Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 395 A Prophecy

Chapter 395 A Prophecy

Hearing Qingan Hanyu's words, Calvados's silent eyes moved slightly. After staying in the winery for so many years, he was always ready to be abandoned when encountering problems and dangers.

Even if it is behind Belmode.

I'm already used to this kind of thing, and I don't think there is any problem. The law of the jungle is the law of the world.

But this feeling that someone will take the lead for him when encountering a situation made Calvados feel a little uncomfortable for a while.

Although he felt that even if he followed the normal procedure, he would probably be fine, but it felt more at ease to have someone backing him up.


This unfamiliar word made Calvados feel difficult to understand.

Without Director Baima speaking, Kiyomaga Matsumoto quickly ordered his subordinates to call for someone. Most of the people present were criminal police officers, forensic officers and others were still in the Metropolitan Police Department.

You Chengzhen, the suspect of assaulting the police who left the scene before, was also ordered to bring him back together.

"Bring Min back as well." Toshiro Odagiri added, "He is also involved in this case."

Matsumoto Kiyosaga hesitated for a while, and then nodded his head in response. This matter is a confidential matter internally, after all, it involves the chief.

Although Superintendent Odagiri had ordered them to enforce the law impartially, they still had to avoid leaking the news before the investigation was made. At that time, the media would definitely make a big publicity no matter whether the case was finalized or not.

Just like the two attacks yesterday, the media reacted faster than the Metropolitan Police Department...

The investigation of Oda Kiritoshi was also handed over to Police Officer Shiratori, mainly because of the Shiratori Group behind him. After all, the general police do not have the confidence to pursue it to the end.

Director Baima listened to everything and didn't say anything. He was relatively satisfied with his subordinate's handling.

Hanyu Qingan turned and looked at Toru Amuro, "Stay here and see if you can help me. I'm going back to the venue first. Director Hakuba will also join me. It's useless to wait here. When do you need to wake up the dead? Come find me again."

Director Baima smiled and asked, "Alright, when will President Hanyu's commission start tonight?"

Hanyu Qingan looked at Toru Amuro, who immediately said, "Because the time agreed with the client for tonight's banquet is at midnight."

Director Hakuba looked at Kiyoshi Matsumoto, "You heard me, don't waste President Hanyu's time."

"Hi!" Matsumoto Kiyonaga hurriedly stood at attention and saluted.

Before Suzuki Sonoko was dragged away by Hanyu Qingan, she looked at Mao Lilan, who was discussing something with Conan, and she seemed to be fine, uninjured, and emotionally stable, so she followed in small steps with confidence.

Toru Amuro squinted his eyes and glanced at the scene. The police officers he glanced at were a little uncomfortable, and it was clear that he was Hanyu Qingan who stayed in charge of supervision.

After a while, You Chengzhen was brought back by the police, followed by Akai Shuichi.

Akai Hideichi was a little surprised to see the situation here, walked up to Amuro Toru and asked, "Have you caught the murderer?"

Amuro pointed to the dead body on the ground, "It's there."

Akai Shuichi glanced at it casually, and then he understood, "I was touched behind me, and I didn't resist. The person holding the knife is very steady, but why is the knife edge so messy?"

Amuro narrowed his eyes, "Carl did it."

"?" Akai Shuichi was a little strange, why did Calvados do this?There were side issues, and he was handcuffed by the Metropolitan Police Department.

It is very unwise to be an undercover agent of the Black Organization.

Amuro explained: "Kyosuke Fudoto cut off the power supply with an explosion, and tried to attack Officer Sato over there in the dark, and Karl, who was in charge of monitoring Kyosuke Fudoto, restrained him from behind.

But because of the light problem, Officer Sato didn't notice, and counterattacked directly at the gunpoint, and then accidentally caused this situation..."

"Is that so?" Akai Shuichi's tone was a bit playful, he didn't believe this kind of nonsense, and with Calvados' reaction speed, he would never miss it.

It can also be seen from the edge of the knife that the strength is as if the table knife is fixed in mid-air. Calvados's hand is terribly stable, without any shaking or shifting.

In addition, the table knife is not as sharp as the dagger, and it needs more strength to cause such a fatal injury.

Toru Amuro also felt that there was a problem. Calvados had taken the initiative to monitor Kyosuke Fudo before, and then Kyosuke Fudo died. This is too coincidental.

But... what is Calvados doing this for?

The two of them simultaneously thought of the last psychological examination, which was the only intersection they had with the psychotherapist lying on the ground.

So... what information was Calvados leaking at that time?
About the organization?
The two looked at the expressionless face of Calvados. The latter seemed not to feel the eyes of the two, but stood there silently, waiting for the police to investigate the case.

Akai Hideo looked away from Calvados and landed on Kuroda Hei who was in charge of the on-site command. He suddenly remembered a mental activity when he talked with Fudo Kyosuke last time.

At that time, Fudo Kyosuke said that he hoped that he could confide his troubles to him, and he would help him solve his problems.

At that time, Akai Shuichi subconsciously thought that his trouble was that he could not find his father who had been missing for 17 years. Could this psychiatrist help him solve it?

Unexpectedly, it became a prophecy!
I found that the abnormality of Kuroda Hei was precisely because Futo Kyosuke shot the criminal police in the rain yesterday, so there were clues and dinner later.

Akai Hideichi suddenly felt that Fudo Kyosuke was really competent, and it was a pity that he died...

"How could I do such a thing?!" You Chengzhen, one of the suspects who attacked the police before, suddenly shouted in panic.

"Please calm down, now your suspicions have been basically cleared, but you just need to explain some problems clearly." Police officer Mumu persuaded patiently.

There are two immediate bosses staring at him next to him, and there are more bosses on the other side of the venue. He is really under a lot of pressure.

You Chengzhen calmed down his nervousness a little bit, nodded, and then police officer Mu Mu continued to ask.

"According to the investigation, after you appeared at the traffic lights near Mihua Park yesterday, police officer Narazawa was attacked not long after. What did you do there?"

Youcheng's complexion changed, and then he said in a deep voice: "A man called me and told me to wait there and tell the truth about my father's death, but no one showed up when he arrived, and then the attack happened ..."

The surrounding policemen fell silent for a moment. You Chengzhen's father was also a criminal policeman. He suffered a heart attack a year ago while performing a mission. Police officer Sato and others who accompanied him wanted to give up the mission and send him to the doctor, but he refused.

When Officer Sato found out that something was wrong and rushed him to the hospital, it was too late.

At the funeral of police officer Youcheng, Youcheng really asked the policeman who was performing the task together at that time why he didn't send his father to the hospital.

"And then he called me again..."

You Chengzhen didn't continue to speak, but the meaning was very clear. He appeared next to another criminal policeman's car again, and that car was tampered with, and a tragedy almost happened.

"Later, I received a call from a woman who claimed to be Police Officer Sato, asking me to come to this restaurant. When I arrived, I found that the place was full of police... Then I left in a hurry."

(End of this chapter)

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