared turntable and turn the two dishes away from his face.

In this way, the poison got onto Kawabata's hands, and when the roast duck came up, he needed to eat it with his hands, and Kawabata would die immediately.

After Hanyu Qingan heard about this modus operandi, his first reaction was to tell Yuzu well after returning home, and tell her about the dangers of not paying attention to hygiene.

Before eating with your hands, you must wash your hands, a bloody lesson.

Shaking his head, Hanyu Kiyoan planned to go upstairs and tell Sonoko and Yuzu to leave, since the case was over anyway.

Police officer Henggou hurriedly stopped him when he saw this, "Mr. Hanyu, what will happen to the dead... who was just revived? What should I do? Or do I need to use some spells?"

Hanyu Qing'an waved his hand, "No, everything will return to its original state under the sunshine of the sun."

Officer Henggou looked at the rain that was still falling outside, and said in a daze, "What if there is no sun tomorrow?"

"..." Hanyu Qingan became numb, "After the magic hour in the morning, it will return to its original state. It is only easy to understand when it is described as sunshine."

Just as Police Officer Henggou was about to ask further questions, Conan added from the sidelines: "The time of sunrise in the morning is the time of sunrise. It is only related to the time, and has nothing to do with whether there is sunshine or not."

"Oh, so it's like this..." Officer Henggou nodded suddenly.

Mori Kogoro punched Conan on the head, "As far as you know, talk too much."

Conan covered his head, glanced at him angrily, and held back.

 Dizziness and nausea, I can only consume the saved manuscript, it may be pushed up later this month, the editor requested a burst of updates, I wanted to save it for use at that time, heartache T^T
  Last night I just dreamed that I became a close contact person, and then I asked for leave, but today I feel uncomfortable...

(End of this chapter)

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