Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 356 Kidd: How can I eat pigeons? !

Chapter 356 Kidd: How can I eat pigeons? !

"Thank you for your hard work, you have to come so late."

The helicopter that had just landed on the deck was buzzing, and Suzuki Shiro greeted Officer Megure and the others with a smile.

Officer Meguro straightened his hat, with a righteous face, "This is exactly our duty."

Then he looked at Kogoro Mori, his righteous expression became more disgusting, "Brother Mao Li is here too? Another murder this time?"

Mori Kogoro's expression froze, and he immediately said loudly: "No, absolutely not, but no one was killed this time."

Officer Shiratori glanced at him, "That's really strange."


Mori Kogoro with a sullen face, muttered dissatisfiedly about the extraordinary talent, the detective and the case attract each other, this is the proof of a detective, the genius is always lonely, misunderstood fate and other difficult words.

Officer Megure walked up to Shiro Suzuki and asked in a low voice, "Where is Shi Kaobing being guarded now? Is there any danger? I have specially applied for additional equipment and personnel support this time."

Suzuki Shiro led the way and said: "Ah, don't worry about this, Hanyu-kun has already dealt with it, come with me here."

Officer Shiratori was shocked when he heard the words Hanyu-kun, and Takagi gave him a strange look, "What's the matter, Officer Shiratori? Do you have a cold? Why don't you take a rest first."

Officer Shiratori cleared his throat, "I'm fine, I'm just a little tired."

Takagi said concerned: "It was originally your vacation, but in the end I troubled you to handle the case together..."

While chatting with Takagi Tsuru, Officer Shiratori looked around vigilantly, for fear that Hanyu Kiyoan would suddenly appear.

"Mr. Police, I want to report the crime here!" Suddenly the door next to him opened, and a man shouted loudly.

Police Officer Shiratori, who was already tense, was startled, and subconsciously took several steps back, as if he was about to run away at any time.

Takagi She said strangely: "Are you okay? Officer Shiratori, why don't you go and rest first."

Over there, Han Chuanlong stopped Officer Mumu, chattering endlessly: "I lost my ring, I suspect it was stolen by the people on board, since you are the police, you are obliged to help me catch the thief and retrieve the ring."

Police officer Mu Mu is very helpless. If you lose a ring, you ask us to help you find it. We can't handle the murder case, so we work overtime every day to rush to the scene!
At this moment, Police Officer Shiratori stood up and said with a straight face, "We are the Investigation Division [-] of the Criminal Department of the Metropolitan Police Department, specializing in murder, robbery and other violent crimes.

The theft case you mentioned is handled by the Third Search Section. We still have very important criminal cases to be handled here. You can call the police, and there will be colleagues from the Third Search Section who will be in charge of the theft. "

Police officer Mumu wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. Shiratori was right. Although they would help if they happened to encounter a theft case or a thief or something, they still had to use their job as a violent crime case. priority.

Well, some people call him, the police department of the First Search Section, every day when they have nothing to do, regardless of whether he is responsible for those cases.

Police officer Mumu seemed to be guided by something, and looked at the door behind Hanchuanlong. Sure enough, Conan, Mo Lilan, and Suzuki Sonoko were all there.

These three are the "enthusiastic people" who love to call the police when they encounter a case, no matter what.

Han Chuanlong suddenly smiled, "The important case you are talking about refers to that Shi Kaobing, right? It just so happens that the ring I lost may have something to do with her.

That historian, named Pusi Qinglan, claimed to be an expert in the study of the Romanov Dynasty.

And the ring I lost happened to be the ring of Maria, the third daughter of Nicholas II. In the afternoon, the scout soldier was still drooling over my ring. "

Officer Shiratori was in a hurry, and it would be too late if he didn't leave.

However, it was too late.

Hanyu Qing'an had already come out to check the situation, followed by Toru Amuro and Yuya Kazami, Police Officer Shiratori immediately calmed down, and quietly began to move around the corner as if nothing had happened, praying that everyone would treat him as a little transparent.

"Officer Shiratori, are you really okay? Why don't you rest for a while?" Gao Mushe posted it with a lingering ghost.

"..." Police Officer Bai Niao gave him a dull look, and said calmly, "It's okay, don't worry about me, let's handle the case quickly."

Officer Mumu looked at Han Chuanlong who was pestering him endlessly, and said helplessly, "Okay, I will investigate, but let's get Shi Kaobing under control first."

Han Chuanlong was still relentless, "What if you catch Shi Kaobing and leave immediately? Then no one will care about my lost things? My ring is an antique!"

After An Shitou understood it, he said, "This matter is very easy to handle. Today, in order to arrest Shi Kaobing, we installed invisible cameras in many places, and even carried pinhole cameras on our bodies.

All the surveillance videos are stored in the surveillance room, and you only need to check who has entered Mr. Hanchuan's room to solve the case. "

Han Chuanlong was startled when he heard the words, surveillance? !There is such a thing!Why didn't he find out!
"We didn't even inform us of the surveillance installed on the ship. Does this violate our right to privacy? Is this how the Suzuki Foundation treats guests?"

Suzuki Sonoko said dissatisfied: "Who invited you here?"

Amuro said with a smile: "We only installed surveillance in public areas such as corridors, but not in your rooms, so this does not constitute infringement.

Alright, Officer Megure, let's check the surveillance together and we'll find out. "

Ryu Hanchuan wanted to say something more, but Officer Megure had already followed Toru Amuro.

Here, Hanyu Qingan looked at Police Officer Shiratori and sized him up a bit. He had a little impression of this character. What's his name?Is that the police officer with the squirrel on him all the time?Where's the squirrel?

Officer Shiratori felt uncomfortable being scrutinized by him, and asked bravely, "Is President Hanyu okay?"

Hanyu Qingan shook his head, "It's okay, I just think you look familiar, maybe I've seen it somewhere before, do you usually have pets?"

"No." Shiratori Ren Saburo shook his head vigilantly, he wouldn't have discovered that he was Kaitou Kidd again, right?Onmyoji is so insidious, he almost blurted out that he raised pigeons.

Takagi asked curiously: "Does President Hanyu also like to keep pets?"

Hanyu Qingan thought for a while, "It's okay, Yuzu raised two rabbits, and I raised... er, a bunch of pigeons."

really? !He found out, right?right? !Kaitou Kidd trembled in his heart.

"Eh? I didn't expect President Hanyu to keep pets. It's completely different from what I thought. He is also a caring person." Takagi Tsubasa scratched his head.

Hanyu Qingan explained: "Oh, it's not what you think, I keep pigeons for food."

"??!" Phantom Thief Kidd was startled, and blurted out, "How can you eat pigeons!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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