Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 287 Huskies in the Wolves

Chapter 287 Huskies in the Wolves

"Amuro, tie them up, cut off the iron locks, and send them to God's Domain." Hanyu Kiyoan looked at Ireland not only without hostility, but also a little pleasantly surprised. Isn't this the experimental subject that just happened to be sent to the door?

After a while, you can ask him what it feels like to become a steamed stuffed bun.

Before Ireland could say anything, Amuro quickly took a rag that was recently used for cleaning and stuffed it into his mouth to prevent him from saying something he shouldn't say.

Although Toru Amuro's identity has not been told to Ireland, it is difficult to guarantee that he will say other things, such as the matter about Kenzo Masuyama, and it will be even more difficult to control the development direction of the incident at that time.

After Toru Amuro took care of Ireland and threw it into the courtyard, Kiyoan Hanyu closed the portal and continued the recruitment work as if nothing had happened.

It was the turn of the penultimate batch of interviewing employees. This time, eight female employees and one male employee came up. After Hanyu Qingan verified it with [Charm·Destroyer], he said:
"Female employees stay, and male employees can go through the entry procedures first."

The only male employee froze for a moment, and glanced at Hanyu Kiyoan with a strange gaze, why...different treatment?Or workplace unspoken rules?
But looking at the indifferent look on this rumored Onmyoji, he doesn't look like that kind of person...

The male employee left suspiciously, and the last group of nine female employees followed.

After testing the last batch of interviewers, Hanyu Qingan looked at the seventeen female applicants and asked:

"In addition to this funeral home, I also have another shrine. I need some witches over there. I wonder if you are willing to accept this job?"

"I have a question, President!"

Hanyu Qing'an looked at this somewhat immature voice, and saw a small girl who was mixed in the crowd, obviously shorter than the people around her, raising her hands high, standing on tiptoe, and asking questions seriously.

"Please say."

Hanyu Qing'an is a bit strange, what force sent this in, he looks young, he just entered junior high school, is he already so curly now?The high school student who was good at saving the world is getting old?

Seeing Hanyu Qing'an's cold demeanor and the sight pressure from the surrounding high altitude, the girl shrank her neck, lowered her voice, and asked cautiously:

"Well, Hello President, my name is Tomoko Hirasawa, that... that is... if you go to the shrine to become a shrine maiden, will you be free of food and shelter?"

Hanyu Qing'an was taken aback by her question, considering that there are so many rooms in the shrine vacant, and the location is a little far from the city center, it is indeed reasonable to include food and lodging.

"Yes, the location over there is a bit remote, and the shrine is responsible for the food and lodging, even if it is the New Year's holiday, you can eat and live there."

"Great, I am very grateful to the president for giving me this job, the president is really a good person!"

Tomoko Hirasawa was overjoyed immediately, the smile on her face couldn't be suppressed at all, she bowed deeply to Kiyoan Hanyu, and the ponytail on the back of her head was thrown to her forehead.

"???" With a question mark on his forehead, Hanyu Kiyosuke turned his head to look at Toru Amuro, but Toru Amuro also looked confused.

However, neither of them let down their vigilance. Everyone has their own style of acting, and there are also hidden people who like to disguise. This height and appearance are more likely to confuse others.

Maybe he's a ruthless guy.

"Does anyone have any other questions? If you have no doubts about this job and the salary agreed in advance, then I will arrange for you to be witches."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw one of the blond women wearing glasses speaking in unproficient Japanese with a smile:
"I'm very happy. The work of a witch sounds very mysterious. It sounds more interesting than a funeral house. I think it should be a pleasant working experience."

As soon as she opened her mouth, the other people also responded one after another, each responding with their own rhetoric.

Hanyu Qingan looked at her, "Your name is Judy St. Timillion, right? I have an impression of your resume."

"Mr. President, just call me Judy." Judy smiled, and then asked a question, "Mr. President, don't you know that if you are a shrine maiden, you have to stay there all the time and you can't leave?"

She scratched her head embarrassingly, and explained: "I am very interested in Japanese video games. I have been here many times. If I want to stay in the shrine, I can't leave during the break. My game addiction Might be committing a crime."

Hanyu Qingan looked at her exaggerated performance, and pondered in his heart, so many applicants came from the Federation alone, if you really only asked this question because you wanted to play video games, and not for other purposes, then it would be meaningful What about ghosts?

"Of course not. The shrine maiden is just a job, and naturally she also has vacations. The specific working hours and content arrangements, someone will tell you later, as long as it is not working hours, you are free to go out."

Judy clasped her hands together and said happily: "That's really great, Mr. President is indeed a very good person."

"..." After being issued two good person cards in a row, Hanyu Qingan was a little speechless, and couldn't help but start to think whether he hadn't squeezed these tool people hard enough.

"Since you have no problems, follow me to the shrine now."

Speaking of Hanyu Qingan waving his hand to open the portal again, everyone was stunned, even Toru Amuro was a little surprised, he didn't know that the president planned to do this.

"You should have heard some rumors about funeral shrines, so there's no need to be surprised. The shrine that requires you to be shrine maidens is the Hanyu Shrine that the Metropolitan Police Department mentioned last at the press conference."

While explaining in a leisurely manner, Hanyu Qingan paid attention to the expressions of the employees present, and soon he found that besides the expected solemn, shocked, thoughtful, calm and other reactions on the faces of these employees, there was also a daze.

Well, it was Tomoko Hirasawa, she was really at a loss, she had never seen any press conference at all, and no one told her about these things.

She is just a country girl who yearns for the big city, but because of an unhappiness with her mother, she ran to Tokyo to work in a fit of anger.

When I first arrived here, I was very confused in the crowd. After looking for a job for a few days, I realized that my education didn't seem to be able to do much except hourly work, but this was far from her fantasy before coming here. She thought she could become What about urban white-collar beauties?

In the end, Tomoko Hirasawa, who was unwilling to settle down as a temporary worker, not only failed to find a suitable job, but also almost ran out of money...

God bless, just when she was about to bow her head to reality, when she got lost in the intricate alleys by chance, she suddenly found the recruitment flyer of the funeral agency on the ground. !
And the above also said that although the starting salary of the internship period is only [-] yen, as long as you become a regular employee, your salary will increase significantly.

If the work is serious, there will be a lot of room for improvement in the future, and it is possible to be promoted to a department supervisor or even a manager.

Candidates with a little bit of experience, or even those who only need a normal head, will feel unreliable and mostly deceptive when they see such vague statements.

What's more, the leaflets are so badly made, the font size is not uniform, and the paper quality is rough, it is extremely perfunctory.

However, Tomoko Hirasawa didn't understand this at all. When she saw the words "full-time employee", she decided to apply for the job with great interest. As for what kind of job she would do, it didn't matter. Anyway, as long as she worked hard, she would definitely become a successful person no matter where she was. !

For this reason, she spent the remaining money to buy a black suit required by the application.

(End of this chapter)

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