Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 387 Metropolitan Police Department Health Insurance Cooperation?

Chapter 387 Metropolitan Police Department Health Insurance Cooperation?
Hanyu Qingan left the study room and strode to Suzuki Sonoko's bedroom. The door was unlocked, and when he opened it, there was no one there.

"Huh? Where's the person?" Hanyu Qingan glanced around strangely, could it be in the cloakroom or the bathroom?
The next second, he suddenly caught a glimpse of two heads between the bed and the balcony.

Hanyu Qingan walked around the bed and saw that Sonoko Suzuki and Yuzu were holding their legs, leaning against the edge of the bed, sitting on the carpet, staring at the sky outside the balcony in a daze.

"What are you doing here?"

Yuzu put up a finger in front of his mouth mysteriously, "Shh~ we're loading mushrooms."


Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help laughing out loud, and Hanyu Kiyosuke couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect Sonoko to have a childlike innocence, and you look like a mushroom."

"Who's pretending to be a mushroom!" Suzuki Sonoko couldn't hold back, "It's not your precious daughter who made me angry."

Suzuki Sonoko sat there angrily and silent for a long time, Yuzu kept acting coquettishly, calling her mother in a soft voice, admitting her mistake, and rubbing her head against her hand.

Suzuki Sonoko almost couldn't hold back this cute appearance, and thanks to Hanyu Qing'an who came quickly, otherwise she would have broken her skills.

Of course, Yuzi, who is as big as a little ghost, has been paying attention to her subtle expressions with her eyes, and has already discovered that she is not angry.

Children are actually very sensitive to the attitude of adults, and they can't hide their real anger or fake anger.

With someone to confide in, Suzuki Sonoko let go and told the story, Hanyu Qingan simply sat down, hugged Yuzu and listened slowly.

"Open your mouth, let me see your teeth." Hanyu Qingan turned Yuzu around, and pinched her face.

Yuzu opened her mouth obediently, revealing her pink and tender tongue, Hanyu Qingan looked at it, "It's okay, there's no big problem, I'll take you to the dentist for a checkup later."

After finishing speaking, Hanyu Qingan turned his head to look at Suzuki Sonoko again, "Open your mouth too, I'll take a look."

Suzuki Sonoko stared, "What do you mean?"

Hanyu Qingan pinched her chin and urged: "Hurry up, or I will take you and Yuzu to the dentist later."

Suzuki Sonoko hesitated when he heard it, and then slowly opened his mouth halfway. Hanyu Qingan squinted his eyes and looked at it, and then looked serious.

Seeing this, Suzuki Sonoko thumped in his heart, "I don't want to see a dentist!"

Hanyu Qingan suddenly laughed: "How many times have you been baptized by Yu Nu's tears from the sky? How could you have dental disease? Grapefruit is also, what are you worried about?"

Suzuki Sonoko slapped his forehead and suddenly realized, "Yes, you can cure it, why did I forget... Wait! I remembered!"

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly looked at Hanyu Qing'an with an unkind expression, and said through gritted teeth, "I remember you were able to summon shikigami in the courtyard, right? Then why did you have to massage my place with medicinal wine last time?"

Hanyu Kiyosuke was stunned, "You're right when you say that, I didn't expect it last time, you're so smart."

Seeing the smile on his face, Suzuki Sonoko found it disgusting no matter what, and bit him on the shoulder in a fit of embarrassment.

"Hiss... are you a dog?" Hanyu Qingan didn't hide.

Suzuki Sonoko patted him angrily, "No wonder I always felt that my mother looked at me like a fool just now, she must think that I am so stupid to worry about Yuzu dental disease..."

Hanyu Qingan patted her head, "Don't worry, your mother has always looked at you like that, and it has nothing to do with this incident."

"..." Suzuki Sonoko glanced at him blankly, and then rushed forward with all his teeth and claws. Yuzu beside him looked very happy.


Police Department.

"What? Didn't see the prisoner's face?" Police Officer Mu Mu asked in surprise.

Nara Sawaji, who was already awake, nodded palely, "The murderer was wearing a windbreaker with his collar turned up, and he was wearing a mask, and he even wore sunglasses on a rainy day...

But there is also a little clue, I can confirm his height and shape, and he holds a gun in his left hand, which I remember very clearly. "

Heihei Kuroda watched from the side, then turned his head and asked Shuichi Akai, "Do you remember anything? You seemed to find out that something was wrong earlier than me, but because you were across the road, you arrived a little later than me."

Akai Shuichi folded his arms and frowned, "I just glanced at it and decided to save the person first. I only remembered that person was a gray windbreaker and an umbrella, and he was slender."

"Is it gray? How did I remember it was green?" Yuantai scratched his head, then turned to ask Mitsuhiko.

Mitsuhiko touched his chin and recalled, "I remember it was black."

Ayumi interjected, "It's blue..."

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched. These guys were not at the scene at all at that time, so they couldn't see clearly, but there were already the victims themselves, plus two witnesses, Kuroda Hei and Kusuda Rikumichi, these children were just By the way.

"No matter what, this case is a provocation to the Metropolitan Police Department. It must be taken seriously. Moreover, if the prisoner fails to succeed, it is inevitable that he will act again, and the target may not be just Narazawa criminal." Kuroda Hei concluded.

"Next, the notification continues, everyone must cheer up, solve this case as soon as possible, and catch the prisoner!"

"Yes!" The police officers at the scene responded in unison.

"Sorry, I didn't get any more clues at the time..." Criminal Narazawa looked guilty.

Kuroda Hei glanced at him, "I said, don't show that expression, live on, and do your own thing."

Akai Shuichi's eyes flickered again, this time he paid more attention to the tone of Kuroda Hei's words, trying to compare with his father in deep memory.

But the image of Kuroda Hei is really too different from his father... and it doesn't look like disguise...

Akai Shuichi's eyes fell on Kurodahei's face which was wrinkled by the burn, and the other side's eyes were also blocked by the black eyepatch.

Kuroda Hei seemed to have noticed his gaze, and turned his head to look at him. Akai Shuichi did not look away with guilt, but looked at him calmly.

"Where is President Hanyu now? Do you have time?"

Akai Hideichi: "The president's whereabouts are erratic, I don't know, but Manager Amuro should know, I'll ask him."

Kuroda Hei nodded slowly, "I'm sorry to trouble you, but Criminal Narazawa still needs to receive a blessing spell to restore his body..."

"Administrator, I didn't..." Nara Sawaji said hastily.

Heihei Kuroda didn't turn his head back, but just signaled him to shut up with his hands, "You are not an exception to the police officer's injury. In the past, we didn't have a better way to deal with it, but now that President Hanyu has appeared, there is no reason why we should not do it." All police officers provide better protection."

He had actually considered it before, but because Hanyu Qingan only opened for one hour in the evening every day, and a large number of customers lined up, it didn't have much practical significance for the entire Metropolitan Police Department.

The big shots are not enough.

But now, after receiving the report from Amuro Toru, Kuroda Hei already knows that Yu Nu can respond independently 24 hours a day...

Now that the situation is different, no matter whether he succeeds or not, as an administrator, he must fight for his own people.

(End of this chapter)

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