Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 417 Only 1 rooms

Chapter 417 Just One Room
"What's the time? When are you going to leave?" Hanyu Qingan asked immediately after making a decision.

Hattori Heiji plucked his ears, "I even came across Tokyo on purpose, of course I'm leaving tomorrow."

Hanyu Qingan asked strangely: "Aren't you high school students going to class tomorrow?"

Hattori Heiji's expression froze, and his eyes wandered: "It's class... ah... Actually, it doesn't matter, anyway, the day after tomorrow is a holiday, it's only one day away, it doesn't make any difference."

Yuan Shan and Ye Wenyan complained: "I persuaded him before coming here, but he insisted on skipping class and came here, so I have to help explain to Aunt Jinghua."

Hattori Heiji curled his lips, "I didn't ask you to come with me, you insisted on coming with me."

Yuan Shan and Ye were furious, "If I don't come to watch you, who knows what outrageous things you will do?"

For example... I secretly went to meet my first girlfriend, and I don't know if Xiaolan has heard from that person since the publication of her book...

"But if this is the case, Xiaolan, do you still want to follow? You seem to be serious about studying." Hanyu Qing'an turned his head and asked.

Suzuki Sonoko said dissatisfied: "It seems that I don't like studying!"

"Do you love studying?"

"You're right, I don't love you!" Sonoko replied confidently.

Mao Lilan covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Okay, it doesn't matter if it's just this time. After all, Yuanzi is newly married. The reason is very good. Even if you tell the teacher, the teacher will be considerate."

"This kind of dangerous idea is not worth it." Yuanzi said vigilantly, "I'd rather go back and be scolded for skipping class for no reason than use this excuse."

"In that case, it's settled like this, but where will you two stay tonight? If there is no place, there is a small room on the second floor of my house." Hanyu Qingan asked with concern.

Hattori Heiji didn't care about this kind of thing, "I can do it."

"Only, is there only one room?" Yuan Shan and Ye asked blushing.

Yuanzi winked and nodded, "Yes, there is only one room."

"Then let's forget it..." Yuan Shan and Ye reluctantly refused, but it seemed that she really wanted to agree.

Hattori Heiji frowned and said, "Kazuba, are you so delicate? They kindly kept us here, and you still think we don't have a room for each other?"

Yuan Shan and Ye were so angry that they yelled at him: "You idiot, we have a boy and a girl, how can we live in the same room?"

Hattori Heiji couldn't understand, "Why not? I remember that we used to sleep in the same room when we were young, and even went to the bathroom together for a while..."

"Stop talking!" Yuan Shan and Ye blushed and covered his mouth.

"Don't, don't, let him talk, let him talk." Yuanzi happily stepped forward and pulled Yuan Shan and Ye back, "Xiao Lan, come and help."

Hanyu Qingan laughed and said: "This can indeed be explained clearly, otherwise such ambiguity would be even more misleading, right? Hattori-kun should be talking about something from his childhood, there is nothing to be shy about."

Yuanzi grinned and agreed, "That's right."

Yuan Shan and Ye resigned to their fate and gave up struggling, Hattori Heiji continued: "It's nothing, it's just that when we were young we were playing with handcuffs and we accidentally handcuffed them together.

Then my dad and her dad were not at home and didn't have a key, so the two of us were together no matter what we did that day. "

Yuan Shan and Ye Zuo recalled the events of those years, they were still vivid in their minds, and the expressions on their faces became nostalgic. Sonoko pressed against her ear and blew:
"From that day on, the girl named He Ye knew that she would be tied to the boy in front of her for the rest of her life..."

Yuan Shan and Ye were too engrossed in their memories, and it took them a long time to realize that it was not their own voice, but Yuan Zi's words, and immediately covered their faces and squatted down.

Sonoko laughed, and Yuzu followed suit. Seeing this, Hanyu Qingan said helplessly, "You are married anyway, so be a little more mature."

"It's precisely because I'm mature that I can flirt with innocent girls unscrupulously~" Yuanzi said eloquently.

"However, as someone who has experienced it, I would like to advise you two, don't bury your feelings in your heart, and speak out bravely, otherwise you will regret it in the future."

Mao Lilan clenched her fists and pinched her under her arms angrily, "You give me peace of mind!"

Mori Kogoro was startled by her call, and regained consciousness a little, "Ah? Are you home? Then I'll go upstairs to sleep, and Xiaolan will call me when dinner is ready..."

He wandered upstairs, but Hanyu Qing'an stopped him and said, "Detective Mori, let's eat directly at the Polo Cafe tonight, so you don't have to worry about dinner, I'll treat you."

Mori Kogoro became refreshed immediately when he heard that there was a treat, and walked back quickly, "Then go home after dinner."

Hanyu Qingan smiled, and asked Sonoko to take someone to order food first, while he took the time to open the portal and went to the district office, and brought back the ID from the day before yesterday.

"This is the marriage registration document? Sonoko's a bit of a mouthful...but it's easy to say Mrs. Hanyu~" Mao Lilan joked while looking at the thin piece of paper.

The Japanese marriage certificate is actually a household registration certificate, which proves who is in the family. It is an ordinary white paper and there are no additional documents.

"Yuzu Yuzu... brother and sister?" Toyama and Ye wondered, "Aren't they daughters?"

Yuanzi explained: "Well, since Qing An's parents adopted the pomelo, she is Qing An's younger sister in name, but in fact she is being raised as a daughter."

While talking, she also put the cut steak on Yuzu's plate, while Yuzu turned a deaf ear to everyone's conversation and ate hard.

"So that's how it is..." Yuan Shan and Ye nodded.

Dinner was relatively simple. After everyone ate something casually, Mori Kogoro couldn't bear it anymore and had to go back to sleep. Amuro and Umezawa also went back to the apartment next door to rest, and the others followed to visit Hanyu's house.

"Speaking of which, I really haven't visited here properly." Mao Lilan said with a smile.

Yuanzi stepped on house slippers and delivered fruit juice to everyone on a tray. She looked like a hostess of a family. Then she knelt down by the table holding the tray and said, "Didn't you come to help when we moved?"

Mao Lilan looked around, "At that time, the room was empty, completely different from now, and, no matter what, it's considered a wedding room now."

"The wedding room..." Yuan Shan and Ye didn't know what they were thinking.

Hanyu Qing'an said from the side: "I don't know if it counts as a wedding house, I should have bought a piece of land to build a new house, but we are both more accustomed to the environment here.

And there are two of us here, we have almost realized all the memories now, so we are not willing to make a big change, so we have to wrong her temporarily. "

"Don't feel wronged, I just like such a small house." Yuanzi said cheerfully, "Otherwise it's the same as my villa, so what's the point?"

(End of this chapter)

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