Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 411 The Arrogant Murderer in Front of the Dead Man

Chapter 411 The Arrogant Murderer in Front of the Dead Man

Nakamura looked up and down Hanyu Qing'an with disbelief, and even moved closer to him and took out a magnifying glass to observe carefully, and then said with disbelief:
"Could it really be you? I thought it was just a duplicate name..."

After Nakamura was shocked, he patted Hanyu Qingan's shoulder and wept:
"It's really great. I thought about it before. How would you live in Tokyo as a young man with a child, and you don't have a woman to help you. I'm really happy to see your achievements today."

Hanyu Qing felt relieved, which old lady learned this from... But he seems to be a kind police officer, even though he is very unreliable.

Well, like Police Officer Megure, kind and unreliable...

After being moved, Nakamura became excited for another second, and said excitedly:
"Quick, quick, let me see the legendary resurrection of the dead. I thought it was some kind of nonsense document that was posted on it. If it was you, I think it is very possible."

Hanyu Qing'an didn't know where his confidence in himself came from. He felt inexplicably embarrassed that his parents insisted on performing a show when guests came to his house when he was a child.

Fortunately, he has always been good at controlling his expressions, so he didn't talk too much nonsense, he directly transformed into an onmyoji, and raised his hand to say [Speaking Spirit Binding].

"Wow~ It's amazing!!" Nakamura Cao looked at the iron lock that was drilled out of the ground, stars appeared in his eyes, and then he was stunned, "Huh? What are you doing? Why are you tying up the dead? It's resuscitated Pre-spell?"

Hanyu Qing'an explained quietly: "No, it is to prevent the deceased from escaping after recovering."

"Huh?" Nakamura Cao was confused.

Yuanzi added: "Think carefully, if the deceased wakes up and takes the opportunity to escape, it will cause a lot of trouble."

Nakamura Cao looked solemn, "Hiss... that's true. If she bites people after she goes out, wouldn't it be a zombie siege? The small pistol in my hand can't hit the zombies."

"..." Qingan Hanyu was speechless for a moment.

Toru Amuro frowned secretly at Nakamura's performance, how could there be such an unreliable guy in the police system.

"Don't worry, there is no so-called zombie virus. When the dead wake up, apart from not having the heartbeat and breathing of a normal person, that is, their strength will increase, but their movements will also become stiff.

These should all be noted in the documents. Didn't Officer Nakamura carefully study the relevant documents? "

Nakamura gave a smirk, and said embarrassingly: "Yes, there is, but what was said there was too outrageous. I didn't take it seriously before, but I remembered it as soon as you said it.

But how do you know so clearly?Who are you? "

Toru Amuro was used to his slowness, and replied: "I am an employee of President Hanyu, and I participated as a consultant and provided opinions on the documents about the president that you have seen."

"Huh? Is that so? It's amazing." Nakamura Cao didn't know what to do.

It was also the first time for Hanyu Qingan to hear about such a thing, and he wondered, "When did this happen? Why didn't I know?"

Amuro said heartbrokenly: "President... every time I send the report to the funeral home, do you really read it seriously?"

Sensing his questioning eyes, Hanyu Qingan looked away, and said perfunctorily: "Oh, maybe it's not important, so I glanced at it and put it down."

Toru Amuro did not lie to Hanyu Qingan, this matter was indeed reported long ago, it was invited by Director Hakuba, but Hanyu Qingan had already begun to "degenerate" at that time, and he was always with beautiful women all day long, Don't think about "business".

Unlike Yu Nu who works part-time in 007, the Peach Blossom Demon only works for one hour every day, and starts to work when the devil meets in the evening, and it is already two o'clock in the middle of the night, so the normal summoning will not be delayed.

After the Peach Blossom Demon in a peach red dress appeared, Nakamura Cao was so excited that he cried and howled like ghosts and wolves.

A green light that symbolizes life flashed across Ritsuko's body, Mori Kogoro subconsciously dodged back, and then saw Ritsuko open his eyes in bewilderment, looking at everyone.



When she saw Saku, she was so frightened that she wanted to turn over, but she was firmly held in place by the iron chain.

"Police?" After struggling, she noticed a person in a police uniform, and hurriedly said, "Mr. Police, quickly, arrest this guy, he just attacked me!"

The two little policemen looked at each other, and looked at their boss Nakamura Misao, Nakamura Misao stepped forward to observe Ritsuko curiously, and said in amazement, "It's amazing, it's almost like a living person."

Everyone raised their foreheads and sighed. Even the two little policemen couldn't lift their heads. It's too embarrassing to follow such a boss. Is it possible to say this?

"What do you mean?" Ritsuko, as a lawyer, has always been very sensitive to other people's words. She quickly calmed down and asked in confusion, "What does it mean to be alive?"

Nakamura scratched his head, and said in a daze: "Well, you were killed just now, and then Hanyu-kun helped revive you, oh, by the way, you tell me first, the murderer is this person, right?
"You just said that he attacked you, right?" Nakamura pointed at Saku.

Saku didn't panic or dodge, but just showed a helpless expression, which made Conan very puzzled, couldn't it be him?But the dead were all identified, so it shouldn't be wrong.

Or is he confident that even if the deceased corrects him face to face, there is not enough evidence?
It's terrible... This man is still so calm in this situation...

"I'm dead... dead? Resurrected? Hanyu?" Ritsuko frowned as she digested the huge information inside, "Hanuyu Shrine? It's those strange cases!"

It was unbelievable, but as a rookie who had the strength to challenge Fei Miles' status as the Queen of Law, she quickly calmed down, grasped the point, and turned her head to stare at Saku viciously.

"That's right, he killed me! Saku, you are the best at criminal law. Don't you know what happens when you kill someone intentionally? What kind of enmity do you have with me? Are you going to do such a thing?"

Even though she was full of doubts, and even though the resurrection was even more surprising, she still controlled her wandering thoughts and grabbed Saku first to ask.

Saku scratched his head and showed a helpless smile, "Do you have any evidence for what you said? You have also heard of those strange cases. Although the details of the resurrection and the dictation of the deceased were not pursued too much in court, the relevant chain of evidence The requirements have not been relaxed."

Ritsuko's eyes widened, showing a terrifying expression, "...the devil!"

Although the others were silent, they also recognized this title. Saku was a terrifying person. Not only was he not afraid of the resurrection of the victim he had personally killed, but he could even laugh and even asked for evidence.

Even Hanyu Qingan had never seen this scene before.

(End of this chapter)

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