Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 402 Registering Marriage Without Bringing Money...

Chapter 402 Registering Marriage Without Bringing Money...

"Ah~~~ No, I don't want it! It's obvious that you tricked me into agreeing!"

At the gate of the district office, Suzuki Sonoko landed on the ground, and was dragged forward by Hanyu Kiyoan, yelling incessantly.

Hanyu Qing'an stopped and looked at her helplessly, "But you just agreed, get up, there are so many people watching, I thought you were kidnapped by me for a while."

Suzuki Sonoko said reluctantly: "But you did it on purpose. If it wasn't because you were there, I would definitely not have agreed so quickly!"

Hanyu Qingan laughed and said: "You have prepared most of the procedures, do you believe it?"

Suzuki Sonoko turned his head away, "Anyway, it's too easy, I'm going to do it again, twice, three times..."

"If you play tricks like this again, I'll ask Yuzu to come over and take a look, and learn from you." Hanyu Qing'an threatened.

In front of Yuzu, Yuanzi has always tried to maintain a good image of an adult as much as possible. If she is seen like this, she will not be able to be confident in educating Yuzu in the future.

"Well, let me tell you about the two over there, what's your situation?" A man in police uniform came over, looked suspiciously at Hanyu Qingan, and then looked at Suzuki Sonoko.

"Miss, if you are being forced, please tell me immediately, we will not sit idly by." As he spoke, his hand reached for the walkie-talkie at his waist.

"..." Hanyu Qingan gave Suzuki Sonoko a look without a word, and the latter smiled mischievously, stood up and straightened his clothes.

"Sorry, Mr. Police, the two of us are just joking around, it's nothing..."

The policeman frowned slightly, looked at the two of them carefully, and reconfirmed: "Are you sure? If there is something wrong, don't be afraid. We will investigate any illegal acts to the end."

"It's okay..." Suzuki Sonoko shook his head again and again.

The policeman said displeasedly: "Next time, it is better not to fight here, it is easy to cause misunderstanding, and it will also affect other people."

"I see, sorry sorry."

When the police left, Suzuki Sonoko patted Hanyu Qingan angrily, and the latter laughed angrily, "It's my fault? You haven't gotten married yet, and you've started doing all kinds of cheating. Why don't we go back and think about it?" Think about it."

Hanyu Qingan made a gesture to leave, but Suzuki Sonoko grabbed his sleeve and did not move.

"Then whether to register or not?" Hanyu Qingan asked helplessly.

Suzuki Sonoko swung his arms and whispered, "It's all be it..."

Hanyu Qingan stretched out his hand to ruffle her hair, and then strode inside, Suzuki Sonoko chased after her angrily.

"Please wait a moment, let me see if the formalities are complete..."

After submitting various documents, the window staff began to check various documents. A few minutes later, the other party smiled and said:
"The formalities have been completed. To be on the safe side, I need to confirm with the two of you again. Have you considered carefully and decided to register as a legal couple?"



"Well, please pay a basic handling fee of 5000 yen, and an additional 3000 yen if you need to expedite it."


Hanyu Qingan and Suzuki Sonoko looked at each other, and asked tacitly, "Have you brought any money?"



The registrant has a good temper and said patiently: "If the two of you live not far away, you can go back to pick it up as soon as possible, and I will handle it for the people behind."

"Excuse me, I'll go back and get it right away." Hanyu Qingan said embarrassedly, the two prepared a bunch, but forgot the money.

If you usually carry money with you, but today you change clothes back and forth, and you forget about it...

"You wait for me here, I'll be back soon." Hanyu Qingan said to Suzuki Sonoko.

"Oh, wait." Suzuki Sonoko quickly grabbed him, and whispered in his ear, "Go to the shrine and get it... It's the prayer money of the worshippers, and that one should bring better luck."

Kiyoshi Hanyu said at ease, what kind of superstition is this?What's the matter with getting married with the offering money from the gods?

"Five yen is homophonic to Youyuan..."

"I don't have a problem, but is the district office willing to accept a pile of five-yen coins? If it's five thousand yen, you need a thousand coins, and if you're urgent, you need six hundred more..."

Suzuki Sonoko hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and said firmly: "You go to withdraw the money, I will discuss it with them."

Hanyu Qingan saw that she had made up her mind, so she had no choice but to say: "Don't embarrass her too much, if it doesn't work, let's use paper money."

"Why can't legal tender? If it doesn't work, I'll ask Aunt Miles to help me, hum~" Suzuki Sonoko was full of confidence.

It's a once in a lifetime thing, Hanyu Qing'an is not afraid of trouble for such a small matter, but only worried about making a good thing unhappy.

I don’t know how many people have not felt happy in the whole process because of the trouble of getting married.

Fortunately, the two of them don't need to think about so many troublesome things now, they just go through the formalities, and even if the wedding is troublesome, they don't need to handle too many things by themselves, whether it's the Suzuki family or Hanyu Qing'an's staff, they can do it for them.

Hanyu Qingan hurried back to the shrine and called Umezawa Masami, "Help me prepare [-] yen in coins. If you want worship money, it is best to put it in a box. In addition, prepare another [-] yen. The yuan banknotes are used as spares, normal ones are fine, and it would be even better if they are also offering money.”

It doesn't matter, the shrine provides coin exchange service, and sorting out the offering money received every day is also part of the job. At Hanyu Shrine, this work is done by small paper figurines, which is fast and efficient.

The offering money is not limited to five-yen coins, it depends entirely on the thoughts of the worshippers, so there are also a lot of banknotes.

Although Umezawa Masami didn't know what to do with it, she nodded and took it quickly. Seeing Hanyu Kiyoan disappearing after receiving the money, she tilted her head in doubt.

Eight thousand yen... What is the significance of this number?

"Ms. Umezawa, was that the president just now? Did you have a job again?" Judy walked over and asked curiously.

Umezawa Masami took out a pen and paper and wrote: 【No, just something else. 】

"Oh? Is it urgent? The president seems to be in a hurry." Judy asked tentatively.

Umezawa Masami thought about it, and it didn't seem like something important or dangerous, and generally speaking, the president would not be so anxious when encountering more dangerous things.

So she continued to write: [Do you know what [-] yen can be used for? 】

Judy was taken aback when she heard the words, "Eight thousand yen..."

It's definitely not what you can buy with [-] yen, or where to go, but what or something just needs [-] yen, so...

Judy recalled all the information about Japan that she had learned before coming here, combined with possible intelligence analysis, and suddenly froze, "Marriage registration fee?"

Umezawa Masami:? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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