Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 344 "Rejection of Education"

Chapter 344 "Rejection of Education"

Hanyu Kiyoan was noncommittal, knelt down and asked Yuzu, "Do you really want it?"

Yuzu nodded vigorously.

Hanyu Qing'an said patiently: "Since you want it, you have to fight for it yourself. Take these dolls and ask the proprietress to see if she can change the two duplicate rabbits for you. .”

Yuzu looked at the dark crowd, she was small, and from the perspective of her standing on the ground, she felt very oppressive.

Even though she is actually braver and more sensible than ordinary children, she is still a little timid.

Youzi really wanted to say that she should wait until there were fewer people before going, but the one who told Sister Ye just now made it very clear that the dolls might be gone after a while.

She gritted her teeth, and...

"Dad, you can go with me."

"..." Hanyu Qingan sighed secretly, but this is normal, children, so I had to patiently persuade, "Be brave, since it is what you want, you have to speak out boldly, even if you are rejected, at least You fought for it too."

Yuan Shan and Ye Jianyouzi were still a little scared, and couldn't help but said, "How about I go with her?"

Suzuki Sonoko waved his hands, "It's okay, Qing'an is just teaching the children."

What he said, Mao Lilan couldn't help but look at it differently, "Yuanzi has really changed a lot now, and he seems to understand a lot about children's education."

Suzuki Sonoko replied: "To each other, you take care of Conan every day, don't you also have accumulated a lot of experience in raising children?"

The conversation between the two made Yuan Shan and Ye suddenly feel left behind. Girls of the same age are already exchanging parenting experiences, and she has never even talked about love! ! !
Encouraged by Hanyu Qingan, Yuzu looked back three times at every step, and finally walked to the door of the store, and then mustered up the courage to find the proprietress who supervised the work of the store staff, and said hello.

"Hi sister~"

The proprietress seemed to be 40 years old, and she was suddenly stunned when a three-year-old girl called her sister, and she called her so sweetly.

Yuan Shan and Ye opened their mouths wide, "This child... I thought she was very shy, but I didn't expect to be so good at talking."

Fortunately, she was going to help just now, and she probably couldn't say such nice words in the Internet. She is not a three-year-old child who knows how to deal with people.

Seeing this scene, Suzuki Sonoko felt a little complicated in her heart. At the beginning, everything started with Yuzu's sentence "my sister is so beautiful" when they met for the first time.

I was cheated...

Seeing this scene, Hanyu Qingan also sighed, this child is really, although like other children, she will seek a sense of security and support from her parents, but when she really wants to stand out on her own, she is not ambiguous.

Will become a master!

The proprietress was so sweetly called elder sister by such a cute villain, she was so happy from ear to ear, she agreed without saying a word, but when she went to help Yuzu find unique dolls, she found that one of them had already been given away.

The proprietress was a little scratching her head. Today is the last day of the event. She ordered these before, but now she can't get them.

Holding a doll that Yuzu wanted, after thinking about it, he took a box of wagashi and stuffed it back for Yuzu.

"Sorry, kid, that gray rabbit is gone, I'll give you another box of snacks."

A look of disappointment flashed across Yuzu's face, which made the proprietress's heart twitch, but soon Yuzi showed a smile, thanked her in a childlike voice, and then took the things the proprietress handed over.

One doll was successfully replaced, but the remaining one was missing, and it was still the same gray color as the rabbit at home. Yuzu was obviously a little bit lost.

Suzuki Sonoko held her in his arms, patted her head, "It's okay, it's okay, I'll ask someone to find a factory when I get back, and make a batch of exactly the same ones for you."

Hanyu Qing'an said: "Don't worry, it's not time to give up yet, Yuzu, look, those customers who got the dolls haven't gone far, why don't you try to ask them, look at their rabbits Is it gray, would you change it with you?"

Yuzu's heart fluttered for a while, under the "bewitching" of Hanyu Qing'an, she set off again, and then bravely went up to talk to her.

After asking several people in succession, their attitudes were very good, but it was a pity that the dolls they got were all repeated, Yuzu was a little discouraged, and looked at Hanyu Qingan frequently, and Hanyu Qingan kept encouraging her with his eyes.

Finally, after asking seven or eight guests in a row, a mother with a child had a gray rabbit in her hand, but...

"Sorry, little girl, my children are also collecting this set of dolls, and this gray one just doesn't exist."

Yuzu was disappointed for a while, dejected, YouQi was rejected again, the whole person must be a little wilted, and when she came back, she threw herself into Hanyu Qing'an's arms and secretly wiped her tears.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's normal to be rejected, it doesn't mean you did something wrong, it's just that it's impossible for everything to go so smoothly, it's normal for others to agree to your request, or reject your request, understand ?

It's nothing special, just like you ate two puddings today and want to eat the third one, and your father refused your request, wouldn't it make you feel embarrassed and want to cry?

Since even your father may reject you, others can naturally do the same. This is normal and a part of life.

That aunt rejected you, it doesn't mean she hates you, nor does she want to embarrass you, but her children also like it.

Although you didn't agree to your request, shouldn't you also say thank you to others? "

Yuzu nodded, and with the encouragement of Hanyu Qingan, he caught up with the aunt and said thank you, before running back again.

In fact, the aunt didn't go far. She also heard what Hanyu Qing'an said, and she glanced in surprise.

"Okay, let's see if there are any uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters nearby who have dolls, as long as there is a chance, don't give up easily.

Don't be afraid of being rejected. If you are rejected, just say thank you and go to the next target. "

Yuanshan and Ye looked at Yuzu's red eyes, and couldn't bear it. She had a strong sense of substitution. If she were herself, she might not be much better than Yuzu, and she would feel sad just the same.

But with the encouragement of Hanyu Qing'an, Yuzu still wiped away her tears and continued to ask people. This time it went smoothly. When Hanyu Qing'an was teaching children just now, many people heard it.

A kind uncle took the initiative to stop Yuzu and gave her the gray rabbit doll in his hand.

Yuzu was overjoyed, and quickly thanked her, then ran back briskly, threw herself into Hanyu Qing'an's arms and just rubbed it for a while.

"Okay, yuzu is great, really great." Said Hanyu Kiyoan, and the people around him also smiled and applauded kindly.

"This uncle is amazing. If only my parents could educate me like this when I was young."

"Who says no? They are all teaching their children how to succeed. I have never seen parents teach their children how to be rejected. If I had received this kind of education before, I wouldn't run into walls everywhere after graduation, and then fall into a slump."

"Mom, can I have another dad?"

"Bah, what nonsense are you talking about, go home quickly, your father will come back early tonight, and I have to hurry up and go back to prepare meals."

"What if I want to marry a little bit?"

"Do you want to be a stepmother? There are three beautiful girls around her. Do you think the stepmother will be your turn? It's more realistic to order potato chips."

(End of this chapter)

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