Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 286 Recruitment, the experimental subject delivered to the door

Chapter 286 Recruitment, the experimental subject delivered to the door

"President, the recruitment work has been completed, a total of 63 people have passed the test, and now we are waiting for you to do the final assessment."

In the funeral home, Toru Amuro held a folder and reported solemnly that the recent busy work has finally come to an end, but there will be more busy work ahead.

Although it is said that the shrine is under the management of Miyano Akemi, the opening of the shrine has been handed over to him before, and he has to preside over the preparations.

The people Belmode asked him to arrange accounted for the majority of the 63 people, which made him even more puzzled.

What the hell is going on, the organization is nothing more than that?All the personnel were dispatched to the funeral home?

Belmode did say before that the people who will be sent in are suspicious people, but this too much, can't they all be undercover agents?

However, Belmode only said that the task was arranged by Rum, and did not explain much. Amuro Toru could only guess something from Belmode's face.

The organization seems to be planning something...

Is it normal to self-clean?Or do you plan to throw out the bait and dive deep with the tail docked against the backdrop of the presence of extraordinary power?It can't be running away, right?

In addition, Belmode seemed to be worried about something, and even the information about God's Domain he handed in only surprised her for a while.

On the contrary, when mentioning Yu Nu's healing ability, Belmode's expression changed obviously, but he didn't say much, he just asked how many people knew about it.

When Toru Amuro was distracted, Kiyoan Hanyu stood up and interrupted him, "Let's go, it's time to deal with these matters."

Hanyu Qingan left with Toru Amuro, Sonoko took Yuzu out shopping with Xiaolan today, he had nothing to do by himself, just finished the backlog of work.

Toru Amuro drove Hanyu Kiyoan in a car, and arrived at the new office building in a short time. This place is just between the funeral home and the dock warehouse, which is very convenient.

Entering the office building, the first thing you see is waiting here. The black crowd, all wearing black suits, fits the temperament of a funeral home.

Hanyu Qingan nodded with a smile on his face, led the way by Toru Amuro, went up to the fourth floor, and entered the president's office that was prepared.

"The layout is good. I rarely come here. From now on, this office will be yours." Thinking of the sign of the president's office on the door, Hanyu Kiyoan's eyelids twitched, can it be good to stay here?
It's really useless for him to have a system if there is such a weird accident that the god of death is coming.

"..." Toru Amuro was speechless, but he didn't think much about it, he just took him as a joke, after all, he is the president in his daily state, and his temperament is more casual.

"Okay, let's get down to business first. Go and ask them to come up one by one. If there are 63 people, a group of nine will be fine. All female employees will be arranged at the back."

Hanyu Kiyoan casually said an auspicious number, Toru Amuro nodded, and went down to make arrangements.

Taking advantage of his free time, Hanyu Qingan first changed into the clothes of an onmyoji, flipped through the resumes of the employees, and found out the federal person mentioned by Toru Amuro.

"Judy St. Timillion..."

Seeing the able-bodied woman with short hair and eyes in the photo, Hanyu Qingan recalled it carefully in his mind, but he couldn't find any memory.

After a while, the door rang, Hanyu Kiyosuke answered, and Toru Amuro came in with nine employees.

Looking at the employees with different appearances and even different hair colors, Hanyu Qing'an looked a little weird. Is my funeral company going to be internationalized?
What country are these people from?Came here for a UN meeting?

Toru Amuro seemed to have seen through his thoughts, and took the initiative to step forward, very neatly extracted the resumes of the nine employees in front of him, and placed them in front of Hanyu Kiyoan.

Hanyu Qingan took a glance, Canadian, German, Russian, British, Japanese... quite complete.

Slightly nodding his head, Hanyu Qingan tapped the folding fan lightly in his palm, and silently recited the spell of [Amulet·Destroyer].

Nothing happened.

Hanyu Qing'an didn't say anything more to them, but asked Toru Amuro: "Have you explained everything about the salary and work content to them?"

Speaking of this, Toru Amuro couldn't help but blush slightly for Hanyu Qingan, but fortunately his face couldn't tell, "I explained everything clearly, and they didn't have any objections, President."

"Well, let's go through the entry procedures for them and bring the next batch up."

"Yes." Toru Amuro responded, and led the people down to make arrangements.

The next few batches were processed in this way without any disturbance, until the penultimate batch, an employee who was interviewed had a spell.

"This one stays, the others go out first." Hanyu Qing'an raised his eyebrows and said lightly.

Seeing that this guy who was hostile to the president was going to make a move, Toru Amuro quickly stood up, stood in front of Kiyoan Hanyu, clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, and said:
"Others can go down to go through the entry procedures first, there are still many people behind, please save time."

The other eight people looked at each other in blank dismay, and then left obediently, leaving only one man with brown hair, who looked at the wolf with eagle eyes, and looked very rebellious.

Toru Amuro squinted his eyes, looking at the guy that Belmode pushed in, feeling a little tired. How could such a restless person be arranged in?
Logically speaking, the suspicious personnel in the organization shouldn't be so ostentatious. The undercover is so rampant, is it because they don't die fast enough?

The rebellious man who was stared at by Toru Amuro, code-named Ireland in the organization, the reason for his hostility to Hanyu Seian die.

Of course, apart from hating Hanyu Seian, he also hated Gin who actually killed Pisco, and Belmode who was in charge of that mission.

He learned of Pisco's death when he came back from abroad, and the members of the organization died as soon as they died, so naturally there were no remains.

All that can be learned from Belmode's mouth is that Pisco, feeling guilty for failing in the organization's most important task at present, took the initiative to atone for his sins and dedicated himself to the organization.

Naturally, no one believed this, and it was almost as good as being dedicated.

But as a member of the organization, the mission is the first, and it is the order of the BOSS, so Ireland can't explode in public.

Therefore, he wants to see first what kind of mission is worthy of the sacrifice of a veteran member like Pisco, and then find an opportunity to settle accounts with Belmode and Gin!
Belmode refused at first, but after learning about it, Rum gave an order and agreed to let him follow, but no one reminded him that when performing the task, he should hide his hostility towards Hanyu Qingan .

Hanyu Qingan waved his hand casually, a portal appeared, Ireland was stunned for a moment, at this gate, Hanyu Qingan had already activated [Word Spirit Bind] silently, binding him.

Ireland frowned suddenly, the information he got from the organization was extremely limited, he didn't know what the spell on his body meant, and he didn't intend to do it at all.

Unexpectedly, the other party did not say a word, so he did it first!

After being bound by iron chains, he immediately began to struggle, but he couldn't break free. This mission is a long-term mission. During the interview and follow-up work, he is usually not allowed to carry guns and ammunition, so as not to be discovered by Hanyu Qingan.

So even though his hands still had some room to move, there was no better way to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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