Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 321 Sonoko: I'm... ready...

Chapter 321 Sonoko: I'm... ready...

Just when Suzuki Sonoko was hesitating reservedly, a faint light flashed on Hanyu Qingan's body, and his image changed dramatically in the blink of an eye.

Hanyu Qing'an originally switched to Onmyoji mode, his demeanor was a bit cold and not easy to get close to, but now that he has changed his skin, his whole person has softened a lot.

Coupled with the loose bathrobe and loose hair, it has a more lazy temperament.

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up, and she stopped thinking about issues such as the atmosphere of the shrine. Anyway, no one else can enter here, and she can't see it, so she doesn't have to be polite...

"Master President, what are you going to do? Let me tell you, I am a serious witch!"

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly looked ashamed and indignant, as if being forced to retreat, and then was blocked by the stone table, and staggered.

Hanyu Qingan was stunned for a moment, and it took two breaths to recover and understand what she was doing.

He is really a showman, he didn't think so much, but simply felt that the priestess costume had a special charm, which was more attractive than Sonoko's usual appearance.

Unexpectedly, Yuanzi took the lead and started to play role-playing... It doesn't seem to be considered role-playing, it's all real identity...

This sense of substitution...

Hanyu Qing'an could only take a step closer in cooperation, and said unquestionably: "Call me God-sama, shrine maidens exist to serve gods, you should understand, right?"

"From the moment you become a witch, you should have the awareness to dedicate everything to the god you serve. Everything, of course, includes these things."

Suzuki Sonoko possessed a playful spirit, closed her eyes with a red face, with a look of generosity, her eyelashes trembled uncomfortably, and there was an inaudible submissive response from her tightly pursed lips.

"I... I understand, my lord, I will do my job as a shrine maiden well."

Hanyu Kiyoan approached slowly, and Suzuki Sonoko was forced to back up until he reached the stone table, "falling" on it, and let out an exclamation.

The cherry blossom trees above seemed to be disturbed, and the falling flowers became more frequent.

After a while, Hanyu Qingyasu was about to get up, but Suzuki Sonoko suddenly hooked his neck, whispered into his ear, panting slightly:

"I'm ready……"

Hanyu Qingan was stunned for a moment, only feeling that his ears were hot and itchy from the breath, but suddenly realized what she was going to say, what was the so-called preparation, looked at the other party's eyes that seemed to melt, and asked earnestly:
"you sure?"

Suzuki Sonoko didn't avoid Hanyu Qingan's gaze, his eyes were open, with water in his eyes, but he blinked mischievously, and said: "I thought about it last time in Izu, but you missed it, regret it? "

Hanyu Qing'an fixedly looked at her for a while after hearing the words, and said with a smile, "You will know what regret is after a while."

The shadows of the trees move automatically without wind, the cherry blossoms are like pink and red, the clothes are like butterflies, fluttering and dancing lightly, coquettish like foxes, ecstasy.


A few days later, same time, same courtyard.

Suzuki Sonoko acted like a grandpa, carelessly directing Hanyu Kiyoan to change clothes for her to show, and after handing over all of herself, she became more clingy and coquettish.

Recently, Kiyoan Hanyu got two sets of skins, and she started to ask for it. Now there is an extra step before the two of them are alone, first confirm the skins for today.

"That's all for today, it's called Jinyue Darkyu, right?"

Hanyu Qingan glanced at her, "Then what are you going to wear today?"

"Look at you~"

"It's better to wear the maiden costume. It's more suitable and has more memories. In addition, remember to change into that sweater tomorrow."

"...All right." Suzuki Sonoko has become less and less resistant and reserved towards such things recently, so she finally agreed to this long-delayed request.

The two of them warmed up for a while, and during the intermission, Suzuki Sonoko lay in his arms, drawing circles with his fingers on his chest, and suddenly said: "By the way, Xiaolan and the others are going out again tomorrow, saying that they have received an invitation."

Hanyu Qingan touched her long hair and asked, "Where are you going? Tokyo or somewhere else?"

"Tokyo, Nagato's family invited me, but I didn't say what I'm going to do. Shall we go together?" Sonoko Suzuki changed his posture, lay on his lap, and raised his head.

Hearing the word Nagato, Hanyu Kiyoan was stunned for a moment, almost thinking that he had traveled through time again and arrived at the fire movie set.

"Is the Nagato family famous?" Since Suzuki Sonoko used the term Nagato family, it must be a famous family.

Suzuki Sonoko said: "It's okay, it's not much different from my house. I went there a few times when I was young, but I never went there again when I grew up."

Hanyu Qingan smiled slightly, "You were really lively when you were young, you ran everywhere."

Suzuki Sonoko was a little embarrassed, "Children, of course they are very energetic, so should they go or not?"

Hanyu Qing'an didn't hesitate much, nodded and said: "Go, just relax."

I really want to relax, I've been quite tired lately, after the opening ceremony, although everything seemed calm, it was actually undercurrent.

The previous talks ended smoothly, and the "friendship" with all parties was basically established, but after all, they are only a part of the forces of each country, even if they can represent a country, they still need time to go back and make arrangements.

Before that, you still have to be mentally prepared to deal with emergencies. In this way, people's nerves will be more tense and they need to relax more.

So, it's not that He Yuanzi is addicted to exercising.

As for tea can restore spirits, sushi can restore physical strength, and Yu Nu's tears can dispel negative states, all of which can play a relaxing role...these are all external forces, how can we often use external forces?
Thinking of this, Kiyoshi Hanyu lowered his head with peace of mind, and kissed Sonoko's lips.

"Hmm... take it easy..."


The next day, Hanyu Kiyoan first sent the grapefruit to the shrine and handed it over to Miyano Akemi to take care of it.

"Wow~ so cute~" Tomoko Hirasawa, who found grapefruit, was attracted when she saw her, "Oh, by the way, do you want beef jerky? I bought it from the city center."

Seeing that there was something to eat, Yuzu immediately began to salivate, but she still looked up at Hanyu Qingan's face, saw him nodding, and then happily opened her mouth to take it.

Tomoko Hirasawa laughed cheerfully, then raised her head and said seriously and admiringly: "Master President is really amazing, I thought you were a big devil who eats people, I'm really rude."

"..." Hanyu Qing'an really wanted to say, what you said now is quite rude, but for the sake of her sincere admiration, let it be.

"That little paper man can clean up a whole big room with a swish. It's incredible~ The head of the shrine in my hometown doesn't know anything. It's really useless. It's still big The city is good."

"..." Hanyu Qing'an had black lines all over his head. Why did this Tomoko Hirasawa seem to have something wrong with his head? She thought she thought that blessings, tears from the sky, or portals and flying boats were powerful.

The result is that the little paper man cleans the room fast enough?What brain circuit?

Also, why did she think that the head of a shrine in a big city should know these things?It is a bit miraculous to draw conclusions about the goodness of big cities...

"Umezawa, I'll trouble you to take care of Yuzu. Hirasawa's mind is a little confused. Don't let Yuzu follow suit." After speaking, Hanyu Qingan shook his head and planned to leave.

Hirasawa Tomoko immediately became angry when she heard the words, she was just praising the president just now, but turned around and the president scolded her for not being able to use her head, which is too much.

Sure enough, he is still a big devil who eats people!

When they got home, Suzuki Sonoko had already dressed up, and they were waiting for him to come back. They went out together, and Hanyu Qingan didn't waste any time, and directly switched back to the normal mode.

The two went downstairs arm in arm to meet the Mori family, and then drove to Nagato's house.

Hanyu Kiyoan caught Toru Amuro and was driving today. On the way, he asked, "How is the situation at the Federation? What's the reaction?"

In the past few days, when Qingan Hanyu went to fight monsters, it was considered smooth, and he did not encounter any sneak attacks again, but the secret observations of the federal military and the small actions of trying to communicate with him have never stopped, which makes people a little annoying .

Toru Amuro said with a strange expression, "President, haven't you watched TV these two days?"

Hanyu Qingan cast his eyes on Suzuki Sonoko, someone didn't let him rest, how could he have time to watch TV, he thought Sonoko would regret it and beg for mercy, but instead he had to secretly use sushi tea to start hanging.

Alas, holding a sword at the waist is really not a joke...

Suzuki Sonoko glared back at him in embarrassment, then crossed his arms and looked out the car window.

"I didn't see it, what's the matter?" Hanyu Qingan retracted his gaze and replied simply.

Toru Amuro had no choice but to explain, "At present, a large-scale demonstration has broken out in the Federation, affecting most of the states. The people who took to the streets to protest the federal government's private biological experiments."

"Huh?" Hanyu Qing'an didn't understand for a while, "Tell me in detail."

"There is a saying that is widely spread in the federation—Shiju and Yamata no Orochi are biological weapons artificially manufactured by the federation in Japan after secret research."

"Afterwards, the people of the Federation became furious and began to march in the streets one after another..."

Hanyu Qingan nodded, the reaction of the federal people is not surprising, because the federal government has a criminal record, so it is entirely possible, although it is a bit illogical, it is very federal.

Toru Amuro continued: "There are also animal protection organizations, who also organize people to take to the streets to parade, claiming that the ghost king is also life and has the right to live."

"They can't move. As long as you don't provoke them, they will help harm humans, so we should not inhumanely harm them, but protect them."

"..." Hanyu Kiyosuke was stunned, it was all a mess.

"The reason for the demonstration by environmental protection organizations is that the appearance of these ghost kings should not be the result of illegal secret experiments, but caused by marine pollution. Some large marine organisms have mutated. This is nature's revenge on human beings. Human beings should reflect on themselves. Behavior."

"For example, limit the use of single-use items, plant more trees, eat less meat, etc..."

Hanyu Qingan had a headache when he heard it, what is it all about, but these should all be deceptive tricks, "Is this the arrangement of those people?"

Toru Amuro nodded, "It should be. The current situation is that some people have begun to secretly direct the public's attention to certain politicians of the Federation and the Navy of the Federation. They probably took this opportunity to start attacking dissidents. gone."

Hanyu Qing'an didn't continue to ask, and asking any more questions would probably be difficult to explain clearly, and he was about to reach his destination...

 Every day is reached (_).

  However, the explosive update has lost the follow-up subscription, alas...

(End of this chapter)

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