Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 388

Chapter 388
It was already noon, and Kuroda Hei invited Akai Shuichi and others to dinner at a high-end restaurant near the Metropolitan Police Department. Genta shouted eel rice and was very excited.

Kuroda Heibei and Akai Shuichi are not talkative people, the two chatted briefly, and the dinner table fell into silence, only the voices of Genta and the little ghosts were left.

However, from Conan's point of view, this atmosphere is really a bit strange. Kuroda Hei and Akai Hideichi seem to have the same temperament in their dining habits.

Quiet and efficient.

"Manager Kuroda, what's wrong with your eyes? Do you need help from the president?" Akai Shuichi broke the silence and asked tentatively.

Heihei Kuroda seemed unaware, and said frankly: "There was an accident before, and I was in a coma in the hospital for ten years because of it. I just woke up not long ago. I don't need the help of President Hanyu. Some things need to be reminded in this way. Never forget yourself."

Akai Shuichi didn't continue to ask, but Conan beside him was full of curiosity, and couldn't help asking: "What case is it?"

Kuroda Hei glanced at Conan with his one-eyed eyes, making the latter startled. Fortunately, Kuroda Hei did not get angry, but said lightly:
"I don't quite remember the specifics. I lost part of my memory after waking up, so I need this lost eye to remind me."

"Amnesia?" Conan suddenly felt that this statement was very familiar, and Akai Shuichi was also thoughtful.

At this time, Kuroda Hei called the waiter into the box, ordered a cup of black tea, and said, "What dessert or drink do you all want? You can order whatever you want."


"Strawberry Cake!"

"ice cream!"

"Yuantai, you are not afraid of spoiling your stomach..." Conan said speechlessly, "I want juice."

"Similarly, a cup of black tea." Akai Shuichi spoke calmly, but his heart was beating very violently. His father also liked black tea...

"I heard that you have formed a young detective team?" Kuroda Hei suddenly looked at Conan, Conan was shocked, why did he suddenly involve me?

"That's right! Our young detective team has solved a lot of cases!" Before Conan could speak, the three little devils beside him said proudly.

"Officer Megure said many times that the case was solved thanks to us."

"Uncle, if you encounter any difficult cases in the future, just leave it to our young detective team!"

Conan's scalp is numb, who gave you the confidence! ! !

Kuroda Hei looked seriously at Conan, who was smiling dryly, and nodded, "Okay, I will ask you if I need it in the future."

Conan thumped in his heart, suspecting that the other party had seen through his identity. He had often used Kudo Shinichi's identity to handle cases in the past, and the Metropolitan Police Department had records of these cases.

"Excuse me first." Kuroda Heibei's cell phone rang suddenly, he got up and left the box, the atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

If Conan has received amnesty, even if the Kuroda manager finds out, don't say it in front of a member of the black organization, really...

He quietly wiped the sweat from his forehead, and secretly glanced at Akai Shuichi next to him, only to see that the latter seemed to be distracted.

It's a bit strange, how could he be distracted on such an occasion?Conan was puzzled for a while.

Kuroda Hei returned quickly, and after sitting down, he asked Akai Hideo, "Has Mr. Amuro replied?"

It was only then that Akai Shuichi remembered that his phone had vibrated before, but at that time his attention was all attracted by the man in front of him, so he didn't pay attention.

He took out his mobile phone, and there was an email from Toru Amuro. In addition to explaining where Hanyu Kiyoan was, he also asked him if there was anything important to do with the president.

"The president is at Suzuki's house right now, so he should be talking to Chairman Suzuki," Akai Hideichi said.

Heihei Kuroda nodded, "I just received the news that tomorrow is the wedding celebration of the younger sister of the Shiratori Police Department. Please ask President Hanyu to see if he is free to attend."

Conan asked strangely, "Why didn't you call Brother Hanyu directly? Officer Kuroda, you should have his phone number, right?"

Heihei Kuroda drank the lipstick tea and did not deny it, "Some time ago, there was a slight misunderstanding between the Metropolitan Police Department and President Hanyu."

Conan was a little surprised, when did this happen?He thought that the relationship between the Metropolitan Police Department and Onmyoji had always been good.

"Wedding banquet?" Yuantai's focus was completely different, "Will there be a lot of delicious food?"

Cream was on the corner of Ayumi's mouth, and her eyes were shining, "Hey, it's so romantic to get married~"

Mitsuhiko touched his chin and said strangely: "Isn't it a bit inappropriate to get married at this time, such a thing happened only in the morning..."

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at him, and Guangyan was shocked.

Kuroda Hei explained: "This was decided a month ago. There was an accident today, and it was too late to change. Besides, it was not a wedding ceremony, but a wedding celebration. Only friends and family members of the couple attended.

Because of Officer Shiratori's relationship, many people from the Metropolitan Police Department will be present, including Director Baima. "

"Understood, I will convey it to the president." Akai Hideo nodded, this is to take this opportunity to talk about something at tomorrow's celebration.

As he spoke, he touched the bandage wrapped around his neck. Kuroda Hei's eyes fell there just now, and under the bandage was a voice changer...

After the dinner was over, Conan took the three noisy little devils to Dr. Ali's house. On the way, he kept thinking about what happened today.

I always feel that whether it is Kuroda Hei or Kusuda Rikumichi at the dinner table, their speech and behavior are a bit strange, and it seems too redundant for me and the three little devils...


Conan suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Although Yuan Tai insisted on inviting someone to treat him to dinner, Kuroda Heiwei didn't seem to reject it, and even seemed a little happy to do so.

Could it be that they were deliberately asked to follow, so as to dispel some suspicion?

Avoid suspicion?
In this way, it means that the meeting between Heihei Kuroda and Rikumichi Kusuda today, in addition to the superficial thanks, should also hide an important reason that is unknown.

Is it a joint exchange of information?What things or information did two people hand over when he didn't know it?Conan carefully recalled all the conversations and action details between the two.

If Kuroda Hei and Kusuda Rikumichi were in the same group, it would make sense why Kuroda Heibei deliberately pointed out that he had a problem in front of Kusuda Rikumichi...

It can also explain why Kusuda Ludao is so decisive in saving lives today...

Conan suddenly had a feeling of clear thinking. According to Haibara's judgment, Toru Amuro is a member of the black organization and an undercover agent sent by Onmyoji. So Kusuda Rikudo is an undercover agent from the Metropolitan Police Department?

Various clues intertwined in his mind...

Kusuda Rikudo is suspected to be a member of the police... Kusuda Ludao sneaked into the house of Onmyoji before... Kamel monitored Kusuda Rikudo... Amuro Toru is a member of the black organization...

Which side is Kamel from...

By the way, Huiyuan suddenly said that scumbag, who is the scumbag?Conan suddenly thought of an important clue, Hui Yuan Ai refused to say it before, let's ask her again later...

(End of this chapter)

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