Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 291 Xiaolan Calls for Help

Chapter 291 Xiaolan Calls for Help
"Thank you, President, for remembering that there is an employee here." Toru Amuro joked helplessly.

Hanyu Qingan put away all the shikigami, and said: "There are sushi and tea here, you can eat and drink easily, and the temperature is suitable. How many people want to come in but can't come in."

Toru Amuro has to admit that this is actually true, anyway, this can be regarded as the realm of the gods or the kingdom of the gods.

But the problem is that he still doesn't want to come to the Kingdom of God so early to provide for the elderly, he is still young, and there are still many things to do.

But this afternoon was not in vain, no one cares about him here, as long as he doesn't do anything out of line, the little paper man won't talk to him either.

So, taking this opportunity, he almost walked around here, and also studied the steamed stuffed buns in Ireland for a long time.

When he was idle and bored, he picked a few cherry blossoms and tried to taste them, to see if there would be any magical effect like sushi and tea, but nothing happened.

The only special thing is that the cherry blossoms seem to never end, and the number does not seem to be decreasing.

When he was bored, he counted the cherry blossoms on one of the branches carefully, and then watched the cherry blossoms fall from this branch.

"This person, send him to the other side of the world." Hanyu Qingan glanced at the steamed bun under Toru Amuro's buttocks, and said to him.

"What?" Amuro was stunned for a moment, but didn't understand.

Hanyu Kiyoan directly opened the portal, "Amuro, throw him out."

Amuro looked at the portal in front of him, and while struggling to roll the buns out of the door, he asked, "President, where is the outside?"

Hanyu Qingan said indifferently: "Brazil."

The corner of Toru Amuro's mouth twitched, and he didn't say much. Without a passport, it is a trivial matter to enter the country illegally. If there is an Amazon rainforest outside, it will take a few days to find people.

Rolling the steamed stuffed bun to the door, Toru Amuro mercilessly gave it the last kick and kicked it out.

Tokyo is about to meet the magic at night, and the other side is about to meet the magic in the morning, and it can still maintain the shape of buns for a while. I don’t know if there is anyone down there, will they find this strange thing, and then shout the gods come down What.

Well, the most important thing is, I don't know if I will be eaten...

Anyway, Toru Amuro didn't dare to poke his head out to see what's going on outside. If the president's hand shakes and a thought suddenly arises in his mind, he probably won't have a future.

"Amuro, where are you going now? I'll give you a ride."

Toru Amuro's scalp felt numb. After thinking about it, he finally became a little timid and said, "Is the president going back to the funeral home? I'll be with you."

"Alright." Hanyu Qingan nodded, opened the door leading to the second floor of the funeral parlor, and the two walked out one after the other.

Toru Amuro breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was no accident. If there is any turbulence in time and space, I really don't know what will happen.

"After finishing the work, go back and rest early, I will be busy next time."

After Hanyu Qingan said something, he went back upstairs first.


After dinner, after coaxing Yuzu to sleep, Hanyu Kiyosuke and Suzuki Sonoko went to relax in the garden again.

Suzuki Sonoko was wrapped in a bath towel, sitting by the hot spring, drinking juice.

The white, tender and clear, well-proportioned and light feet, like fish, dangle restlessly on the water.

Hanyu Qingan reached out and grabbed one, startling Suzuki Sonoko, thinking that he was going to have some kind of foot massage again.

"What are you doing? I warn you, don't mess around."

"You insist on dangling your feet in front of my eyes. Isn't this tempting me to commit a crime?"

Hanyu Qingan laughed, and pressed his thumb slightly on the sole of the foot, and Suzuki Sonoko's instep suddenly straightened.

"Don't, don't, don't...don't use any more force, it's so uncomfortable!" Suzuki Sonoko quickly put down the cup in his hand, hugged his leg and wanted to pull his foot out.

"If you do this again, I'll bite you!" Seeing that he still didn't let go, Suzuki Sonoko threatened, baring his teeth.


After arguing for a while, the two snuggled up in the water and chatted.

"I don't know how Xiaolan is doing? Counting the time, she should see Shinichi, right?"

Suzuki Sonoko sat on Hanyu Kiyoan's lap, put his arms around his neck, put his chin on his shoulder, and whispered softly.

Hanyu Qingan's hand was stroking her slender thigh under the water. Hearing this, he was also a little curious. It seemed that he could not maintain Kudo's form for a long time just by drinking Baigan.

If Conan didn't plan to tell the truth, he would probably have taken the opportunity to escape after halfway through the movie.

If there is no justifiable reason, letting the pigeons like this will only make Xiaolan feel more uncomfortable...

"Let's go, the hot spring is almost full, let's go out, I'm going to send an email to Xiaolan to ask how the situation is." Suzuki Sonoko's heart of gossip came up, and he couldn't help shaking.

Hanyu Qingan frowned slightly, "Don't move, I'll just open a portal, won't there be a signal?"

"Oh, yes, that's right..." Suzuki Sonoko grabbed Hanyu Kiyoan's shoulder, stretched out his hand and brought over the mobile phone that was placed on the bank.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

As soon as she got the phone, Suzuki Sonoko felt something strange in her chest, and her face turned red immediately.

"I can hardly breathe..."

Suzuki Sonoko sat back quickly, and gave him a reproachful look, "Open the door quickly, it's been a night, and it's still playing tricks."

Hanyu Qingan opened the door casually, the signal came in, Suzuki Sonoko's cell phone immediately started buzzing non-stop, the vibration almost broke out of his hand.

"Why are there so many missed messages?" Suzuki Sonoko opened the phone strangely, and it was all Xiaolan's, with fingers erected in front of his lips, signaling Hanyu Qingan to be quiet, and then called back.

"What's the matter, Xiaolan? So many phone calls."

Mao Lilan exclaimed happily, "Sonoko! You finally answered the phone! Is Hanyu-kun next to you? I'm trapped here, here in Mihua Building, there was an explosion here!"

"What? Explosion! You wait! We'll be right there!"

Suzuki Sonoko slipped off Hanyu Kiyoan's lap in an instant, hurriedly got up and went ashore, dried off, and put on clothes.

"Hurry up, hurry up, you heard everything, right?" Suzuki Sonoko looked anxious.

Hanyu Qingan also quickly left the hot spring, he took a yukata and put it on his body, and then directly transformed into an onmyoji, saving the steps of putting on clothes, and his movements were much faster than Suzuki Sonoko.

"Stay here honestly, I will rescue Xiaolan and the others right away, don't worry and be obedient." Hanyu Qingan pressed Suzuki Sonoko's shoulder and kissed her on the forehead.

"I'll take them directly to the center of the courtyard, where you can slowly put on your clothes, and let the little paper figurine help you watch and keep people from coming in."

After finishing speaking, Hanyu Qingan opened the door and left without giving Suzuki Sonoko a chance to follow.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the place where he disappeared, stopped the movement of his hands, and felt a sense of peace of mind, also, with Qing An Jun, even if Xiaolan was injured, there would be no major problems.

After she calmed down and figured it out, she had time to put on the misplaced and messy clothes and put them back on slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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