Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 357 Come on, Police Department!

Chapter 357 Come on, Police Department!
A few minutes later, the monitoring room.

Everyone gathered around the monitoring screen to watch, Kazami Yuya skillfully called up the monitoring screen, and then...

"Wait, stop here!" Suzuki Sonoko suddenly shouted.

Kazami Yuya stopped when he heard the words, and unfolded the picture, only to see on the screen, Yuzu sneaked out of the door, and then ran all the way to the kitchen...

After a while, she came out contentedly touching her belly.

Hanyu Kiyosuke and Suzuki Sonoko looked at Yuzu in unison, and the latter pretended to have ants under his feet and looked at it seriously.

"Is this when the boat first sailed in the afternoon?" Hanyu Qingan whispered.

Suzuki Sonoko nodded, "I said why I couldn't find anyone at that time."

"Let's talk about it later, let's get down to business first." Hanyu Qingan was a little amused, and turned his head to order Kazami Yuya to continue looking for the surveillance video of Ryu Sakakawa's room.

After a while, Kazami Yu also found it.

On the screen, Han Chuanlong sneaked out of the room, looked around the corridor, and then quickly came to Secretary Nishino's room, and he came out again after a while.

Upon seeing this, Police Officer Mu Mu turned his head and ordered: "Shiratori, Takagi, you two should go and investigate their rooms separately."

Han Chuanlong's face became ugly, never expecting that there was a surveillance camera installed on the ship, and it was an invisible pinhole camera.

Hanyu Qing'an looked at Secretary Nishino, who was in the crowd with an unsteady expression, and asked, "Have you ever had any troubles with this Mr. Suzukawa?"

Secretary Nishino shook his head blankly, but Han Chuan Long obviously wanted to frame him, so there must be a reason. He stared at Han Chuan Long's face, thought carefully, and suddenly remembered.

"I know! I have indeed seen him. When I was abroad, once he was photographing a crying little girl who lost her home because of a fire. I stepped forward to stop him, but he refused to stop, so I beat him. pause."

Hanyu Qing'an looked at Secretary Nishino's figure, but he didn't realize that this gentleman-looking secretary with glasses had strength.

Officer Megure turned his head to look at Ryu Hanchuan with a serious face, "If we find your missing ring in Mr. Nishino's room, we will investigate your crime of trying to frame Mr. Nishino.

If Mr. Nishino decides to prosecute, all your words and actions today will become evidence, and we will handle it according to law.

Things will end in a while, please come with us. "

Han Chuanlong argued to himself, "I just went to chat with him. The ring might have been accidentally dropped. How can you be sure that I framed him?"

After Hanyu Qingya heard this, he looked at Secretary Nishino and said, "Secretary Nishino, did you invite him to your room? Did he get your permission to enter your room?"

Secretary Nishino shook his head honestly, "Not at all, he sneaked in by himself while I was away."

Police officer Mu Mu understood: "Since this is the case, we will also investigate your illegal act of breaking into the empty door without permission."

Just as they were talking, Takagi Shepherd and Officer Shiratori came back to report, and they easily found a ring in Secretary Nishino's room, which should be the antique ring that Hanchuanlong lost.

In addition, Secretary Nishino's pen was found in Long Hanchuan's room, and it was confirmed from the surveillance video that Secretary Nishino had never entered Long Chuan's room.

The illegal acts of framing and trespassing have been confirmed.

After dealing with this unexpected small case that was not within his scope of business, Police Officer Mu Mu straightened his face and said, "Okay, now it's time to go see Shi Kaobing."

The crowd turned to the chairman's room in a mighty manner, and Kaitou Kidd followed behind them, looking at Hanyu Qing'an's back, he muttered in his heart.

When he blurted out just now, Onmyoji should know that he is Kaitou Kidd, right?But he didn't say anything, he didn't do anything.

Could it be that for the sake of sister You Xizi, you didn't care about yourself?

In this way, this sister is very correct, Kaitou Kidd thought to himself, last time he only asked sister Yuxiko, and forgot to ask the onmyoji, did he see his father?

After thinking about it, he walked to the chairman's room. Suddenly, there was a little commotion among the police. Hearing the sound, Kaitou Kidd looked up and saw that there was no scout soldier in the room, but a big bun on the ground.

Very big, big for one person.

"Could this be..."

"That's right, I heard that in the Mihua Building bombing last time, Master Onmyoji turned the murderer of that case into a steamed stuffed bun. Although there were not many people who saw it with their own eyes, there were a few.

Later, those police officers were summoned for training, and they haven’t come back yet, so it’s estimated that we’ll have to train when we go back…”

"Hiss—turning people into steamed stuffed buns... This is simply unbelievable! Is there such magic?"

"Yin-yang art, it's yin-yang art."

"This bun... Do you think you can eat it? If you eat it, what will happen when the person transforms back? What if you only eat half of it?" A little policeman next to him approached and said softly.



The chatting voices of several police officers were very low, and they did not disturb the police officer Mu Mu and others in front, but Kaitou Kidd was closer, and he was always sharp and could hear very clearly.

After hearing the whimsical speech of the little policeman at the end, he couldn't help shivering. Fortunately, he didn't try to escape from the Onmyoji yesterday, otherwise if he turned himself into a bun, it would be...


What Hongzi said is correct, onmyojis should not be enemies, and it is better to provoke him as little as possible in the future...

Baozi was packed and taken away by the police, along with Han Chuanlong. Secretary Nishino chose to sue to the end. Although he usually has a good temper, he was very persistent when he decided on one thing.

When police officer Mumu led the crowd to escort Baozi and Hanchuanlong, he suddenly encountered another helicopter on the deck.

Before the plane landed, Nakamori Ginzo jumped down along the rope, and his jaw hit the deck hard, making people's teeth ache.

Police officer Mu Mu pressed his hat and asked cautiously: "You... have you received a call to the police?"

Gao Mushe looked at Han Chuanlong, but the latter looked blank, but Officer Shiratori scratched his face, a little uncomfortable.

Police officer Nakamori raised his head with difficulty like a dead body, chanting the name hoarsely.



Officer Shiratori coughed twice, leaned closer to Officer Mumu, and said in a low voice: "Police department, let's go first. Although Han Chuanlong reported the theft, he was involved in the Shi Kaobing case and the Onmyoji... We can't Give people three lessons."

Police officer Mu Mu suddenly realized that indeed, he couldn't wait here anymore, and if the third section of the search was involved, it would be troublesome.

"Hey, let's go first, you guys continue to work." Said Officer Mu Mu and took the people away.

Kaitou Kidd finally breathed a sigh of relief when he boarded the helicopter. This time it went smoothly and got important information.

When police officer Megure was assigned to search Samukawa Ryu's room, he took the opportunity to sneak into the reception room, overheard the conversations of those people, and learned that Hanyu Kiyoan and others were going to Yokosuka Castle to search for treasure tomorrow, something unexpected happened As expected.

The most important thing is... Onmyoji didn't expose him this time, it seems that there is still something to be said about this private chat...

Looking out of the plane window, Nakamori Ginzo aggressively went to the boat to look for himself, Kaitou Kidd showed a smile.

Come on, police department, I'm going first~
 New cousin, new book, the momentum is very strong, boutique reservations, if you are interested, go and have a look~
  "Myth Card Creator: From Black Impermanence"

(End of this chapter)

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