Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 381 Onmyoji's Impact on Modern Society

Chapter 381 Onmyoji's Impact on Modern Society

"What do you think the next door is doing? So noisy?" Hattori Heiji held the back of his head boredly, his right foot dangling on his left knee.

Conan was in the middle, a little closer, and when he heard Xiaolan's shy "no" a few times, the picture of taking a bath together in the past inexplicably appeared in his mind, and his heart was itchy.

"I'm so stupid...Really...Why did I patronize and be shy at the time..." Conan muttered, under the leadership of Mori Kogoro, his LSP became more and more competent.

"What did you say?" Hattori Heiji didn't hear clearly.

"Ah, it's nothing." Conan quickly covered it up, turned his head and said to Hanyu Qingyasu, "Brother Hanyu, it seems that Sister Sonoko is calling for help, why don't you go and see?"

Hanyu Qingan was leaning against the next wall, the closest, he glanced at Conan faintly, "It's okay, you don't need to go, or do you want to go and have a look?"

Conan wanted to nod in a strange way, but when he vaguely saw Hanyu Qingan's slightly glowing eyes in the darkness, he suddenly became excited, "No, I'm just worried."

"Oh, I thought you wanted to experience what it's like to be a bun."

Hanyu Qing'an's words made Conan afraid for a while, he was only thinking about seeing Mo Lilan, and forgot that Sonoko was there, if he really wanted to go, he would probably be mercilessly turned into a steamed bun, right?
Thinking about the feeling of being exiled, Conan felt that this rainy night was really cold, and he really wanted to change places with Hattori. Even listening to Uncle Mori's snoring was better than lying next to Onmyoji.

"There is a problem." Hattori Heiji got up quickly, very irritable, "How did you all solve it? It's that kind of frustration when you can't stop the tragedy from happening, you have also encountered it, right?"

Conan's face calmed down when he heard the words, and he thought of the sonata under the moonlight, and said: "I have experienced more frustrated and even guilty cases than this, so this kind of thing is nothing, after all, detectives are not omnipotent, impossible Never make a mistake."

Hanyu Qingya said: "In my opinion, most of the tragedies in this world have a whole picture that we cannot see through at a glance, and often have inevitable cause and effect.

The resentment bred in it will always explode, and if it can be stopped for a while, it cannot be stopped for a lifetime. I don't believe that a few words can really eliminate the resentment. Even the gods cannot ensure that there will be no more tragedies in the world.

Rather than working hard to stop them one by one, it is better to let all the prices that should be paid be implemented. As long as everyone weighs the price to be paid and the consequences to bear before doing something, the world will definitely be better than it is now. "

Conan was thoughtful when he heard the words. No wonder Onmyoji always likes to bring up the matter of reckoning in the underworld. The detective is responsible for finding out the truth after the event. Onmyoji uses the threat of reckoning in the underworld to reduce the tragedy caused by impulse from the source...

Well, it is indeed a religious superstition.

"Even you can't do it? President Hanyu? You are called a god by some people!" Hattori Heiji is really a little depressed now. The criminal committed a crime under his nose today, which really hurt his self-confidence all the time.

Hanyu Qing'an said "hmm", "Even if I am really a god, but still have personality, then I am not a true god. The true god is the way, nature, and laws, and has no personality.

And good and evil are interdependent, this is the Dao, doomed to the inevitable existence of these things, without misery, happiness cannot be defined. "

Hattori Heiji and Conan were silent. The two of them still couldn't agree with this overly metaphysical thinking. They were more willing to work hard where they could see it, and they were more inclined to the reality that was within reach.

Hanyu Qing'an didn't intend to convince them that everyone has their own thoughts, and that's how the world is wonderful enough.

"Go to sleep, you'll be fine once you sleep." As an old uncle, Hanyu Qing'an comforted the two underage detectives.


On the same night, Toru Amuro was still sleepless, he was pondering over the prayer that Hanyu Kiyoan had sent before.

"Gods who do not belong to this world, monsters who watch their husbands and shed tears by the sea, shikigami who obey the orders of onmyoji, Mrs. Yunu, please listen to the prayers of your devout believers..."

After reading this, Toru Amuro stopped, lest he activate the precious charm and lose 500 million yen in vain.

"Watching her husband at the seaside shed tears is the legend of the rain girl. Obedience to the Onmyoji is a sign of affiliation. Does the god who does not belong to this world mean that he does not belong to the world of the underworld?

This is in line with what the president said before, the shikigami came from the underworld, and it didn't come from the body, but the projection of the mind.

But what does this change mean? "

Toru Amuro frowned, faintly having a bad premonition, "Maybe Kazami hasn't slept yet? Ask him about the situation of the shrine."

Toru Amuro lifted the quilt, turned over and got out of bed neatly, stepped on the soft and plush carpet with bare feet, and walked to the living room. The empty room was occupied by moonlight as a foothold.

He took out his mobile phone and pressed Yuya Kazami's number, the phone rang three times, and Toru Amuro hung up.

Sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, Amuro Toru's head was a little blank for a while, and he didn't want to think about anything. This was a rare tranquility.

But this state didn't last long. It was as if he had changed from a statue back to a living person and dialed the number again.

This time Kazami Yuya finally replied, and after waiting for about 5 minutes, there was a call from there.

"Is it an urgent task?" Kazami panted.

When Toru Amuro talked about the question he was thinking about, Yuya Kazami was silent for a while, and then said honestly:
"Would it have something to do with belief? There have been a lot of people who have come to pay homage to Yu Nu recently, and a lot of things have happened. I've been busy dealing with them, and I haven't had time to report to you and the president."

Amuro cheered up, "What is it?"

Kazami Yuya said: "Recently, there have been several cases where patients did not go to the hospital to see a doctor when they got sick, but instead came to the shrine to pay homage to Yu Nu and pray for Yu Nu to cure them.

Ms. Umezawa and the others have repeatedly dissuaded me, but they still couldn't stop it completely. "

Toru Amuro immediately became vigilant. This was not a good sign. The presence of the president did make some temporarily incurable diseases less scary, and gave hope to some desperate patients.

But if everyone refuses to go to the hospital and all come to the shrine to worship, it will be a disaster!
Not even talking about everything, as long as there are one-tenth of the people in Tokyo, it will be an irreversible consequence.

The president's healing skills can't prevent future troubles forever, he will still get sick in the future, and he can't heal everyone without sleep all day long.

Even if he is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of mankind and treat everyone for free day and night, that is not a good thing. The modern medicine developed by human beings will decline or even collapse because of this!
Doctors need to live, they need salaries, hospitals also need funds, but what about shrines?

A five-yen wishing coin?
Once it is released, it will only cause a severe impact on the medical system, and it must not be done!
But those patients who came to worship, can't continue to persuade them one by one like this?
(End of this chapter)

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