Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 293 Midnight Shrine

Chapter 293 Midnight Shrine
Conan covered his head and took two steps back, submissively said: ", let's find the bomb first."

Hanyu Qing'an waved his hands and asked Shuweng and Yunu to give Conan a set of treatment and protection, "Go by yourself, you have been strengthened, even if the bomb explodes, it won't kill you."

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched, but the pain from the wounds on his head and body disappeared, and he couldn't help but not believe it, "Is there really no problem? Can't it be killed?"

Hanyu Qing'an nodded, and said very firmly: "Of course, as long as you don't die and get bombed and get hurt all the time, it's nothing more than a little pain."

Shuweng's protection only limits each damage to a certain level, but this effect is only best for one-time damage. If there are more than a dozen times, it will not be able to withstand it. It needs to be supplemented by a peach blossom demon or a spell. vitality.

If the negative effects of chronic bleeding and poisoning are added, it must be dispelled with the rain girl.

"It's nothing more than a little pain..." Conan's black hair was blown by a bomb, so it's not a little pain...

"Okay, you go ahead, I'll settle Xiaolan and the others first." After saying that, Hanyu Qingan stepped into the portal, and his figure disappeared.

Conan opened his mouth wide, let's smash it, "I haven't had time to ask what's going on with this door... Forget it, it should be okay to ask Xiaolan later, let's find the bomb first."

Action is what you say, Conan turned on the watch-shaped flashlight, and began to search for the place where the bomb was hidden. It stands to reason that there should be bombs here, otherwise the bombs just before will not be able to destroy the building. of ideas.


When Qingan Hanyu returned to the courtyard, the scene fell silent for a moment. Everyone stood or squatted in place obediently. At most, some people tried to pick up the fallen cherry blossoms as souvenirs from their visit to the Kingdom of God. .

Well, maybe it has some special effects.

With the miraculous creature like the little paper figurine watching, everyone didn't dare to act rashly, especially one of the little paper figurines who seemed to be the leader, but performed a clone, paper sword and rocket skills on the spot, as if to deter them .

But I don't see much deterrence, but it's cute.

Hanyu Qing'an first arranged for the little paper figurine to take Mao Lilan to find Sonoko, then reopened the portal on the platform under the torii gate facing the main hall of Unicom, and said calmly to everyone: "Follow me."

The crowd followed him, and as soon as they went out, they could see the distant mountain scenery at night, shadowy, like ghosts hiding. After experiencing the frightening and strange things of the night, they couldn't help thinking about those ghost stories.

And those horrible things often happen at midnight...

After Hanyu Qingan ordered a little paper figurine standing on Yukino's shoulder to call the witches over, he said to the survivors:

"A misfortune is a blessing, and a blessing is a misfortune. When it exploded, you failed to escape like everyone else. It was a disaster at the time, but now it seems to be a blessing, so don't panic."

After a while, Akemi Miyano came with seventeen shrine maidens under her command, as well as Kamel and Kazami Yu who also lived here. Hanyu Kiyosuke briefly talked about the situation of these people, and then made the follow-up It's up to them.

Hanyu Qingan's eyes, by the dim light of the lit stone lanterns in the shrine, swept across Judy and... Hirasawa Tomoko among the shrine maidens.

Dealing with the hostile guy in front of these people before, and now bringing these rescued survivors to the shrine was all on his own initiative.

I'm going to fight the ghost king soon, so I'll give the undercover agents here, especially the undercover agents sent by the Federation, a thorough investigation in advance, so that the Federation won't be confused about what's going on, and it will make him bother to visit the White House.

Of course, saving these people can be regarded as predestined. First, these people were passively protected by Xiaolan's aura of luck, and then followed Xiaolan's plea for help.

As for those who escaped early and were rescued by the police department, they have no fate with him. Otherwise, if he treats anyone who is injured or sick, it will be endless.

And it is too easy to get, people will not cherish it.

"Leave it to you, let's consider it as a rehearsal before the opening of the company." Hanyu Qing'an returned to the courtyard after finishing speaking, leaving behind a group of employees who were about to go to bed in the middle of the night and were suddenly called up.

Although Tomoko Hirasawa was also sleepy, she soon regained her spirits after hearing what Hanyu Qingan said just now. Today's amazing stories are enough for her to boast about for a year after returning home!

Moreover, he can save people... From this point of view, the president is not some kind of devil!

"You seem very happy?" Judy turned her head and glanced at her.

"Since Mr. President is willing to save strangers, he won't turn me into a bun and eat me for no reason, right? Then I don't have to worry." Hirasawa Tomoko looked relieved and thankful.

"Also, the accommodation here is so good, and the food is so good, I can eat it for the rest of my life without feeling tired, hehehe..."

Seeing Tomoko Hirasawa's stupid look, Judy smiled helplessly, she was not so relaxed.

I wanted to test the most normal-looking old employee surnamed Fengjian tonight to see if he was one of us, but the onmyoji came again.

At this moment, Judy couldn't help but wonder, what exactly is Onmyoji trying to do?Is there any purpose to simply act casually?
"I really want to have a vacation soon. I also want to go to the city center. Although the shrine is nice, I still like the bustling and lively city center."

Tomoko Hirasawa was enjoying her future life carefree, completely unaware that everyone except herself was full of thoughts and complex expressions.


"So, the phone calls between you and Hanyu-kun keep saying that the service area is out of the service area, because you have been soaking in the hot spring here?"

In the hot spring, Mao Lilan, who had already washed up and was soaking in the hot spring to relax her tense emotions, was chatting with Suzuki Sonoko on the shore.

Suzuki Sonoko had already had enough baths today, so she didn't go to the hot springs with her anymore. When she heard this question, a trace of embarrassment flashed across her face.

"Hmph, you don't have to make fun of me. After you and that fellow Xinyi puncture the window paper, you two will also want to stick together all day long. I'm afraid that you will be more affectionate than me and Qing'an-jun."

"No way, that guy is like wood..." When Mao Lilan said this, he remembered Kudo Shinichi's words of concern just now, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

The hot spring water was dense, and the water waves in Mao Lilan's eyes seemed to melt away.

"Hey~~~" Suzuki Sonoko said in a strange voice, "What's the use of your emotional appearance in front of me? No matter how beautiful this appearance is, that guy Shinichi can't see it."

"I hate it!" Mao Lilan raised the hot spring water at her angrily, and then couldn't help standing up, "It's almost done, I'll go back first."

"So urgent? It doesn't matter if you soak for a while, no one comes here." Suzuki Sonoko said.

Mao Lilan blushed, "Xinyi...he probably hasn't left yet. I said today was to celebrate his birthday, but I haven't had time to meet him yet."

(End of this chapter)

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