Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 400 Marriage Application

Chapter 400 Marriage Application

A few days later, the shrine.

The morning sun in the distance had just broken through the clouds and mist, revealing the figure. The morning glow was gorgeous, and the dawn breeze was refreshing. Hanyu Kiyosuke and Suzuki Sonoko finally finished the last funeral backlog, and walked arm in arm on the square of the main hall.

"Someone came to worship so early..." Suzuki Sonoko looked down at the railing, and black figures in twos and threes, like ants, came here from the winding approach.

"It seems that Umezawa and the others have really worked hard recently, although the sanitation work has been contracted by the little paper doll." Hanyu Qing'an reached out and grabbed a strand of hair by her ear, and reminded, "Since we are done with work, it's time to get down to business. ?”

Suzuki Sonoko panicked, her cheeks became hot unconsciously, stained red by the morning glow.

Obviously, she is usually a carefree female man, and she even committed nympho before, but after she really fell in love, she was sometimes shyer than Mao Lilan.

Hanyu Qingan looked at the thin fluff and trembling eyelashes on her side face against the light, and said with a smile, "I'm an old couple, why are you still shy at this time?"

Suzuki Sonoko frowned and said, "Who is shy? I'm just... just... I'm still a high school student..."

"Wouldn't it be better?" Hanyu Qingan blurted out.

"???" Suzuki Sonoko's eyes widened, "There's something wrong with you."

Hanyu Qingan coughed lightly, his old face blushed, "Okay, don't change the subject, go back to the courtyard to wash up, and then go to your house to get the documents?"

Suzuki Sonoko scratched his face, his eyes drifted, "You don't need to go to my house, it's already ready, and it will be placed at the funeral home..."

Hanyu Qing'an raised his eyebrows, she really wanted to be teased by others, but seeing her blushing as if she had soaked in the hot spring all night, she gave up.

"Let's go, go home."



The two of them went straight back to the third floor of the funeral home. It was rare that nothing interesting happened while washing up, and they were very serious about preparing.

"Residence certificate, driver's license, seal..." Kiyoan Hanyu counted the documents, rubbed his chin in thought, "Is there anything else I need?"

Suzuki Sonoko came out of the bathroom with wet hair, leaned against the door frame and said, "Marriage application form... I have already filled out my own part, and it is also in the pile of documents. Look for it, and my parents' consent form... "

Hanyu Qing'an suddenly realized that such an important thing was almost finished, and he was really busy recently. A guardian's consent is required for minors to get married.

I looked through the documents, but I couldn't find the marriage application. Instead, I found a stack of real estate certificates. The blue book looked ordinary, and the paper was very ordinary. It said "Real Estate Registration Rights Information".

"Where did this come from? It doesn't seem like it was there before, right?" Hanyu Qing'an raised his head and asked.

Suzuki Sonoko replied lazily: "Two days ago, after I told my father that we were going to register our marriage, I asked him if he had any presents, and he didn't know what to give, so he rummaged through the drawers and found these.

Why don't I go to the warehouse to look through it myself, or when we decide to hold a banquet, he will prepare a serious gift.

Really, for such a big event as a daughter's marriage, I don't know how to prepare a gift properly. "

"If Yuzu gets married in the future, I'll be fine if I don't beat him up." Hanyu Qing'an said with a smile, understanding the old father-in-law's reluctance.

He looked through the property certificates and found that they were all the land and houses around the shrine. This was obviously planned long ago. The hills in the entire suburb, including the shrine, were all prepared for the garden.

And the name was registered from the beginning as Suzuki Sonoko, and it has not been changed.

"Help me dry my hair." Suzuki Sonoko sat by the bed and handed over a hair dryer.

Hanyu Qing'an took it, and helped her start drying her hair very skillfully. The soft hair ran through her fingers without a trace of stagnation. It exudes a faint fragrance that makes people feel at ease.

"Are you saying that you planned it in advance?" Suzuki Sonoko asked suddenly.

"What?" Hanyu Qing'an didn't know why.

"At that time, I yelled in your bathroom, and you rushed in. No matter how you think about it, it's not right? We obviously didn't know each other very well at that time..."

"Oh, you said that." Qing'an Hanyu didn't understand the deep meaning in her words, and explained casually, "Because Yuzu fell in the bathroom and cried for me before, it became a condition at that time Reflexively, subconsciously rushed in."

"..." Suzuki Sonoko puffed up his cheeks, and looked up at him dissatisfied, "Can't you say that you have plans for me?"

Hanyu Qing'an was stunned, and said with a broken smile: "One size counts for one size. At that time, I really didn't have any other thoughts, but my plan for you started in my last life, have you forgotten?"

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly remembered what he said on the road at Shanni Temple - as an onmyoji, his spiritual sense is stronger, so he can recall things from his previous life...

"Really?" Suzuki Sonoko looked happy.

"Really, really." Hanyu Qing'an seemed to be coaxing Yuzu, "I was just an ordinary person in my previous life, and you were still a young lady. At that time, I thought, if only a rich family like you would support me , I don’t have to struggle.”

As he said that, he picked up the real estate title certificate on one side and raised it, "Now my dream has come true, and I can live well for the rest of my life even if I don't work, thanks to you, a young and beautiful rich woman."

"What rich woman? It's so ugly." Suzuki Sonoko said with a smile, "But I'd be happy to keep you, hahaha..."

The two played around for a while, and filled out the marriage application, which already had Mao Lilan's seal on the witness part.

"Xiao Lan already knows?" Hanyu Qing'an asked in surprise, "Aren't you afraid that she will go to school to help you promote it? You were worried before, and because of this, you put the wedding banquet after you graduated from high school."

Suzuki Sonoko smiled triumphantly, "If she dares, I will die with her. There are still [-] copies of "Maori Detective Case Book" in my warehouse!"

"Hiss..." Hanyu Qing'an exclaimed, "You really planned it long ago."

"Huh?" Suzuki Sonoko stared.



"Is it all right? Let's go to the district office to register." Hanyu Qingan got up and looked at Suzuki Sonoko and said.

Suzuki Sonoko fell on the bed, "No, you haven't proposed yet."


The marriage application has been filled out, and all the documents are ready...

"Okay, isn't it a marriage proposal? Where's the ring?"

As soon as Hanyu Kiyosuke said this, Suzuki Sonoko pointed to the dressing table with a smile on his face, "It's in the drawer, a pink box."

Hanyu Qingan stretched out his hand to open the drawer, the pink box was very conspicuous, took it out and opened it, a burst of pink light flooded the room.

Hanyu Qingan narrowed his eyes slightly, and saw that the ring as a whole was in the shape of petals... Well, it was still a cherry blossom, with countless pink diamonds inlaid on it, and the largest pink diamond was guarded in the center of the petals, which was very rare just by looking at it .

(End of this chapter)

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