Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 284 5 Steps to Laugh

Chapter 284
"How about it, Xiao Lan, are you not dizzy this time?"

Downstairs in the detective agency, Mori Kogoro blocked the car door, helped Mao Lilan get out of the car, and asked with concern.

Mao Lilan smiled, "It's okay, it should have been caused by reading in the car before."

Mori Kogoro snorted, "It's good that you know it, you have to remember it next time, and learn from it."

"Xiao Lan, if you're not in a hurry, do me a favor first?" Hanyu Qing'an got out of the car with Yuzu in his arms, and asked Mao Lilan.

"Huh? No hurry, what do you want me to do?" Mao Lilan turned around and asked curiously.

"It's still the same as before, it's just a talisman." Hanyu Qing'an replied.

"That's no problem at all." Mao Lilan said happily, she was still very happy to be able to help, "Then Dad, you and Conan go home first, I will go back in a while."

"I'm going too~" Conan hugged Mao Lilan's thigh and said coquettishly.

Kogoro Maoli was about to roll up his sleeves and go forward to drag him away, but Mao Lilan stopped him and said, "He can go if he wants to, it's next door, and he's not running around."

"One or two are disobedient." Although Kogoro Mouri was dissatisfied, he endured it and went upstairs resentfully.

When the group arrived at Hanyu's house, Suzuki Sonoko took Yuzu to wash up first. This time, Yuzu was no longer reluctant. On the way, Hanyu Qingan took today's case as an example, and the child immediately became obedient.

With this appearance, Suzuki Sonoko was immediately annoyed. When she was teaching, she would go in her left ear and out of her right ear. Hanyu Kiyoan taught so quickly, and the difference in treatment was too obvious.

However, when she saw Yuzu's blinking eyes, she immediately softened her heart. Thinking of what Yuzi said before, she thought it might just be that the child likes to cling to her.

"What are you going to draw this time? What kind of big monster are you going to summon? Or a certain god?" Mao Lilan sat on the sofa in the living room and asked with some expectation.

Hanyu Kiyosuke put the juice that had just been taken out of the refrigerator on the table, and Conan picked it up bluntly and drank it.

"Draw a bun, the kind of bun you ate today, it shouldn't be difficult to draw, right?"

"Baozi?" Mao Lilan froze for a moment, then shook her head quickly, "It's not difficult, but why is Baozi? What kind of shikigami is Baozi..."

"Yan Mo."

"Why?" Mao Lilan was even more puzzled, and Conan couldn't figure it out.

Not to mention the two of them, Hanyu Qing'an was also a little puzzled, there were so many dishes on the table, why was the token just steamed stuffed buns?Random?

Fortunately, it was steamed buns. If the token was steamed buns, it would probably be the token of Shikigami Hungry Ghost.

What can R-rank Shikigami Hungry be used for?Is it embarrassing to take hard steamed buns?

If the token is a fish, then it might be a carp spirit, of course it might be Umibozu who is good at stabbing salted fish, and there is also a probability that it is the Lord of Arakawa...

In short, in today's case, there are many possibilities for tokens, a large table of dishes, anything can become a token.

"Yan Mo has a skill that can turn people into buns." Hanyu Qing'an explained.

"Turning into a bun?" Mao Lilan opened her mouth wide, "It's amazing... But, do you still have thoughts when you become a bun? If so, will you be sad if you can't see or hear? What if you eat it?"

Conan also widened his eyes, looking at Hanyu Kiyoan curiously.

Qing'an Hanyu looked back at him, and said with a smile: "I don't know, why don't you give it a try, Conan? Anyway, as soon as tomorrow's encounter with the devil, this transformation state will be lifted. Then you can tell me and you Xiaolan Sister, what kind of experience is it to become a bun?"

Conan's face turned black immediately, "I don't want it..."

Hanyu Qing'an laughed again: "You can also try again tomorrow morning, when it is a few minutes before the time of encountering the devil, so no matter what happens, it won't take too long."

Conan's heart fluttered for a while, this kind of thing, it sounds seems...very interesting?But think about it or forget it, if it doesn't change back, it will be ruined.

Changing from Kudo Shinichi to Conan, he can still wait for him to grow up. In the future, he will have the opportunity to be with Xiaolan and become Baozi... He really can't imagine that Xiaolan will marry a Baozi...

Seeing Conan's tangled face, Mao Lilan smiled and patted his head, "Hanyu-kun was joking with you, do you take it seriously?"

Conan lowered his head after being touched, hehe secretly, this is not necessarily a joke.

"Okay, let me draw the talisman first." Mao Lilan picked up the pen, recalled the appearance of the buns he saw today, first tried to draw on the paper, and drew a few times. Draw on the charm handed to her.

Hanyu Qingan picked up the drawn spell, transformed into an onmyoji, and summoned Enma.

Soon, a woman dressed luxuriously, leaning lazily on the clouds, holding a cigarette stick, and slender and clean thighs, appeared in front of everyone.

"Let's go to the underworld with my concubine~"

The line was a bit creepy, but everyone present was used to it, and no one took it seriously, but Conan subconsciously looked at Yan Mo's long bare legs, and thought to himself, Uncle Maori must like this.

He looked at Hanyu Qingan again, Shikigami has such long legs, this is not a serious person.

Hanyu Qingan noticed Conan's eyes, glanced at him, and then continued to think about his own affairs, almost forgot that Yan Mo, like Aoyuki Deng, can float, and now there is one more shikigami who can fly.

Yukino, Qingxingdeng, Daitengu, Vampire Princess, and Enma, there are a total of five flying physical shikigami, and it is enough to carry the sedan chair.

Throwing out the token casually, the bun sank straight into Yan Mo's body, and his body solidified instantly.

"What are you guys talking about? What buns? This little guy has always wanted to wash up and run outside." Suzuki Sonoko was dragged by Yuzu and ran out of the bathroom.

"What's the matter? Didn't eat enough for the night? Still so greedy?" Hanyu Qingan put away the shikigami, changed back to his usual appearance, pinched Yuzu's little face, causing the little guy to giggle.

"Don't pinch her face all the time. I heard that children pinch their faces too much and tend to drool." Suzuki Sonoko slapped his hands off and said angrily.

"Yuanzi is really becoming more and more like... an adult."

When Mao Lilan paused, Suzuki Sonoko could make up a lot of things he wanted to say but didn't say directly, such as little daughter-in-law, bride, etc., and immediately raised his eyebrows in embarrassment.

"Aren't you the same? Taking Conan this kid every day is better than me?" Suzuki Sonoko fought back against Conan, but found that Conan disappeared after just two sentences.

"Where did this kid go?"

Mao Lilan looked at the empty glass left on the table, and said tiredly: "I didn't pay attention, but it should be the toilet. I drank all the juice in the glass, and it was just taken out of the refrigerator. It's strange if I don't go to the toilet. "

When Yuzu heard the juice, she immediately looked straight at the untouched cup in front of Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko quickly covered her eyes.

"It's time to go to bed after washing up, don't drink, be obedient."

"Oh..." Yuzu pouted and agreed, and was led to the room by Suzuki Sonoko.


"Okay, okay, I know, keep your voice down, don't let the outside hear."

The movement in the room immediately attracted Mao Lilan's attention, his eyes flashed brightly, and he looked at Hanyu Qing'an with a consulting gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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