Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 320 Counting the Harvest

Chapter 320 Counting the Harvest
There were only two missiles, instead of overwhelming artillery fire coverage, the Federation's intentions were very obvious, and Hanyu Qing'an could easily understand it.

Moreover, this missile hit Kyogoku Makoto, and it should have been aimed at the stone distance, and the meaning of the test has been clearly revealed.

But these small thoughts are useless. The people who can really make decisions are in high spirits in Tokyo at this moment. If everything goes well, all parties will reach a consensus soon.

Maybe it also includes co-development of Ghost King or something, who knows, Suzuki Shiro also consulted Hanyu Qingan for his opinions and bottom line before.

Hanyu Qing'an's answer at the time was that it doesn't matter who beats the ghost king, but the things that drop are what he needs.

Originally, he just planned to be a shop owner and use a spell to recover these gold coin scales, but the Japanese side was too cowardly and obedient to the Federation. He couldn't even keep Yamata no Orochi, and he was not clear-headed, always having unrealistic ideas.

As for the federation also wanting to keep some gold coin scales and use them for research, Hanyu Qingan doesn't care, if he can really research something, it will be a ghost.

Of course, it is not absolute. Maybe when the scientific and technological strength of this world develops to the point where it is able to create its own "system", it will be able to research results.

Hanyu Qing'an stepped on the flying boat, quietly, like a feather falling, and landed in front of Kyogoku Makoto. The cold moonlight in the starry illusion hit his body, coupled with the hunting clothes and temperament presented by the system, he really looked like an exile.

As they got closer, Hanyu Qingan could clearly see some fragments of the camera floating on the sea, but he didn't pay much attention to it. It's normal for someone to observe secretly, so he just glanced at it casually.

After picking up Makoto Kyogoku, Hanyu Kiyoan took him into the air slowly, flew to a high altitude, opened the portal, and when he was about to leave Hawaii, he canceled the call of Shikigami.

Strategically, we should despise the enemy, but tactically, we should pay attention to it. On the surface, Hanyu Qing'an is calm, but the protective measures on his body have always been top-notch.

Back in the courtyard, Hanyu Qingan asked: "Are you planning to stay in Tokyo for a few days? Or go back to Izu now? I can give you a ride."

Kyogoku scratched his head. He originally wanted to ask about what happened just now, but was interrupted by Hanyu Qingan first.

"I...I'd better go back to Izu, go back and calm down, replay this battle, I have a lot of insights today, and I have to digest it well."

Hanyu Qing'an nodded, handed an amulet and two talismans into his hand, and then waved his hand to open a portal leading to Izu.

"If you want to fight the ghost king next time, you can send me an email, remember your email address and phone number,! @#¥%..."

After Kyogoku took it down, before leaving, he hurriedly asked, " it really all right? Missiles were fired just now..."

Hanyu Qing'an comforted with a calm expression: "You don't have to worry about these. Among those who came today are the upper echelons of the Federation, there will be no problems."

Well, if you really have a problem, you can go to the White House at most and have a good chat with Mr. President. If it still doesn’t work, then go to Wall Street to have a look.

Kyogoku was still a little hesitant, but seeing Hanyu Kiyoan's calm look, he left in doubt.

After he left, Hanyu Qing'an had time to take stock of today's harvest, not the harvest from the opening ceremony, but the harvest from simply fighting monsters.

First, I looked at the medals dropped by Nian Beast, opened the system store, walked around, found the life skills of the little paper figurine, and started to choose.

Cleaning - 100 Medals
Cooking - 100 Medals
Tailor - 100 medals
Farming - 100 Medals
Horticulture - 100 medals
Livestock - 100 Medals
Build - 100 Medals

There are too many skills, but there are only [-] medals at hand. Fortunately, these are all common. After opening the relevant professional skills, all the little paper people can learn them. Just enter the incubator to study them, and they will soon become successful.

Now the focus is on the huge shrine outside which is difficult to clean, so cleaning skills must be activated.

Then there is the cooking function, sushi is too boring, and Hanyu Kiyoan's own craftsmanship is average, and the garden is similar, so let the little paper man do the home cooking instead.

What's more, there is a snack like grapefruit. After the little paper man learns how to cook, he can change the pattern every day and cook a balanced meal for her.

After making the decision, Hanyu Qingan used up the [-] medals that had just arrived and hadn't warmed up yet.

Then there are the scales, the ones I got today are still useless, the third one is still the Charm, but this time it is the second position, the main attribute is speed, and the secondary attributes are all effect hits.

The two-piece Succubus can add some extra defense, which is almost useless. Wait until there are two more Succubus, make up a four-piece set, and then you can freeze and confuse the enemy at the same time.

Only when it is frozen, the control efficiency is still too low. Basically, it depends on the number of times. It also needs to cooperate with Qinglong's dizziness and Yan Mo's transformation. The superposition of the three can control the field.

In real life, all kinds of controls are the most useful, such as attack power, critical strike, critical strike damage, etc., which are really useless.

After processing the scales, the next step is gold coins, 510 gold coins, which can be exchanged for five shikigami skins or one onmyoji skin.

Of course, he must stick to his own first, Hanyu Qingan picked and picked among the skins.

First of all, exclude Hei Qingming, who looks like a non-mainstream, a bit like the villain in Balala Little Demon Fairy.

The rest are actually pretty good, Jinyue Dark Feather has an elegant temperament; Yuehua Liuyong is wearing a bathrobe, which is more leisurely and peaceful; It fits very well.

However, he mainly intends to wear it for Yuanzi to see. In this way, Yuehua Liuyong is more suitable, and it looks the most natural and relaxed.

Although it is said that whether one is strong or not is a matter of one version, and whether one is handsome or not is a matter of a lifetime, but behind the gold coins, there is still a skin that can be bought in two days, and can be collected quickly, so there is no need to be too cautious.

After the selection, Hanyu Qingan did not change on the spot, but went to the center of the courtyard to have a look first, and then send everyone away.

As soon as he arrived near the cherry blossom tree, Hanyu Qingan saw Dr. A Li sticking out his fat buttocks, and holding a magnifying glass to observe something on the ground, and exclaimed from time to time.

"The doctor didn't dodge to the waist, did he?" Hanyu Qingan felt that this action was really dangerous for his age.

As soon as he finished speaking, before Yuanzi could answer, Dr. Ali screamed and fell to the ground on the spot clutching his waist. Fortunately, he was kneeling on the ground, so he didn't fall.

Hanyu Qingan sighed, summoned Yu Nu to cure him.

After Dr. A Li was cured, he smiled awkwardly, got up from the ground, covered his waist with some fear, and explained: "I was too involved just now, I didn't pay attention..."

"It has to be Xiao Ai, only she can control the doctor." Mao Lilan covered her mouth and smiled.

What he said made Dr. Ali's scalp tingle. He hadn't eaten sweets for a long time, and his mouth was so pale.

"It took a lot of time. It should be dark outside now. I'll bring in people from outside and send you back together."

Hanyu Qing'an said as he opened the portal leading to the small courtyard in the back mountain, and walked out.

In the small courtyard, Mori Kogoro was dozing off on the stone table, and a few little ghosts yawned boredly. Xiao Ai looked at him for the first time, and her eyes seemed to be filled with very complicated emotions.

Toru Amuro and Akemi Miyano stood aside, wondering what they were thinking.

Hanyu Qing'an felt that something was weird, as if a lot of things had happened during the time when he and Kyogoku were fighting monsters.

"Hey, Mitsuhiko, did you see clearly? Why did that brother Hanyu suddenly appear?" Genta asked Mitsuhiko in a "whispering voice".

Mitsuhiko opened his mouth wide at this time, didn't understand what he asked, just stared blankly at the portal behind Hanyu Qingan, "No way... I've only heard of such things in science fiction... ..."

"What?" Yuan Tai didn't know why.

Ayumi didn't think about it, Prince Jill's every move was still replaying in her head, and the storyline of Cinderella kept emerging.

She didn't covet the wealth of the royal family or anything, but naively felt how romantic it would be to have an epic love with the prince.

"Amuro, Umezawa, is the shrine finished?"

Both Toru Amuro and Akemi Miyano couldn't help sighing secretly, is the president going to rush the work progress again?
"Not yet, maybe it won't be cleaned until tomorrow night."

Hanyu Qing'an nodded, and said to the two: "Then you don't need to continue. Tomorrow, I will send a few small paper men to do the cleaning work. From now on, I will leave this part of the task to them. Miko will concentrate on practicing various festivals. Ceremony and Kagura Dance."

Toru Amuro hesitated: "I'm afraid it's difficult to complete this kind of task with just a small paper doll, right?" He immediately realized something, "President, is it because your yin and yang skills have improved again?"

It's still Amuro who understands himself, he is worthy of being his right-hand man, Hanyu Kiyoan nodded, "That's right, you will know tomorrow."

"Okay, Umezawa can go back to the shrine to rest, the rest of you come in together, I'll take you home, Amuro, please help your teacher."

Toru Amuro glanced at Mori Kogoro, who was sleeping soundly and drooling, his eyelids trembled, and then stepped forward to carry him on his back, and followed a few kid heads into the portal.

When the little ghosts entered the courtyard, they stared and looked around. It was still dark outside, but it was daytime inside. It was amazing!

But before they started having fun, Hanyu Qing'an had already begun to roll call and send them home one by one. After being busy for a while, after sending everyone away, the tiring day finally came to an end.

Then it's time to relax.

"Is Yuzu asleep?"

Hanyu Qingan gave Suzuki Sonoko a look, the latter understood instantly, his cheeks were slightly flushed, and he said with anticipation:

"I've been sleepy for a long time. After I put her to sleep, I chatted with Xiaolan for a long time before you came back." Suzuki Sonoko got up, "I'm going to change my clothes."

Hanyu Qingan hurriedly stopped, "No, you look just right."

Suzuki Sonoko looked down at the shrine maiden costume on her body, and then thought of the shrine outside... Sigh... The gods take the lead in corrupting the atmosphere, isn't that good?

(End of this chapter)

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