Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 319 Missile Sneak Attack

Chapter 319 Missile Sneak Attack
At sea, Kyogoku was panting and punching numbly. He almost forgot that this was the first time Yamata no Orochi had been revived, but soon the rain from the rain girl fell on him, and he was shocked, as if he had refreshed his state .

But when he came back to his senses, he found that the Yamata no Orochi in front of him was already dead, and Hanyu Qing'an in the air also commanded the flying boat to land.

"Come on, it's over here, it's time to go to Hawaii to hit the stone distance."

Hanyu Qingan was calm and relaxed, standing in neat clothes on the bow of the boat, in stark contrast to Kyogoku Makoto, who was soaked in blood, sweating profusely, and in a state of embarrassment.

But Hanyu Qing'an didn't feel complacent in the slightest, this Kyogoku was truly terrifying, he was a ghost king in human form, maybe he didn't have Saiyan blood, it was outrageous.

His family knows his own family affairs, and he relies on cheating. Without the system, he will only be blown away by Kyogoku.

But Kyogoku is really not a normal person, he was cheated by Aoyama Okamasa, no one needs to look down on anyone, everyone is cheating, it depends on whose cheating is more outrageous.

Kyogoku looked at the hand extended by Hanyu Qingan standing at the bow of the boat, smiled heartily, grasped it, turned over with a little force and got on the flying boat.

After he went up, Yamata no Orochi also began to dissipate, and Hanyu Kiyoan retracted the scales with a thought.

"After the ghost king dies, he will drop some special materials needed for yin and yang. These things are of no use to ordinary people. I will exchange them for spells or cash for you as a reward."

Kyogoku refused quickly, "No, it's enough to cause you trouble. You could have easily defeated the King of Ghosts without me."

But Qingan Hanyu stretched out his hand to stop him. He wanted Kyogoku to be a long-term laborer, not just today, whoring for nothing for a while. It doesn't really cost much.

"After the end, I will give you a guard. If you need to heal or restore your vitality in the future, you can use the guard or contact me by phone. I think you will be able to use this for training and even fighting everywhere."

"Just now you have experienced the healing effect of Yin Yang and the power of the guardian aura, all of which can be done remotely by consuming spells."

"Omoru can only be used at fixed times, and the phone is for emergencies..."

Hanyu Qing'an told Kyogoku how to use the spell, ward and phone, and opened the portal to the next field.

The guests who were invited this time and some of those who had the old version of the Amulet will receive the new version of the Amulet after a few days of talking, as well as a phone number Hanyu Qingan prepared for emergency help.

Rain girl's skill Tears of Heaven, and the life-supplementing blessing, as long as you have a guard, these can be enjoyed by consuming purchased spells.

Because there is a new business for curing diseases and eliminating negative states, the new version of the spell that has not been used yet has to be remade and turned into a version with two buttons and functions. The wooden sign that Hanyu Qingan used to receive signals , naturally became two pieces.

As for the qualification to obtain the Omori, that is the bargaining chip on the side of the Suzuki family in this meeting.

The fixed-time guarding is a normal business, and you can use it with money, but of course emergency calls are not made casually, and you will owe a real favor every time, which is not so easy to pay back...

Passing through the portal and arriving at the sea area of ​​Hawaii, Hanyu Kiyoan looked up, and it was also peaceful, not even a fleet to observe.

Hanyu Qingan followed his previous habit, summoned Huang and Qinglong, all kinds of visions suddenly appeared, the color of the sky and the earth suddenly changed, and the scene was huge.

Then he sat on the cloud and watched Jing Jizhen jump off the flying boat, go straight to Shiju, and start to fight monsters.

But this time, there was no Shekou to allow Jingji to take advantage of the loopholes. He could only fight head-on with Shiji's huge tentacles.

Makoto Kyogoku, who is strong and powerful, and Shiji, who has eight giant tentacles, always feel that something is not right in the battle between the two.

Hanyu Qing'an was alone on the flying boat, enjoying the beautiful scenery and fighting in his spare time. For a while, there was a kind of calm and peaceful charm.

However, this peace and smoothness is just an illusion. Perhaps Shiju is very close to Hawaii, and there are more troops here, so they are more fully prepared.

Even if Qingan Hanyu chose the location of the portal twice as high as yesterday, he was discovered and locked by the Federation as soon as it appeared.

However, the Federation did not attack immediately, but waited for Hanyu Qing'an to unfold the illusion and prepare to attack Shiju before they started to act.

In a command room in Hawaii, various electronic devices were beeping, and a group of staff members were discussing countermeasures around the chief of staff.

"Whether it is observation with the naked eye or radar scanning, after the other party unfolds that strange illusion, we outside the illusion will not be able to observe anything, as if everything in the illusion is invisible, whether it is a sea monster or that A mysterious man."

"This capability is much stronger than a stealth fighter, and we must obtain it."

"But in this way, do we still have to test the attack? If we use missiles, I am afraid that the opponent will be directly reduced to ashes and get nothing. It was not for this reason before that we didn't even use too much power when dealing with sea monsters." A powerful weapon?"

"Do you think that an existence that can defeat sea monsters by itself will not be able to hold a missile? And we are not shooting at the mysterious man in the air, but at the octopus sea monster and the monsters summoned by the mysterious man." of."

"Don't think too much, let's try it out and see how our Mr. Superman will respond."

After everyone discussed, someone shouted to the other side of the room:
"Has the remote monitoring not been debugged yet?"

Several technicians who were sweating profusely took the time to reply: "It's not close, it may be that this illusion has interfered with the signal."

Several staff officers looked at each other and nodded together, "Don't wait, let's attack first, and wait a little longer, maybe they have already finished fighting and left."

The chief of staff also had the same opinion, and decisively issued an order to launch missiles. However, as soon as he gave the order here, the signal on the other side was adjusted.

Everyone hurriedly gathered around and began to watch the real-time images transmitted by the pre-installed cameras on the sea surface near Shiju in the Star Fantasy Territory.

"It's really beautiful, it's so wonderful..."

"Indeed, it's like a scene in a dream. Even movies can't achieve this effect, and the Titanic doesn't have this kind of shock."

"The mysterious man's position is a bit too high, it should be much higher than yesterday, and the camera placed near the sea monster can't see his appearance clearly."

"Wait! Zoom in here, there are people on the sea monster's boat!"

"Are you talking about the strange creatures summoned by the mysterious man?"

"No! It's a human being! Over here, he's fighting the tentacles of the octopus sea monster!"

"Hiss—it turned out to be true, how did he do it? Is this the power that human beings should have?"

"Is he the mystery man himself? He looks Asian."

"No, according to the descriptions of those who witnessed it yesterday, the mysterious man will not get off his spaceship to fight, but summon strange creatures to fight for him. This guy who looks like a human may be just A rather special summoned creature."

"That's right, how can humans have such power."

"Is the missile about to hit the target?"

"Here we come! The missile is heading towards that human being!"

Everyone's eyes widened immediately, and there was a tense atmosphere in the command room.

On the screen, Kyogoku Shin, who was being entangled by Shiji's tentacles, felt the sudden attack of the missile. He was surprised at first, and then quickly calmed down.

After finding out that there was no room to dodge, he crossed his arms directly, protected his vitals, and tried to resist the missile!

"Is he crazy? Is he really a sane creature?" Someone murmured.

Before these staff officers recovered from their astonishment, the missile had already hit Kyogoku Malai, and the explosion instantly set off violent flames and smoke, the treasure ship entrenched in the stone distance shook violently, huge waves rose, and the picture was interrupted.

"Hurry up and switch the camera!" Everyone shouted hastily.

The technicians quickly switched the signal source, and they arranged a lot of cameras around the fixed refresh position of the stone distance. After a while, the picture was restored.

But seeing the situation on the screen, the scene was instantly silent, deathly silent.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the picture, the bronze-skinned man surrounded by various strange spells and patterns, his arms were dripping with blood, but his whole body was basically intact.

What's even more outrageous is that after the missile attack, the octopus sea monster also started to go berserk, and its tentacles kept pulling towards Kyogoku, but the man didn't stop at all, and continued to fight the octopus.

Judging from his powerful punching and agile dodging, the damage caused by the missile just now seems to be negligible.

The next moment, there was rain falling from the sky, and these people in front of the screen opened their mouths even more. They watched the flesh and blood on Kyogoku Shin's arm regenerate, the wound healed, and the whole person's state was fully restored.

There was a sound of swallowing saliva, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. After a long silence, someone finally spoke.

"Although it does seem outrageous, there is a price, right? It should consume something, such as physical strength, magic power or something, otherwise... wouldn't it be that there is no weakness, it is almost the same as Superman..."

"Then, are we going to use continuous missile attacks to test his recovery ability, or use nuclear bombs?"

"Nuclear bombs don't need to be considered, this is our own sea area, and there is no authorization, and the above will not authorize it."

"Then continue the missile attack and continue the stress test?"

"What if he ran to the island against the missile attack in a fit of rage? You must know that he is just one of the monsters summoned by the mysterious man."

"Indeed, if he and the mysterious man in the sky were not killed on the way and let them land on the island, the damage caused may be unimaginable. And he can resist missiles, what about the mysterious man himself? I'm afraid it will be even worse. Strong, right?"

Everyone was silent for a while. This is the bad thing about fighting outside your own house. There are too many bottles and cans, and many weapons are inconvenient to use. Some weapons that will cause serious pollution, such as nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapons, etc., cannot be used.

However, conventional weapons had little effect. The opponent only had one person and a few summoned monsters. They could fly, and even had the ability to teleport through space. Their mobility was much stronger than that of the army.

If you really want to go to the island, or even the mainland of America to wreak havoc, it will be a lot of fun, and all of them can't afford to go around.

"One or two missiles can be said to be an accidental injury. If there are more, there is no way to explain it. Let's take a look first. Sea monsters can't run away. The mysterious man seems to be aiming at the gold coins left by those sea monsters. Come again, don’t be in a hurry.”

The chief of staff made a concluding speech, and then decided to have one more round, one or two rounds, not three rounds, so the problem is not big, and the most important thing is for the president to apologize.

As the order was issued, the people below conveyed the order to launch the second missile step by step, and all the staff members stared at the screen on the screen.

Kyogoku is still fighting Ishigaki. Although Ishigaki's combat power is much worse than that of Yamata no Orochi, it is also rough and thick, and has eight tentacles that can attack. It can also spray water and shake the boat. It is very difficult to deal with.

However, this is also officially the most suitable opponent for Kyogoku, with low attack power and high defense, and it is very qualified as a practice object for beginners in fighting monsters.

The second missile arrived on the battlefield quickly. This time, there was no surprise from the previous sneak attack. Kyogoku, who had been vigilant about the direction of the missile launch last time, noticed the missile that came into the illusion immediately.

When the missile approached, I saw him calmly leaning back slightly, then raised his knees to the top, and accurately hit the middle of the missile body, and the missile's flight trajectory was immediately changed.

This non-human operation caused the command room to fall into silence again. It is already terrifying to be able to resist missiles hard, and even to dodge or even change the trajectory of missiles. This is probably not God himself.

The missile that rose suddenly did not have time to readjust its direction according to the locked target. Shiju's huge tentacles slammed down towards Kyogoku, just right on the missile warhead, and detonated on the spot.

Kyogoku really didn't have time to look ugly. With his rich combat experience, his muscle memory directly made the best response-holding his head and squatting in defense.

After the deafening roar, the dust gradually settled. Kyogoku really looked at Shiju with his head vigilantly. The other party was completely silent and was slipping from the treasure ship into the sea.

He withdrew his gaze and turned to look in the direction of the missile's attack, with a solemn expression. Shi Ju was dead, but there were even more terrifying enemies.

This is Hawaii, even if he is not interested in international affairs, he knows that Shi Ju appeared near Hawaii, and the only one that can launch missiles here is the Federation.

It looks like I'm on a pirate ship...

I thought that Onmyoji was in a high position, so he negotiated with the Federation, so he was able to bring himself to fight the stone distance, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Hanyu Qingan's airship slowly descended, and he just discovered the Federation's little trick...

(End of this chapter)

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