Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 410 Hanyu's Past Acquaintance

Chapter 410 Hanyu's Past Acquaintance

After Amuro came back, Mori Kogoro looked at him expectantly, but the former went straight to Fei Mili and whispered, "Lawyer Fei, please come here, I have something to do."

"Amuro-kun? What's the situation?" Mori Kogoro couldn't help asking.

"Teacher Maori, please wait a moment." Toru Amuro hurried out of the house with Fei Mili after leaving a word.

After closing the door and walking a little further away, after confirming that the people in the room could not hear the conversation between the two, Toru Amuro asked: "Lawyer Fei, have you read that note? Do you know what is written on it? "

Feili nodded, "It should be that Ritsuko and Lawyer Lin made an appointment to meet at two o'clock. I wasn't sure, but Mikasa and the others thought so too, so it should be right."

"They all know?" Toru Amuro's expression changed.

"That's right, is there a problem?" Fei Mili was a little worried.

Toru Amuro smiled helplessly, "If they also know about this, then Mori-sensei will have no way to prove his innocence before the police come, and can only wait for the president to resurrect the dead."

Fei Mi was startled, "How do you say that?"

Toru Amuro explained that he went to the front desk to ask the waiter about the phone number, and accidentally learned of a strange situation. The first call made by the waiter was for Lawyer Lin, and the connection went smoothly.

The second call, no answer, so the waiter had to go upstairs to check the situation, only to find a scrawled note on the doorknob sign, which probably said that the money will be paid later, please don't disturb it for now Class words.

The waiter was at a loss. The lawyer Lin's second phone call was just to change the agreed time with the client from two o'clock to four o'clock, without mentioning any money at all.

Amuro said with deep eyes: "If I'm not wrong, the real murderer should have mistook the 'Lin 2' on the sticky note for the 'Beef Risotto 2' on the menu next to the sticky note. Make a weird note like that, lest the waiter ring the bell to wake up Maori-sensei."

Fei Mili frowned, and followed his train of thought: "But now, everyone knows the true meaning of the note, and there is no way to use this to expose the murderer."

"That's it." Amuro sighed.

Fei Mili was silent for a while, then suddenly sneered, "That's fine, let him suffer, he will have a long memory, and next time he won't dare to be alone with a woman who doesn't know his intentions."

Amuro asked with a smile: "Lawyer Fei, it seems that you have always believed that Mr. Mori is innocent."

Fei Mili picked up the loose strands of hair beside her ears, and said calmly: "I have lived with him for so many years, I know exactly what kind of person he is, he is not the kind of guy who will kill, even if he is drunk. Under normal circumstances, at most it is molesting a beautiful woman."

"This is indeed something Mori-sensei would do..." Toru Amuro said with shame.

After the two chatted, they went back to the room together. Mori Kogoro stretched his neck and looked at them, but Feimi didn't even look at him, and stood in the corner of the room.

Toru Amuro showed helplessness, leaned into his ear, and whispered about the situation, while Conan listened with his ears up.

Kogoro Moori fell silent after hearing this, and he didn't blame Fei Mili for speaking about Lawyer Lin just now in public, he just kept silent.

Mao Lilan grabbed Conan worriedly and asked, but Conan just shook his head and said: "The situation is really not good."

There were not many loopholes left by the murderer, and the most valuable one had just expired. If the murderer didn't know the meaning of the note, Conan could still set a trap for the murderer to expose himself.

But it's too late to say these things now... Other unreasonable situations, if you insist on explaining, it can be exactly as Saku said, it was deliberately arranged by Mori Kogoro who woke up after killing someone.

However, Conan also used this to lock down the murderer. When he mentioned Lawyer Lin just now, he looked the most surprised. It was the lawyer Saku who encouraged Mori Kogoro to prove his innocence!

"Eh? Why are there so many people?" When Nakamura opened the door and came in, he was shocked when he saw a roomful of people staring at him, especially when the atmosphere was so dull.

"So, when exactly what happened, can anyone explain... ah! Hanyu-kun?" Nakamura glanced at everyone, and then his eyes fell on Hanyu Qingan.

With a surprised smile on his face, he walked up to Hanyu Qingan very familiarly, and patted him on the shoulder, "Ah... It's been a long time, where is Yuzu? Didn't you come back with you? Why did you move away?" Didn't tell me, so I can go see you off."

Yuanzi asked strangely: "Qing'an, do you know this police officer?"

Hanyu Kiyoan looked at Nakamura Cao carefully, then shook his head, "I don't remember."

Nakamura was startled, jumped back exaggeratedly, pointed to his nose and said, "I, it's me, Nakamura, did you forget? I was the one who helped run the procedure for your parents to adopt grapefruit."

Hanyu Qing'an didn't recognize him, but Sonoko clapped his hands and remembered something, "So you are the stupid police officer Qing'an's parents said! Yuzu told me!"

"Huh? Stupid police officer?" Nakamura Cao was taken aback, and then said with a sad face, "Is that how they see me? This is too sad."

But he was sad and recovered quickly, and the next second he slapped his forehead, "Ah, I remembered, I seem to have heard that after your parents left, you lost your memory, no wonder you forgot me. "

Hanyu Qing'an couldn't stand the overzealous police officer, and asked copiously, "Then you should be a policeman from Gunma Prefecture. Why did you come to Karuizawa?"

Nakamura scratched his head and said with a smile: "Karuizawa is between Nagano Prefecture and Gunma Prefecture, and both sides have jurisdiction, so it will be like this when encountering a case.

Oh, by the way, handle the case first, handle the case first, and talk later. "

Turning around, he saw Mori Kogoro again, and said in surprise again: "Detective Mori?! Are you right? It's really great. Fortunately, I came today. Not only did I meet Hanyu-kun, but I also met him." The most admired detective, lucky~
Since you are here, it will be easy, you must have solved the case, right?Let's start reasoning, shall we?You should be sleepy now, right?
I'm so excited to see the sleeping Kogoro soon~"

Everyone was silent, where did such a clown police officer come from?

Mori Kogoro waved his hands listlessly, "Don't look for me, I'm the suspect this time, you can go directly to Hanyu-kun, he's here."

"Huh? Hanyu-kun?" Nakamura turned his head in surprise, "Are you also able to solve crimes? Could it be that you joined Mr. Mori in Tokyo and became a detective?"

Toru Amuro gave him a strange look, and asked, "This Nakamura police officer, don't you know about our president? It looks like you are at least a police officer, and you have never received any information about Hanyu Shrine and Onmyoji." Superior documents?"

Nakamura was stunned, "Hanyu Shrine...Onmyoji...ah, no way? Could it be that you, Hanyu-kun..."

 The statement about the "dumb police officer" appeared in the chapter [008 Peach Blossom Demon], which was a very early foreshadowing.

(End of this chapter)

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