Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 294 Understanding Free Fall?

Chapter 294 Let me know about free fall?
Hanyu Qingan stepped out of the portal, and when he returned to the Mihua Municipal Building, he saw Conan poking out his buttocks, tinkering with something on the ground.

Hanyu Qing'an leaned over and took a look. It was a square with a mess of lines on it, and a bright red countdown bomb on it.

"Is this a ticking time bomb? This is the first time I've seen it in reality."

Hanyu Qingan suddenly made a sound, which made Conan tremble in fright. Conan turned his face pale, then sat down on the ground with a frown, and waited for a long time before complaining angrily:

"I thought you weren't coming back, I was almost scared to death by you..."

Hanyu Qingan looked at the countdown, "There are still more than 30 minutes, that's not what you said to Xiaolan before."

Conan sighed helplessly, "Otherwise? Could it be that you really waited for you to open the door, let her see me, and then tell her the truth? My situation is so dangerous, and telling her would only increase my troubles..."

"Then when you boarded at Mori's house back then, you didn't think that you would implicate them?" Hanyu Qing'an couldn't remember what happened at the beginning of Conan, why did he decide to live at Mori's house?

Conan scratched his head and rubbed his chin to recall.

"I remember that it was Dr. Ali who suggested to me that Uncle Maori is a detective, and he can get in touch with various cases in a legitimate way, so that I can track down the affairs of the black organization. At that time, I didn't expect the black organization to be so dangerous..."

"Possessing a poison that can turn people into children, this kind of research and development ability, how much power do you think it takes to achieve it? How long does it take to realize it now?" Qing'an Hanyu patted his head.

Conan was at a loss for words, scratched his head, and said with a dry smile: "I... At that time, I hadn't calmed down when I was young, so I didn't think too much about it. When Dr. A Li said that, I thought it made sense, so I just did it It's..."

Hanyu Qing'an nodded slightly, also, it is impossible to calm down immediately when it is the turn of such absurd thing, and Kudo Shinichi is only a minor child, so he can't be too demanding on him.

"Have you understood the bomb research?" Hanyu Qingan looked down at the bomb that was still counting down at his feet.

Conan shook his head, "There are two last threads left, I don't know which one to cut, if I cut it wrong, it will blow up on the spot."

Hanyu Qingan opened a portal casually, and then threw the time bomb out, "Okay, it's resolved."

Conan:  …

"Where did you throw it? It's not good to hurt people by throwing it around."


"That's alright..."

"How do you plan to go? Go down by yourself or I will send you? By the way, you still have a protective effect on you. This effect can limit any damage to you within a certain range."

"Do you want to try jumping directly from here? Free fall should be very exciting. With me here, you don't have to worry about falling to your death."

Hanyu Qingan went to the window, looked at the night scene outside, and encouraged him.

Hearing this, Conan was really moved for a moment. It was not for stimulation, but to try the so-called protective effect. If it was true, as long as the protective effect was there, he would be immortal.

"Forget it, I'm going to jump from here, maybe I'm fine, but Uncle Mori and Police Officer Megure downstairs will probably have a heart attack." Conan declined Hanyu Qingan's "kindness".

Hanyu Qingan was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Do you understand the meaning of this ability? Any damage is limited, which means that even a nuclear bomb cannot kill me at once."

"Nuclear radiation can also be dispelled by Yunu, and I can reach any place instantly through the portal."

"Plus the ability to guide the ghost king to descend..."

Hanyu Qingan looked at Conan with a complex expression, and said seriously: "Even the Federation can't do anything to me."

Not to mention a dark organization in black, Conan added silently in his heart while shaking.

This is to imply to himself that he will cover himself, so don't be afraid of the black organization?Conan's heart skipped a beat.

If Hanyu Qingan knew what he was thinking, he would probably let him look in the mirror to see if he had a big face, and even if he wanted to cover him, he would cover Mao Lilan.

Mao Lilan is Yuanzi's best friend, and he has helped him a lot, such as playing lucky charms, taking care of children, and so on. Although he also gave the Mao Li family a commission, this kind of thing is not counted in this way.

What's more, Mao Lilan can almost be regarded as the daughter of the goddess of luck, and it is not a loss to make friends with such a person.

"Don't you really try it? Free fall is very exciting."

Conan:  …

"Let's go if you don't want to, and I'll take you downstairs, just to tell Officer Mumu about what's going on here."

After Hanyu Qingan finished speaking, he reopened the portal. Conan checked the broken mobile phone that Mao Lilan picked up when he was looking for the bomb just now, and then stepped into the portal and left the movie theater.

Walking out of the alley, there are smoking skyscrapers in front of you, and there are police, firefighters and ambulance personnel waiting on the ground.

"Uncle Mouri, don't worry, sister Xiaolan has been rescued!" Conan approached the crying and worried Moori Kogoro from behind, and comforted him by pulling his trouser legs.

"What? Rescued?" Mori Kogoro was taken aback, looked down at Conan, and then asked strangely, "Didn't you run up just now, you kid? How did you come out from behind?"

Officer Megure found Kiyoan Hanyu, and shouted excitedly: "Master Hanyu! You are finally here. I have been calling all night, but I can't reach you. Please help me out and save the people inside." Innocent people, please!"

Hanyu Qingan helped the bowing police officer Megure up, "Apart from the cinema floor, is there anyone else trapped inside?"

Officer Mu Mu shook his head, "Not anymore."

"Then it's all right. I have rescued all the people who were trapped with Xiaolan and placed them in Hanyu Shrine."

Officer Meguro was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed, "That's good, that's great, thank you, Master Hanyu."

If a large number of people really died this time, his police department would be over.

"Do you have medical personnel over there? I'll contact the nearest hospital and ask them to send someone there..."

"No need, they've all been cured." Hanyu Qingan waved his hand, without saying much, looked at a man under the control of the police, this should be the main culprit in this case.

Such a big scene, this prisoner is not simple, this should be a theatrical version, right?Hanyu Qingan thought about it carefully.

When he was a child, he didn’t have the conditions to watch the big Conan movie, but later he heard that the theatrical version of Conan has relatively large scenes, and it is more like an action movie than a reasoning work, so there is such an extra guess.

I don't know what Conan will do...

(End of this chapter)

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