Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 401 Proposal

Chapter 401 Proposal
"Okay, get up quickly, don't waste time, it will be too late." Hanyu Qingan pulled Suzuki Sonoko up from the bed, and the latter was a little puzzled.

"What's too late?"

"Marriage proposal." Hanyu Qingan didn't explain any more, and hurriedly opened the portal, dragged Suzuki Sonoko into the courtyard, then summoned the bookman, and put in all the protective measures first.

"What is this for?" Suzuki Sonoko looked at him blankly.

Hanyu Kiyoan caught a few paper figurines who were pretending to sweep the floor but were actually fishing, and then threw them piles of photographic equipment.

Then the flying boat was ready, and then the little paper figurines were busy hanging the photographic equipment on the snow girl and Qing Xingdeng and other shikigami, and got into the control box specially prepared for them.

These are all special equipment that Hanyu Qingan asked Toru Amuro to ask Dr. Ali to make in private, which can maintain stable operation in various extreme environments.

The little paper figurine also practiced for several days in a row, secretly doing it while hiding from Sonoko Suzuki.

"Come on, your things are all ready, first get on the boat and change into the maiden uniform." Hanyu Qingan stood on the flying boat and reached out to Suzuki Sonoko.

Sonoko Suzuki didn't know what Hanyu Qingan was going to do, but at least he was sure that it was all a preparation for the proposal, and he thought he didn't take it to heart at all...

Sonoko Suzuki is even ready to propose to him in turn, which seems to be quite interesting, huh~
"Have you changed it? When you're done, let's go." Hanyu Qing'an stood on the deck and asked into the cabin.

"Well, it's all right." Suzuki Sonoko responded and walked out, "That's why the clothes are rattling?"

Hanyu Qing'an didn't explain, but just looked at it with satisfaction, just like the surprise when he saw it for the first time, this shrine maiden outfit is really suitable.

"Where's the umbrella? Why didn't you take it out?" Qingan Hanyu asked seeing that she was only holding a gold and silver fan.

Suzuki Sonoko asked strangely: "Do you still need an umbrella? It didn't rain today...or are you going to a place where it rains?"

Hanyu Kiyoan tapped her on the head, "Don't worry about it, go and get it."

"Oh." Suzuki Sonoko covered her head, turned around in a daze, and went to get the umbrella again.

After a while, she came out, opened the umbrella and propped it up, "Is this going to work?"

Hanyu Qingan nodded and smiled, "Okay, let's go."

The teleportation door opened, and before passing through the door, there was a ravages of cold. Yunu standing on the deck suddenly began to cry and rain. Before Suzuki Sonoko could ask questions, the flying boat had slowly floated up and passed through the door.

Facing the face, there are cold wind and snow mountains, and the surroundings are vast. The distant skyline is half hidden in the twilight, and you can directly see that the ground is curved.

"Where is this?" Suzuki Sonoko looked at the vast sea of ​​clouds under his feet, the sky was still dark, and the sky was still dark.

Hanyu Qingan turned his head to look at her, and said with burning eyes: "The top of the world."

"Huh?" Suzuki Sonoko was stunned.

"It's too late to say more, it's time to go down." Hanyu Qingan stopped her doubts and ordered the little paper figurine to land.

On the snowy mountain, the wind blows the snow, the snowflakes are flying in all directions, and the clouds and mist spread out, gradually falling and blending with the sea of ​​clouds on the mountainside.

As soon as the flying boat turned around, the clothes of Hanyu Kiyosuke and Suzuki Sonoko were suddenly blown and rattled, and the raindrops of Yu Nu were also blown everywhere, and the situation was not very good.

Hanyu Qingan quickly summoned all the shikigami with physical bodies, let them stand around the two of them, shielding them from the wind, and then used [Word Spirit·Shou], so that they could hear each other talking.

"Could it be Mount Everest here? Why don't I feel particularly cold?" Suzuki Sonoko shouted in his ear.

Hanyu Qingan pointed to the various protective special effects floating on her body.

"With these protections, and you have added aluminum foil to your clothes, it can keep warm for a short time, but you have to hurry up, not for too long.

In addition, the lack of oxygen and high reaction here are considered negative effects, and Yu Nu and Bug Master just play a role. "

Since opening the portal, Yu Nu and Zong Shi have not stopped using their skills, and the two have seamlessly transitioned to the effect. Down.

It's just that there is really nothing to do with this wind, and we can only rely on Shikigami as a human shield to block it.

Before today, Hanyu Qingan went to several places, tested it himself several times, and then went here to verify it himself before he dared to bring Sonoko here.

And thanks to this time point, the temperature on Mount Everest is only minus 20, which is not particularly low, so this plan can be carried out.

"No wonder you have to bring an umbrella..." Suzuki Sonoko looked at the umbrella in his hand, but it didn't seem to be very useful, the wind and rain flew around, and his body was still a little wet.

"The sun is about to rise, and most of the shikigami will lose their effectiveness by then, so hurry up." Hanyu Qingan came here considering the time difference.

Under the command of the little paper figurine, the flying boat floated upwind and helped to block it, so the two of them had a chance to straighten their clothes.

After tidying up, the two stood still, one was dressed in golden moon dark feather hunting clothes, the other was dressed in plain white and red priestess clothes, and a gust of wind that sneaked in occasionally lifted the sleeves of the two.

Hanyu Qingan held Suzuki Sonoko's hand, feeling warm.

Suzuki Sonoko frowned, realizing something was wrong, "Why are your hands so cold? You didn't keep warm in your clothes? Ah, by the way, your clothes were conjured up."

Hanyu Qingan tapped her lips with his fingers, "Shh, don't talk, as long as you move fast, you'll be fine."

Suzuki Sonoko had no choice but to calm down.

Hanyu Qingan stared at her bright eyes, and said affectionately:
"This is the top of the world, and it is also the residence of many legendary gods. There are all creatures and creatures under your feet, and the sky and universe above your head. On one side is the deep twilight, and on the other side is the morning sun.

Everything should be a witness, and I solemnly make this promise here. I will spend the rest of my life loving you, so that you will not be disturbed by disease or ravaged by aging, and your life will be peaceful and peaceful.

You, are you willing to accept it? "

Suzuki Sonoko's cheeks were flushed, her breath was short of breath, her eyes watered, her eyes moved, her lips moved, her voice trembled slightly, and she nodded heavily dizzily.

"I am willing!"

Before, she clearly planned to ask Hanyu Qing'an to say more pleasant things on both sides, and then she reservedly agreed, but when the matter came to an end, she agreed in a daze.

Even a little impatient.

Hanyu Qingan took out the cherry blossom ring from the box, and helped Suzuki Sonoko put it on carefully. One side is twilight, and the other side is sunlight. The cherry blossom ring also exudes different charms in the two environments.

"Huh? Wait, this is the end? I haven't realized it yet!"

Staring at the ring on her finger, Suzuki Sonoko suddenly came back to her senses. She had imagined a lot before, thinking about how excited she was, but because the time was too short, she didn't have time to experience it carefully, and the most important moment passed.

"I see, you did it on purpose!" Suzuki Sonoko finally knew why he chose this place to be frozen, this is why he didn't give himself time to hesitate!

Although I really wanted to do it again, but felt Hanyu Qingan's cold hand, I couldn't say this immediately.

Suzuki Sonoko patted him on the chest angrily, "You are so cunning, I punish you to change places and do it all over again!"

Hanyu Qing'an smiled, "Then do it again here? Anyway, the sun hasn't risen yet, so there should be still time."

Suzuki Sonoko glared at him, and dragged him to the flying boat, "Go, come home with me, and I will punish you when I go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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