Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 409 Men's Competitiveness

Chapter 409 Men's Competitiveness
Surrounded by a group of people, Mori Kogoro uncomfortably lifted the quilt and got out of bed muttering.

Toru Amuro suddenly reminded: "Mr. Mori, don't move yet, the telephone line under your feet is probably the murder weapon!"

"The murder weapon?!" Mori Kogoro was taken aback, carefully avoiding the telephone line and walking to the end of the bed, seeing Ritsuko on the ground, he asked strangely, "Why did Miss Ritsuko fall down on the floor drunk?"

"She's dead." Toru Amuro said calmly.

"Huh?" Mori Kogoro widened his eyes, "Who killed it?"

"Who else but you?" Ritsuko's friends, lawyers Mikasa and Shiozawa, said angrily.

Fei Mili fell silent, her brows were frowned. Indeed, no matter what, Moori Kogoro, who was in the same room as the deceased, was the number one suspect.

"No! My father would never do such a thing!" Mao Lilan said anxiously, "If you don't believe me, just ask the deceased!"

"Ask the deceased?" Several lawyers were taken aback, thinking of something at the same time.

Saku's eyes flashed strangely, and he asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Mao Lilan looked at Hanyu Qing'an as if asking for help, and Hanyu Qing'an said in a steady tone: "Literally, wake up the dead and ask her who killed it."

"Could it be that...the strange cases and the murderer's inexplicable testimony are all because of you?" Saku suddenly realized.

Lawyer Mikasa also became excited. Recently, there have been some strange criminal cases circulating in the legal industry. The common thing is that the murderer revealed himself inexplicably, but the reason is unknown.

They are all elite lawyers. It is easy to see that there are some secrets hidden in the files provided by the police, but even if they are pressed hard, they will only get confidential information and cannot make public answers.

The point is that the judge also agrees, which is unusual.

Hanyu Qing'an comforted Mao Lilan and said, "It's best to wait for the police to come, and then resurrect in front of them and ask.

This is not Tokyo, and there are no acquaintances like Police Officer Megure, maybe there will be twists and turns, which will delay the Mouri detective to clear the suspicion. "

Toru Amuro recognized this very much, "That's right, first protect the scene, and let's talk about the rest when the police arrive."

Mao Lilan calmed down a little after hearing this, and looked at Fei Mili, "Mom, Dad... if he is taken away by the police later, you have to defend him."

Fei Mili shook her head in silence, reciting the law on her own, "Article 199 of the Criminal Law stipulates that all murderers shall be punished with life imprisonment, fixed-term imprisonment of more than three years, or death.

Judging from the current situation, there is no way to completely rule out the possibility that he lost his consciousness and caused the death after he was drunk.

If he did it drunk, I'm not going to defend him. "

Mao Lilan panicked immediately.

Lawyer Zuo Jiu said, "Xiao Lan, your father is involved in the case. It is inconvenient for your mother to defend him as a family member."

Mao Lilan was stunned.

Lawyer Saku turned to look at Mori Kogoro again, "Speaking of which, I have heard the name of Mori Detective for a long time, and I even bought a copy of "Maori Detective Case Book". In the current situation, I am looking forward to the performance of Mori Detective .”

Mori Kogoro originally wanted to say that he didn't need to make such an effort, and when the police came, Hanyu Kiyoan would wake up the dead and ask if he would know, but he always felt that this Saku had malicious intentions and seemed to be provoking himself?

Could it be that he really wanted to make a fool of himself for Miles... so?

"I understand." Mori Kogoro said with a serious face, "Before the police come, I will find a way to find out the truth and clear myself of the suspicion."

Fei Mili couldn't help reminding: "You are suspected of murder now, it's best not to run around and make suspicious actions."

Conan felt that someone was pushing his back, and when he looked back, it was Xiaolan who did it with his knee, and she was urging himself anxiously.

Conan said knowingly: "Just tell me what Uncle Mao Li wants to find out. I'll help you find clues, and then Uncle Mao Li can deduce the truth."

"That's right, that's what I thought." Mao Li Kogoro walked down the donkey road.

Amuro took out two white gloves with a smile, handed one to Conan, and said, "Then I'll help the teacher too, a few lawyers can be in charge of supervision."

Sonoko pulled Hanyu Qingan to the window, and asked in a low voice, "Do you think the atmosphere is a bit weird..."

Hanyu Qing'an replied in a low voice: "It's just a man's competitive spirit, there's nothing strange about it, it's just that Maori detective is lucky, he has a good son-in-law and a good student."

Yuanzi jokingly said: "Now Xiaolan can take a good look at the sleeping Kogoro. She didn't enjoy watching it last time at Puppet Ridge. Uncle Xiaogoro just slept."

"However, Auntie Miles doesn't seem to be saying anything. She's so anxious, the two of them won't have a complete falling out, right?"

Hanyu Qingan shook his head, "No, look at Xiaolan's mother's frown, if she really gave up, then why should she worry about Detective Mori?

Detective Maori went in, and she happened to take Xiaolan back to raise her herself. "

"That's right..." Yuanzi thought it made sense.

"It's just two hard-talking enemies, and neither of them is willing to give in first." Hanyu Qing'an said with a light smile.

Yuanzi blinked, "Then what if the two of us have conflicts?"

Hanyu Qing'an turned his head to meet her sly eyes, and fondled her hair, "I give in, okay?"

Yuanzi wrinkled his nose and said flatteredly, "You're smart."

With Toru Amuro and Conan, two helpers with first-class observation skills, all kinds of clues were sent to Kogoro Mori in a short while.

The anti-theft chain of the door was cut off by someone, and then tied together with a thin thread. It seemed that it was to be faked as a secret room to confirm the suspicion of Mori Kogoro, but I didn't expect that there would be such a thing as a little paper man opening the door, so I wasted effort .

The phone on the table hadn't been pulled to the ground, and the phone line hadn't been cut off. If the murder happened by accident while drunk, the scene shouldn't be so clean.

I had written on the sticky note on the table, and found a torn note from the trash can, with the words "Lin 2" written on it, the meaning of which was unclear.

In the phone records at the bedside, there were two calls from the front desk, the first one was answered, but the second one was not answered.

"Amuro, go ask the front desk about the two phone calls." Mori Kogoro ordered, and then heaved a sigh of relief, "It's obvious, that anti-theft lock looks like someone deliberately created a secret room, trying to blame me .”

Although these clues and preliminary analysis are the credit of Toru Amuro and Conan, it does not prevent Mori Kogoro from thinking that he is good at it.

Saku looked a bit embarrassed and said: "Mr. Maori, I have to remind you that these can actually be interpreted as the clues that you, a famous detective, woke up after accidentally killing people, deliberately planted to mislead the police... "

Mori Kogoro was taken aback when he heard this, and immediately scratched his head, which made Mao Lilan who was watching from the side even more worried, but Conan was also frowning and thinking, so she couldn't hurry anymore.

Fortunately, Toru Amuro came back with the front desk waiter soon.

(End of this chapter)

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