Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 394 Carl: I will kill you if I say I will kill you

Chapter 394 Carl: If I say kill you, I will kill you

"Uh... I didn't mean to..." After a moment of silence, Karl said innocently.

Miwako Sato lowered her head, the murderer's neck on the ground was still bleeding. When she raised her head, Karl shrugged helplessly.

"You put down your weapon first."

Miwako Sato picked up the pistol that fell on the ground and stood on guard. She knew who Karl was, and the police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department basically knew about the people around Kiyoan Hanyu.

Carl let go of his hand indifferently, and the metal table knife fell to the ground, clanging.

"Conan, Officer Sato, are you all right?"

It sounds like a long time has passed, but all this happened in a short period of time, Mao Lilan only heard a messy noise, and then the voice of Miwako Sato talking.

"It's okay, Xiaolan, but don't come out and wait a little longer." Miwako Sato said quickly.

There is Karl with unknown intentions in front of him, and there are tragic corpses on the ground, which is not suitable for ordinary people to participate.

Miwako Sato took out a handcuff from her waist vigilantly, and said in as gentle a tone as possible: "Please don't overreact. As long as you didn't intentionally kill someone, you won't have any problems after the case is clarified."

Karl nodded slightly, stretched out his hand for her to cuff it, and the other hand cuffed it on her own hand.

Taking advantage of this time, Conan had already raised his wrist, and by the light of the flashlight, he began to check the identity of the murderer.

After tearing off the murderer's mask and woolen cap, what appeared in front of Conan was Fudo Kyosuke—the psychotherapist who behaved a little strangely just now.

Obviously the power supply has been cut off, why is he still wearing a mask and woolen cap in the dark environment?

Conan was a little puzzled.

Then he saw Mao Lilan coming out with a flashlight, and he was surprised: "Sister Xiaolan, where did you get your flashlight?"

Mao Lilan shook the flashlight, "You mean this? I found it in the cabinet under the sink in the bathroom. Just after it suddenly turned dark, light was coming out of the gap in the cabinet. I found it after I opened the cabinet."

A flash of lightning flashed across his mind, and Conan instantly understood that the murderer wanted Xiaolan and Officer Sato to pick up the flashlight by himself, so that he could directly locate the target in the dark!
But he didn't wait for the flashlight to light up. Instead, he heard the conversation between himself and others, and couldn't wait any longer, so he took the risk and tried to do it directly.

I see... no wonder he has to wear a mask and a woolen cap...

and many more!

Conan suddenly thought of the situation at the previous banquet. When Kyosuke Fudo introduced Sawaki Fairy, he mentioned that the latter had told him many rumors about Onmyoji, so Kyosuke Fudo would wear sunglasses on rainy days. Don't show your face either!

He probably knew that the Onmyoji could get clues about the murderer from the mouth of the dead!
"What are you thinking?" Mao Lilan couldn't help asking.

Conan's face was solemn, "The murderer should have known Brother Hanyu's ability, but he still chose to commit the crime against the wind...I'm afraid there is some reason why he had to do so."

Just as he was talking, the lights came back on, and Miwako Sato had already called the police at the venue.

Conan only felt the floor tremble violently, as if an earthquake had occurred. Looking up, the other side of the corridor was rushing towards the crowd, all of them seemed crazy and ferocious.

Seeing the blood stained on Sato Miwako's face from a distance, the police even fried the pan on the spot.

"Where is that bastard? He dared to touch Miwako!!!"

"I'm going to cut him into pieces!!!"

"Don't be afraid, Miwako, we are here!!!"

"Officer Sato... I'll come..." Takagi She was caught in the middle of the flow of people, surrounded by burly men who could hardly reach the ground, and was dragged towards this side.

When the turbulent flow of people came in front of Miwako Sato, it was as if they had encountered a dam, and the momentum was stopped immediately. Only Tsutomu Takagi, who was being coerced, was thrown out under the inertia, and landed at the feet of Miwako Sato.

"Ah, Takagi, are you okay?" Miwako Sato reached out to help Takagi Sato up, and dozens of sharp eyes pierced over.

Gao Mushe's head was dripping with sweat, and he asked with concern with a dry smile: "Officer Sato is the one, are you okay? Where is the murderer? Is it the man in handcuffs?"

Karl was pointed at like this, and immediately attracted the attention of all the policemen. Even with his psychological quality, he couldn't help being a little flustered, and couldn't help explaining:
"It was the president who ordered me to monitor suspicious people. When I found out that the murderer was about to attack, I stopped him, but some accidents happened..."

When the word "President" was mentioned, the momentum of the police officers froze.

Miwako Sato hurriedly followed, "It's true that there was some misunderstanding. It was just handcuffed for safety. The murderer was this man on the ground."

The policemen looked down at Futo Kyosuke, who was dying with regret, and they all snorted coldly, quite in the attitude of "I'm dead, otherwise I'll let you experience that life would be worse than death".

Gao Mushe felt worried, everyone is a policeman, how could he have such a dangerous idea, he can't know the law and break the law...

Footsteps sounded again in the corridor, this time it was not in a mess, Director Hakuba, Hanyu Qingan and others came quickly.

"Xiao Lan! Are you okay!"

Kogoro Maoli rushed to Mao Lilan in a panic, his tone of voice was crying. Although Feili was also worried, she behaved calmer.

Suzuki Sonoko, who was by Hanyu Qingan's side, was calmer. As long as he was still there, no matter how serious the injury was, Hanyu Qingan could be cured, so he didn't worry too much.

"Carl?" Kiyoan Hanyu glanced at the scene and asked in surprise when he saw the employee handcuffed.

Director Hakuba was startled, if it was an employee of President Hanyu who committed the crime, it would be difficult, no matter whether he enforced the law impartially or compromised appropriately, there would be trouble.

"President." Calvados looked calm.

"What's going on here? Who will tell me what happened?" Director Baima asked with a frown.

The director, who had always shown a friendly attitude, suddenly spoke harshly, and all the policemen were shocked. Miwako Sato also felt the pressure, and hurriedly explained what happened.

Conan and Mao Lilan added on the side, and Karl also explained a few sentences in a timely manner. On the whole, there is no contradiction in everyone's statement.

Everyone understood, so the "truth" is: the staff of Onmyoji discovered the murderer's intention to commit murder at the first time, and when the situation was critical, they restrained the murderer with a dining knife.

However, Miwako Sato thought she was still in danger because of lack of vision, unknown situation, and unaware that the murderer had been brought under control.

Because of the threat of life, he immediately defended, and the actions of the two parties did not cooperate well, which led to the unfortunate death of the murderer.

After listening, Director Baima secretly heaved a sigh of relief. It's okay, but he owes a favor again. Forget it, it's all owed, let the higher-ups have a headache.

"Since this is the case, as long as the investigation of the case is clear, it may be necessary for this Mr. Carl to go to the Metropolitan Police Department to cooperate. President Hanyu, look..." Director Baima asked tentatively.

Hanyu Qing'an pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "There is a funeral commission tonight, and Karl is needed. Let's investigate the case here on the spot. If there is any difficulty, I can help wake up the deceased to confront him."

After hitting a soft nail, the policemen below all had strange expressions, but Director Hakuba didn't react much, nodded and said: "Then follow President Hanyu's wishes."

(End of this chapter)

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