Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 343 I'm the stepmother, what's the matter?

Chapter 343 I'm the stepmother, what's the matter?
"President Suzuki, if there is no problem, we will take this Easter egg away and keep it under strict custody." Officer Nakamori looked at Shiro Suzuki with a serious expression, as if he was on the battlefield.

Hanyu Qing'an suddenly said: "Let me add some protective measures, Yuzu seems to like this thing quite a bit, it's not bad to keep it for her to play with."

Officer Nakamori hurriedly said: "With us here, there is absolutely nothing wrong...Huh?"

Just as he was talking, he stopped abruptly, stared wide-eyed at Hanyu Qing'an took out a moving little paper figurine, and confessed seriously:
"Take care, it's the same guy who was going to steal last time, as long as it's not me, no matter who opens the box, you'll shoot him."

The little paper man nodded earnestly, and then danced, as if expressing his determination, and as if he was accusing the evil thief Kidd of his crimes.

Then it jumped into the box, clinging to the outside of the memory egg, Hanyu Qingan took out another charm, folded it into small pieces, and stuffed it into the egg.

"Okay." Hanyu Kiyoan glanced at Officer Nakamori and nodded.

"Oh..." Officer Nakamori nodded blankly, looking at the little paper figurine in the box, doubting his life.

The police officer Teaki at the side didn't even notice. In order to avoid conflicts between the people in the police system and Hanyu Qingan, the higher-ups had already notified some information about Hanyu Qingan that was suitable for disclosure in documents.

But Nakamori is not interested in anything except Kaitou Kidd, and he still hasn't figured out who Hanyu Qingan is.

"Okay, okay, after dealing with this egg, we can go to play, He Ye, is there any fun place nearby?" Suzuki Sonoko was already a little impatient with these chores, and said enthusiastically.

Yuan Shan and Ye were taken aback, and subconsciously said: "There is a shrine nearby that is quite spiritual..."

Hattori Heiji said angrily, "Don't you know what President Hanyu does? Is that shrine special like Hanyu Shrine?"

Yuan Shan and Ye Wenyan came to their senses at this moment, they squinted their mouths, and murmured: "I see, why are you so fierce... Why don't you go shopping, the city center is still very lively, there are many local snacks in Osaka .”

"Oh? This is not bad." Suzuki Sonoko nodded cheerfully, and looked down, and sure enough, there was a look of anticipation on Yuzu's face.

After discussing the next itinerary, everyone set off.

Hattori Heiji pulled Conan and whispered, "They are going shopping next time...what should I do?"

Conan also paled, thinking of the experience of shopping in Tokyo two days ago, it was terrifying. In terms of combat power, a woman can beat ten men in the matter of shopping!

"Let's find a chance to slip away, otherwise..."

Hattori Heiji nodded in agreement.

Everyone went downstairs and walked a short distance to the busiest street in the city center without taking a car. Hattori Heiji hurriedly said:
"It's too messy to go shopping together, let's go with girls and boys, Conan, President Hanyu, let's go over there, I'll take you to eat Okonomiyaki!"

"Huh? Why did you have to separate?" Yuan Shan and Ye frowned in confusion.

Hattori Heiji hastily explained, "There are too many people and the efficiency is low, and the things that girls are interested in are different from boys, so it's better to go shopping separately."

Conan nodded sharply, "Yes, that's right."

Yuan Shan, Ye and Mao Lilan were a little suspicious. The two behaved abnormally, as if they were hiding something.

Hanyu Qingan guessed what the two of them were thinking, but he didn't point it out, but said with a smile: "They may still want to investigate Kaitou Kidd."

Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at each other, nodded decisively, "Yes, that's it."

"You guys go, I want to take care of Yuzu, so we won't be together." Qingan Hanyu said while holding Yuzu's hand.

Hattori Heiji and Conan gave him an admiring look, and then quickly slipped away.

"These two guys are really hopeless." Suzuki Sonoko shook his head, "I don't understand girls' minds at all, really... If it wasn't for their childhood sweethearts with bad eyesight, I think they would probably be single for the rest of their lives."

Mao Lilan, Yuan Shan and Ye Qiqi blushed and said angrily, "Who is going to marry him?"

Yuan Shan and Ye looked at Mao Lilan in surprise, why did she react so strongly?Obviously talking about Heiji and Conan.

Mao Lilan hurriedly explained embarrassingly: "Yuanzi made fun of me and Xinyi before..."

"Oh..." Yuan Shan and Ye were stunned.

Suzuki Sonoko and Hanyu Kiyoan looked at each other, and then laughed out loud.

The five started to go shopping, Mao Lilan and Yuanshan Heye walked in front arm in arm, Suzuki Sonoko and Hanyu Kiyosu followed behind holding Yuzu's hands respectively.

This feeling of a family shopping neatly made Yuzu's face always filled with smiles, and the kind of happiness gushing from the bottom of his heart made people laugh along with him.

Yuan Shan and Ye La led a few people to find a special dim sum shop. There happened to be an event here. Buy dim sum and get a custom-made small doll from the store. It is a set of five different colors and shapes, but no matter how much you buy, each person will only get one.

Yuzu couldn't walk when she saw those little furry things, "Mom, it's a rabbit."

"Mom?" Mao Lilan, Yuan Shan and Ye were taken aback, opened their mouths wide and looked at Suzuki Sonoko, who looked shy and didn't know how to explain.

However, before Hanyu Qingan or Yuzu could say anything, she took a deep breath and said happily, "That's right, this kid calls me Mom."

Yuan Shan, Ye and Mao Lilan looked at each other, and then smiled in admiration, "Yuanzi is really amazing."

Hanyu Qingan also felt the same way. It would be difficult for others to achieve this step. This is the difference between Sonoko and others.

Even if Xiaolan encounters the same situation, even if she agrees, she probably can't be so calm in front of others.

A small episode, no twists and turns.

Several people lined up for a long time, bought five snacks, and then the store gave away five dolls, but the problem came, the dolls were given randomly, and the five of them could not make up a set...

Youzi looked eagerly at a set of five little rabbit dolls in the window, and couldn't hide the longing on his face. For children, this kind of thing is more worrying than houses and cars.

"Would you like to line up again?" Mao Lilan suggested seeing her pitiful appearance.

Yuan Shan and Ye pointed to the crowd, "There are so many people, it might be dark by the end of the queue, and most importantly, this item is a limited gift, and by the time we queue up, it's probably already gone."

Suzuki Sonoko scratched his head, "How about I ask Secretary Nishino to buy the store? Or check out their factory for custom dolls?"

Mao Lilan and Yuan Shanhe Ye looked at each other. Is the solution to the problem so fresh and refined?

(End of this chapter)

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