Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 290 Mai Kuraki? !

Chapter 290 Mai Kuraki? !
Hanyu Qingan left the room, found Toru Amuro who was observing the buns in the courtyard, and ordered:
"The shrine is short of manpower. We need to hire more temporary workers to help when we open the shrine, or borrow the manpower from the Suzuki Foundation to get through this period of time first, and then hand it over to the little paper figurines."

"President, don't worry, I've prepared all these things." Naturally, Toru Amuro couldn't wait for Hanyu Qingan to remember these chores, he and Kazami Yuya had already made sufficient preparations.

"By the way, President, there is something that needs to delay your time."


"Chairman Suzuki said before that he wanted to order a statue for your Shikigami, and needed some photos for reference, so..."

Qingan Hanyu suddenly understood, nodded, "I understand, when will it start?"

Amuro took out a camera from his pocket, "If you don't mind, it's best to finish it today."

"..." Hanyu Qing'an looked at the camera in his hand, it was prepared a long time ago, as if he was afraid that he would run away.

Without saying anything, Hanyu Qingan went to the restaurant to get some sushi and tea, sat at the stone table under the cherry blossom tree, and began to do the mechanical work of summoning shikigami boredly.

He summoned one, and Toru Amuro took a photo around the shikigami.

No, what time am I wasting here...

After Hanyu Qing'an summoned two or three times, he reacted. He casually grabbed the little paper man who was sweeping the cherry blossoms, and then handed over this difficult task to it.

Summon all the shikigami in one breath, and then let them obey the orders of the little paper figurine, and the little paper figurine cooperates with Toru Amuro, so that he has nothing to do with himself.

"Amuro, take your time here, I'll take care of other things first, you can use the sushi and tea on the table as you like."

After Hanyu Qingan threw the stall to Toru Amuro and the little paper figurine, he went home alone.

Toru Amuro:  …

When I got home, Hanyu Qingan remembered that there was no one at home today, Suzuki Sonoko and Yuzu went shopping with Mourilan, Hanyu Qingan had nothing to do, he was full of sushi just now, so he just took a nap.

I fell asleep until it was dark...


"No matter how
can convey it to you
Since then
I don't know how many seasons have passed

And you always smile by my side

i have one more thing
didn't tell you


A gentle yet somewhat familiar singing sounded slowly in his ears, and echoed in his mind. Hanyu Qingan frowned slightly in his deep sleep, feeling a little itchy in his ears.

"Secret of my heart
do not doubt

Whenever there is a little bit of the future
should be able to grasp the truth

Hearing this, Hanyu Qingan was shocked, opened his eyes suddenly, turned over and sat up, his heart beat violently.

"What, what's the matter? Did it scare you?" Suzuki Sonoko asked carefully, "Didn't you tell me to sing to wake you up?"

Hanyu Qing'an wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hands, and it took him a long time to come to his senses. He had heard this song in his previous life, and because the rhythm was pleasant, he had saved it on his phone for a while, so he was familiar with it.

Hearing this suddenly in his sleep, he almost thought that he had gone back again. He was both happy to go home and disappointed to leave here. His mood was complicated and unspeakable.

He sighed, pulled Yuanzi onto the bed, hugged him in his arms, and asked, "Is this song... a new release? Why haven't I heard it?"

Sonoko Suzuki rested her head on his chest, listened to the strong heartbeat, and replied: "It hasn't been released yet, I asked someone to get the internal audition tape of Mai Kuraki, and then I took it back and learned it secretly."

"Mai Kuraki?" Kiyoan Hanyu frowned suddenly, the name sounds familiar, it seems that there was this singer in the previous life, right?Is it also in the world of Conan?
Suzuki Sonoko didn't notice his expression, and explained embarrassingly, "I'm going to sing a song you've heard, it's too different from the original song, you must be laughing at me, so I found a song that hasn't been released yet. "


To this day, Hanyu Qingan still cannot take this unintentional Versailles behavior as normal. Is this the brain circuit that normal people should have?
"What's wrong? I sang so badly? Did it scare you?" Suzuki Sonoko felt aggrieved.

"No, it's very nice. You can sing it normally, but don't sing Mai Kuraki's song when I'm asleep from now on..."

Hanyu Qingan didn't want to experience this kind of stimulation again.

"You don't like Mai Kuraki?" Suzuki Sonoko turned his head strangely, looking at his face.

Hanyu Qingan shook his head, "I still like her songs better, but her songs are more... special, not suitable for listening to when you are half asleep and half awake."

"What will happen if you are half asleep and half awake?" Suzuki Sonoko's eyes widened, as if expecting something.

After Hanyu Qingan noticed it, he responded to this expectation, Hu Su said: "Her songs have a chance to awaken people's past life memories, especially when they are half asleep and half awake, it is very dangerous."

"Why is it dangerous?" Suzuki Sonoko was a little puzzled, "Isn't it a good thing to remember the past life?"

"How could it be a good thing." Hanyu Qingan shook his head, "If the memory of the previous life is completely awakened, will you still be you?"


This question stumped Suzuki Sonoko immediately, she frowned and pondered for a long time, but couldn't figure it out.

"Okay, stop thinking about it." Hanyu Qingan ruffled her hair and asked, "What did you buy after shopping all day?"


Yuzu, who had been watching quietly, finally made a sound. She got into the shopping bag, rummaged for a while, and found a plush rabbit, and put it in Hanyu Qingan's arms like a treasure, for him to see.

"Oh, this is quite similar to the two rabbits at home." Hanyu Qing'an patted her on the head.

"I also bought a big bear doll for Yuzu, which is bigger than her, so that she can hug her to sleep." Suzuki Sonoko forgot the problem she just studied when she turned her head.

"Yes, this is fine."

Hanyu Qing'an smiled knowingly, when he woke up in the morning, he was often hugged by the restless Yuzu, or kicked in the face with his fleshy little feet.

With the little bear, you don't have to be pestered by pomelo like a koala.

"What are you doing at home today? Just sleeping?" Suzuki Sonoko looked at Hanyu Kiyoan's messy hairstyle, and stretched out his hand to smooth it out for him.

When Sonoko Suzuki asked, Kiyoya Hanyu remembered, "I almost forgot, I was dealing with work today, I threw Amuro into the courtyard, there is no exit at all."

It was rare for Suzuki Sonoko to see him look like this, so he smiled and said, "You're not afraid of starving him to death inside."

Hanyu Qingan changed his clothes in a leisurely manner, while explaining: "No, I left sushi and tea for him, so he won't be hungry."

"Okay, I'll go and release him first, and I'll be right back." After Hanyu Qingan finished speaking, he opened the portal and walked in.

Stepping into the courtyard, the first sight is the scene of Toru Amuro sitting on the steamed stuffed bun, counting the cherry blossoms falling at a speed of [-] centimeters per second.

(End of this chapter)

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