Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 285 Hanyu: Kudo, Not a Good Man

Chapter 285 Hanyu: Kudo, Not a Good Man

Suzuki Sonoko sang a lullaby for a long time, and finally put Yuzu to sleep. As soon as he stepped out of the room, he met Mao Lilan's strange eyes, and was shocked.

"What are you doing, standing here and scaring me!" Suzuki Sonoko scolded.

With a smile, Mao Lilan looked at her strangely, making her hairy.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Suzuki Sonoko rubbed his arms, feeling very uncomfortable.

"The two of us have known each other for so many years. Before, I was thinking that I couldn't imagine what you would look like as a mother in the future. I didn't expect that you will look like this after a while~"

Suzuki Sonoko, who was teased, blushed back and said, "It's easy for you to imagine that you have always been a good wife and mother. It's really cheap for Shinichi."

"By the way, is he really coming back? If we meet on Sunday, shouldn't he be home today?"

Mao Lilan said in a secretive way: "He said that he will definitely arrive at that time, but he didn't say where he is now."

Suzuki Sonoko suggested: "You can go to his house and have a look, maybe he's home now."

Mao Lilan's heart was moved immediately, but wasn't that a bit too proactive... If it was before he really realized his intentions and started dating online, then it's okay.

Now...but a little timid.

Suzuki Sonoko hugged her arm, winking, Mao Lilan quickly changed the topic, "Sonoko, when I was dizzy today, I was on the second floor of the hotel looking at the rain scene outside, and suddenly some images seemed to flash in my mind .”

"But when I think about it carefully, I can't think of anything, and then I get more and more headaches."

"What picture?" Suzuki Sonoko asked curiously.

Mao Lilan frowned and shook her head, "After Hanyu-kun cured me, that feeling disappeared. I just remembered a figure standing in an alley in the rain. It seemed to be a man..."

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes widened suddenly, "Xiao you have anything other than Shinichi..."

Mao Lilan covered her mouth, "Don't talk nonsense, I don't know that person, it seems that I have met him once, judging from the surrounding environment of that picture, it seems... like Xinyi and I went to New York what happened when the

Suzuki Sonoko blinked blankly, "Then you should go back and see Shinichi, and ask him."

"Well, that's right." Mao Lilan smiled and stopped thinking about those distressing things.


"Really don't you want to give it a try?"

In the study, Hanyu Qingan stood by the window and asked Conan.

Conan shook his head, "No, it must feel terrible to be a bun."

Hanyu Qing'an finished laughing, and said again: "I heard from Sonoko that on Sunday, the high school detective Kudo Shinichi who has never met before is coming back and going on a date with Xiao Ran?"

Conan was surprised, "How did you know? No, how did Sister Sonoko know?"

"It seems that Kudo Shinichi is really coming back this time." Hanyu Qingan stared at him and said meaningfully.

Conan's teeth were itchy for a while. This person seemed to know everything, but he always couldn't speak clearly. He was covered in clouds and mist, which made people feel lucky, thinking that he didn't know, which made it hard for him to speak out.

Conan said vaguely, "Brother Shinichi did say he would come back."

"Then do you want to go together?" Hanyu Qingan asked with a smile, "I remember you are very clingy to your sister Xiaolan, she is going on a date with a man, why don't you go and watch?"

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched, Kudo Shinichi appeared, how would he go, and...

and many more!

It seems that there is something wrong, Conan's teeth are sour for a while, when Xiaolan thinks about Shinichi, he always feels weird in his heart, it seems, it seems, he is really jealous of himself...


Conan raised his head to meet Hanyu Qingan's meaningful eyes, and immediately understood that he was not reminding himself of being jealous, but asking himself whether he should tell Xiaolan the truth!
Really, you can't talk properly!Don't play charades!
"This..." Conan scratched his head for a while, "I'd better not bother you, brother Shinichi finally came back once, I don't know when the next time will be..."

Hanyu Qing'an knew it, he didn't want to say it yet, he shook his head, and said: "This is not a good choice, Kudo Shinichi, although he has never met, but he has never appeared, just hang Xiaolan like this, It's a bit..."

Hanyu Qing'an didn't continue, Conan naturally understood what it meant, he opened his mouth, hesitant to speak.

Hanyu Qingan rubbed his dog's head and said with a smile: "Okay, this is Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan's own business, they should make their own decisions, and no one else can do it for them, so don't think too much about it."

Conan suddenly became bitter, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"By the way, Conan, you've been studying with Detective Mori for so long, I'm here to test you..." Kiyoan Hanyu suddenly changed the subject and diverted Conan's attention.

"Today's case, if the dead cannot be resurrected, how should the case be solved?"

Mentioning this, Conan became a little more energetic. After thinking for a while, he said to himself: "If we don't use the cheating method of resurrection, then the clues we can get should be..."

"The towels stained with cyanide on the dining table, the container in the bathroom where cyanide was stored, and the possibility of knowing the likes and dislikes of the deceased from the three suspects are the two dishes that he hated."

"In addition, there is a certain possibility to learn about the abnormal rotation of the table turntable during the meal, and about the deceased actress."

"If you don't have these, as long as you carefully inspect the scene, you can also find traces of cyanide contamination under the turntable."

"In this way, if we want to solve the case, we can first investigate who went to the bathroom during the meal, and then combined with the details of the suspect's expression and demeanor, we should be able to roughly determine who it is, and the method is not difficult to guess."

Hanyu Qing'an listened with great interest, and then asked: "Then what if the murderer cannot be confessed through this method?"

Conan scratched his head, "Then we can only force the prisoner to expose himself."

"for example?"

"You can pretend to simulate the incident, then deliberately contaminate your hands with cyanide under the turntable, and then ask the waiter to serve a basket of buns and eat them with your bare hands. If the prisoner utters a voice to stop it, it will be easy."

"If it still doesn't work, then it's not difficult to think of other ways to force him to show his feet."

After Conan finished speaking, Hanyu Kiyoan had a strange expression on his face.

"Why buns?"

Conan froze for a moment, then spread his hands, "Whatever you say, I was discussing buns just now, so I'll use them as an example."

Hanyu Qing'an was even more entangled, which came first, the chicken or the egg?What should it be like?Is Conan exposing the prisoner with buns?
But now it is obvious that Conan thought of using buns because of the appearance of steamed stuffed bun tokens and talking about steamed stuffed buns...

 Thank you for your concern~
(End of this chapter)

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