Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 380 Conscious Exile

Chapter 380 Conscious Exile

"I still think the two of them are weird, is it really okay?" Toyama and Ye looked at Hattori Heiji and Conan engaged in chatting, and couldn't figure it out.

"When did Pingci like children so much? Obviously he has such a quick temper and gets impatient easily. He always quarrels with me while talking."

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko smiled at each other, "Maybe it's because they have a common language. If you talk about reasoning with Mr. Hattori, he must be so devoted."

"Ah?" Yuan Shan and Ye were troubled for a while, "Forget it, I really don't understand those things. Speaking of it, Mr. Robert is really pitiful. It should be a beautiful love, but because of a little misunderstanding, alas ..."

Mao Lilan also sighed, and looked at Robert with pity and sympathy. Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit gloomy, Sonoko Suzuki said quickly:
"What is this for? You forgot, what Qing'an said, death is not the end, it's just a new life in the underworld. Miss Meisha is down here, she must be comforted by her mother, etc. Robert..."

Suzuki Sonoko wanted to say that after Robert died, the two of them would be reunited in the underworld, but before he could finish speaking, Hanyu Qingan slapped him on the head and interrupted him.

"It will get worse if you go on."

In the current situation, Robert was probably going to die on the spot.

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, and smiled embarrassingly, "It's so dangerous, I just want to comfort everyone, but Robert's condition looks really bad, I'm afraid he would be ashamed if I didn't say it .”

Hanyu Qing'an pondered for a while when he heard the words, tapped the folding fan in his hand, then suddenly stopped, he remembered something.

"I heard from Officer Mumu before that Pusi Qinglan and Moriya Teiji, who were turned into steamed stuffed buns, were very obedient after they turned back into humans.

It seems that it is because becoming a bun is more terrifying than confinement, and the whole person is completely plunged into the darkness of nothingness, and even time seems to be stagnant.

Both of them thought that they had entered a real state of death, their consciousness was being consumed by nothingness, and they desperately thought that they would keep this state until eternity.

The most fundamental fear made the two of them feel a strong sense of happiness when they felt life after rebuilding the light, as well as a deep-seated fear, so as long as they could live one more day, they were willing to do anything. "

Suzuki Sonoko and the others listened intently, and even Hattori Heiji and Conan came over.

Hanyu Qingan glanced at them and asked, "You say, let Robert experience this state of dead silence, he will definitely not commit suicide again, right?"

Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at each other, and read the same message from each other's eyes - Onmyoji is terrible, this is not saving people, this is torture...

If he really experienced this kind of consciousness exile that was more terrifying than confinement, Robert would not dare to commit suicide again, but his mental state would probably be completely scrapped, and psychiatrists all over the world would probably be helpless.

The two looked at each other and nodded, and then said: "Wait a minute, let's persuade him first, don't worry, we will be able to persuade him well."

The two thought to themselves, it's really not possible, it's better to arrange confinement for Robert than to become a bun and exile his consciousness.

Hanyu Qing'an didn't stop him when he heard the words, "Well, then you guys try it first, if it doesn't work, I'll arrange it for him before dawn, it won't take long, and the side effects should not be that big."

Hattori Heiji and Conan breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that Onmyoji himself knew that the side effects were serious, and he thought he was really planning to be exiled for one night. Then Robert would go crazy even if he didn't die.

The case was over, and Suzuki Sonoko called the police with ease. Takeda Shinichi was chained to the second floor of the warehouse, and Robert was tied to Takeda Shinichi's room.

Robert is in an unstable state and may commit suicide, so it is better to tie him up for safety.


After everything was dealt with, a light drizzle fell outside.

"Ah, it's raining." Suzuki Sonoko looked at the raindrops outside the room, and closed the door. She was really going to rest tonight, so she chose to share a room with Mao Lilan, Yuanshan and Ye.

"Xiao Lan, how is your book?" Yuan Shan and Ye asked.

Mao Lilan stopped spreading the quilt, tilted her head, and said embarrassingly: "It should be on the market now."

"Huh? Didn't you tell me?" Sonoko Suzuki was dissatisfied, and then took out his mobile phone, "I'll ask someone to buy [-] copies and send them to everyone at school."

Mao Lilan blushed, and rushed over to hold her hand, "This kind of thing is really embarrassing, let acquaintances read the books I wrote, and you don't know, okay?"

Suzuki Sonoko extended his arms and handed it to Yuanshan Heye, "Quick, Heye, here you are."

Yuan Shan and Ye hurriedly picked it up, and the word Secretary Nishino was displayed on it, and there was a waiting tone for dialing.

Mao Lilan quickly dropped Suzuki Sonoko and turned around and rushed towards Yuanshan and Ye. Compared with the best Suzuki Yuanzi, Yuanshan and Ye were much more difficult to deal with. Mao Lilan couldn't help but even used karate.

Toyama and Ye subconsciously used Aikido to deal with it, but there was a gap in their combat effectiveness, especially after the battle between Mori Ran and Kyogoku, the gap was even greater.

Yuan Shan and Ye quickly fell into a disadvantage. At this time, the phone was connected, Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up, and he quickly called out, "Mr. Nishino, it's me. I have something to trouble you."

"Ah, yes, please tell me, but is there something wrong with you? Why does it seem so noisy?"

"It's all right, please buy [-] copies of "Maori Detective Case Book"." Suzuki Sonoko shouted.


Before Secretary Nishino finished speaking, Mao Lilan grabbed the phone and hung up quickly.

At this time, Mao Lilan was panting slightly, and was pressing Yuan Shan and Ye under her body, the latter was panting even more, and the pajamas on both of them were ripped to reveal a large area of ​​skin.

"Ah~ It's a pity, I don't know if Secretary Nishino heard me clearly." Suzuki Sonoko sighed.

Mao Lilan knew that it was useless to stop her now, and she couldn't keep staring at her, so she looked at her and said kindly: "Yuanzi, don't be like this, please, this kind of thing is really embarrassing."

Suzuki Sonoko glanced back and forth between the two of them, and smiled strangely, "I can keep the [-] copies at home and not bring them to school, depends on your sincerity~"

Mao Lilan had a bad feeling, "What are you going to do again?"

Yuan Shan and Ye said blankly and innocently, "What's none of my business?"

Suzuki Sonoko leaned over to the two of them, looked at them wantonly, and said regretfully, "It's really cheap for those two guys. Let me check your bodies for you."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand, but soon, in the blink of an eye, she was turned over and pressed down on the quilt by the two of them, "Ah, I was wrong, don't use any more force... help!"

(End of this chapter)

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