Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 403 The Collapsing Maori Family

Chapter 403 The Collapsing Maori Family

"Then, congratulations to both of you. This is a wedding souvenir from this district. Please collect the relevant documents here in two days."

A pair of couple mugs in a transparent gift box were pushed in front of them.

"It's really troublesome for you, such a willful request." Hanyu Qing'an said embarrassedly.

The registration lady who was busy counting the coins just now smiled and said: "Don't worry about it, this is all a matter of duty. Compared with some more intense scenes, this is really nothing..."

Suzuki Sonoko asked curiously after hearing the words: "The more intense scene...what do you mean?"

Because Hanyu Qing'an wanted to check coins, they took the initiative to queue at the end, and no one else came to register for the time being, so the young lady also had time to chat.

"That's a lot. Those who repent when things come to an end, those who fight against a third party, those whose parents disagree with what they say, and those who make a scene on the spot, and those who even threaten death, I've seen them all. Yes, the seniors who came earlier have seen murder cases.

In short, it is a complex of various love family ethics criminal investigation dramas. After working here for a long time, even the TV series feel too bland, and the screenwriter has no imagination. "

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned when he heard that, "It's just a marriage registration, there will be so many twists and turns... But this kind of work should be considered interesting, right?"

The young lady smiled wryly and said: "How can it be interesting? If you just watch it, it's okay. At most, the plot is not as fast-paced and procrastinated as TV dramas, but we can't let them make trouble here.

Originally, the marriage rate was very low. If I let them scare away the newcomers who want to register, my performance will be over.

So I have to bite the bullet and go forward to persuade, but usually in this situation both parties are very excited, it is difficult to listen to people's persuasion..."

"That was really hard work..." Suzuki Sonoko sighed.

Other people came from behind, Suzuki Sonoko hurriedly got up to make way, and said goodbye to the young lady.

The two walked down the road holding hands, the gift box flickered in Suzuki Sonoko's hand.

"Although we don't need to hold a wedding for the time being, why don't you invite some close friends to celebrate?" Hanyu Qingan asked, "I still have to go talk to your parents and sister, and then have a meal together."

Suzuki Sonoko nodded, "Well, don't worry about having dinner at home. For friends, I'll just invite Xiaolan and the others here. Who do you want to invite?"

Hanyu Qingan thought for a while, "Amuro and Umezawa, the other is Dr. Ali, and Xiao Ai, the others... I don't know anyone."

"Oh..." Suzuki Sonoko was suddenly in a low mood.

Hanyu Qingan asked strangely: "What's wrong? Shouldn't you be happy today?"

Suzuki Sonoko turned around and hugged him, "I'm just a little sad suddenly... You're all married, but... there are not many people to tell, let's help you celebrate... The people I mentioned are all people I know."

Hanyu Qing'an was dumbfounded, it seemed that she was remembering the death of her parents, plus her amnesia, her relatives and friends were all gone.

"So, you can't leave me, you know? Then I'd be really alone."

"I'm sure I won't leave, but did you forget the grapefruit?" Suzuki Sonoko raised his head, his eyes were red, leaving a pool of wet marks on Hanyu Kiyoan's chest.

Hanyu Qingan smiled and said, "That's right, but she's too young to count."

"Yuzu was so angry that he couldn't eat for days after hearing this." Suzuki Sonoko smiled through tears.

"It's a bit difficult. You can probably skip the rice, but maybe you can't eat snacks. At most three puddings will calm her down."

The two returned home talking and laughing, passing by Mao Li's house downstairs, they happened to see Xiao Lan and Conan eating in the Polo Coffee Shop.

"I'm just hungry, let's eat here too." Suzuki Sonoko dragged Hanyu Kiyosuke into the coffee shop.

"Xiao Ran~Conan~Why didn't you eat at home?" Suzuki Sonoko greeted and sat beside Mouri Ran, and Hanyu Qingan consciously went to the bar to order food, and then sat next to Conan.

Conan looked at Suzuki Sonoko in shock, she didn't call herself a brat today!I didn't force myself to call "Sister Yuanzi", this is not normal!

Mao Lilan smiled wryly: "This matter... well, it's hard to say..."

Suzuki Sonoko turned to look at Conan, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Conan heheed twice, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "During the wedding celebration of Police Officer Shiratori's younger sister, sister Xiaolan acted like a baby with her mother as you said."

"Did it work?" Suzuki Sonoko cheered up.

Conan nodded, "Aunt Miles agreed to sleep with Sister Xiaolan, and then made a late-night snack for her... As a result, none of us fell asleep that night."

"How to say?" Suzuki Sonoko was curious.

"Aunt Mili's cooking's really hard to describe in words, we had diarrhea all night...the next day we were so exhausted that we couldn't get up.

Uncle Mao Li seemed to have known about it a long time ago, so he slipped away early and stayed outside all night without coming back. "

Hanyu Qing'an was concerned: "Are you two in good health? Why don't you say anything, so I can help you cure it."

Mao Lilan smiled wryly and shook her head, "Aren't you two very busy recently, and this is not the point, I finally know why my parents separated, it's because of my mother's cooking..."

Suzuki Sonoko said in amazement: "Is that an exaggeration? You can separate because the cooking is unpalatable?"

She thought about her cooking skills, and felt apprehensive, but after thinking about it carefully, living with Qing'an for so long didn't seem to be a problem.

I always cook something simple, and if I want to eat more troublesome things, I always go out to eat.

Conan said in fear: "It's not as simple as being unpalatable... How should I put it, it can be said to be dark cuisine, the kind that can make people hallucinate..."

Hanyu Qingan took the meal from Enomoto Azusa, put it in front of Suzuki Sonoko, and asked Conan, "Are you also chasing China like Yuzu?"

Conan has a black line, is this a problem with Zhonghua?
"Didn't Aunt Miles even taste the food she cooks herself?" Suzuki Sonoko took two sips of fruit juice in disbelief.

Mao Lilan shook her head, "My mother said she wasn't used to tasting it, please..."

"Trouble..." Hanyu Qing'an was speechless, this reason...not to mention, it's quite normal, because many people are like this, and they don't want to stop and taste in the middle of cooking.

"If it's just a matter of cooking, as long as you persuade your mother not to cook, there should be no reason for the two of you to continue living apart, right? Xiaolan, your cooking skills are so good now." Hanyu Qing'an said strangely.

Conan couldn't help but said: "Don't say that Aunt Miles is angry, even if it's changed, no one can bear it.

Not only did Uncle Mao Li not return all night, but when he came back he was drunk and mocked me and Sister Xiaolan in front of Aunt Miles, saying that we were asking for trouble, that he had expected it, and so on. "


Hanyu Kiyosuke and Suzuki Sonoko looked at each other and realized that Kogoro Mori was really hopeless.

(End of this chapter)

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