Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 418 Another Sleepless Night

Chapter 418 Another Sleepless Night

Three couples of young people gathered in the living room of Hanyu's house, chatting all night, until the night was dark, and then left each other exhausted. Yuzu was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes halfway, and was sent back to the bedroom by Hanyu Seian to sleep.

Sonoko went out to send Mori Ran and Conan away, and took Hattori to the second floor to find spare clean bedding and toiletries so that they could rest.

Thanks to the fact that this room was reserved for the occasional lodging of the employees of the funeral home, so all kinds of items are prepared, so there is no need to go to the supermarket in the middle of the night to buy them.

"Is there only one quilt? Is there a blanket for me? I sleep on the sofa outside at night." Hattori Heiji asked Sonoko.

Yuan Shan and Ye unexpectedly said: "Aren't you sleeping in the room?"

Hattori Heiji hugged his head and said, "Aren't you not used to it? It's the same with me sleeping on the sofa. I don't care much about it. It doesn't matter."

Yuan Shan and Ye glanced at Yuanzi secretly, and whispered to him: "'s okay, anyway, we often took naps together when we were young..."

Yuanzi, who was pretending to search for a blanket, said exaggeratedly, "Ah, I can't seem to find it, why don't I ask Qing'an to drive to the night market [-] kilometers away to buy one."

This is really exaggerated, Yuanshan and Ye secretly complained, it is not unaware that President Hanyu has a portal, so there is no need to drive...

"Don't worry about it. Usually you see you, there are so many things that cause trouble for others, so be it."

Hattori Heiji was about to talk about teleportation, but was interrupted by Toyama Kazuha, "Sonoko, sorry for the trouble, you can go up and rest, and leave us alone."

Yuanzi blinked with a smile at the corner of his mouth, "Then I won't disturb your rest, call me if you need anything~"

After talking about Yuanzi, he left the funeral parlor on the second floor.

Hattori Heiji took a look at the 1.2-meter-wide bed. Although it can sleep two people, it may be too crowded. "Why don't I sleep on the sofa, without a blanket. It's not cold at night, just like not taking off my clothes."

As he said that, he turned and walked out of the bedroom door, but one hand grabbed the corner of his clothes.

Only Yuan Shan and Ye whispered softly: "Well... you should sleep in the room, I just remembered that this is a funeral home... I'm a little scared..."

Hattori Heiji looked at the dark living room outside the door, and the small utility room next to it for storing funeral supplies, and suddenly felt eerie.

"Don't tell me that I didn't realize...Onmyojis exist, so there shouldn't be ghosts here, right?"

"Ah!!!" Yuan Shan and Ye were taken aback by his words, and hugged his back with their eyes closed.

As a result, Hattori Heiji laughed unscrupulously, "Kazuba, you are too timid, there is nothing to be afraid of, there is an onmyoji upstairs, even if there are ghosts, you dare not come here.

There are ghosts in your bedroom, and there won't be...? "

Before he finished speaking, he saw something moving on the ground in the darkness.

"Are there still mice here?" Hattori Heiji murmured.

Yuan Shan and Ye screamed again in fright.

"'s the little paper figurine of Onmyoji." Hattori Heiji looked at it carefully and said, "Okay, let's go to bed first if we have nothing to do, it's getting late, we have to get up early tomorrow."

As a result, Yuan Shan and Ye hugged him and refused to let go.

"Kazuha, Kazuha?" Hattori Heiji called out twice, but Yuanshan and Ye didn't respond, only a slight sobbing sound was heard.

"Hey, aren't you? It's just a joke." Hattori Heiji was a little numb.

Yuan Shan and Ye raised their heads, revealing red eye sockets, biting their lips with tears in their eyes and complaining: "I'm just afraid, you keep scaring me..."

Hattori Heiji's scalp was numb, "My fault, my fault, don't worry, I'm here, even if there is a ghost, it will definitely eat me first, I won't let it hurt you before I fall down, don't worry."

These words warmed Yuan Shan and Ye's heart, "Well...then don't go..."

"it is good."


"What are you laughing at?" Hanyu Qingan had already finished washing and changed into pajamas, seeing Sonoko smiling like a fox who stole a chicken, he couldn't help asking.

Yuanzi smirked and said, "Did you hear the screaming just now? I asked the little paper figurine to scare them on purpose, so that the two of them would hug each other and hide in the hut shivering."

"Are you artificially creating a suspension bridge effect for them?" Hanyu Qingan rubbed her head amusedly.

"That's right, the classic haunted house plot, not to mention the funeral parlor below, and it's also the residence of you, an onmyoji. Isn't it normal to have some weird things? The effect must be better than the haunted house!"

"Your cleverness is all used in this kind of place." Hanyu Qingan shook his head.

"What else?" Yuanzi tilted his head and leaned on his shoulder, "Work hard every day like others? It seems that hard work is the meaning of life, but what am I working hard for? To live the life I have now?

Then I just need to live happily every day, right?Anyway, I was raised by my father before, and now I am raised by you~"

Hanyu Qing'an let her lie on his lap, stroked her hair, and agreed in his heart, isn't his wish also to enjoy life?And the garden has done a really good job in this regard.

Born into a wealthy family, she has no arrogance, pays attention to feelings, is approachable, and grows up carefree, which makes her less hostile. She can enjoy luxury stores and street stalls, and she is not just a simple fool. , is also very understanding of the world.


Hanyu Qing'an lowered his head when he heard her voice, and was facing a pair of dark green eyes with soft waves, which were moist and charming like silk.

It seems that after the "rite of passage", her temperament is undergoing a certain change, and she has matured visibly with the naked eye.

The two kissed like this.

After a while, Yuanzi couldn't help but say, "Go to the hot spring."

"Aren't you going to sleep tonight?"

"Don't sleep!"

It seemed that Sonoko was extraordinarily enthusiastic tonight, and Hanyu Kiyoan couldn't understand it.


After Hanyu's house finally calmed down, in the apartment next door, Toru Amuro suddenly opened his eyes amidst a slight vibration of his mobile phone.

It took him two seconds to take a deep breath to refresh himself, then walked to the bed, vigilantly observed the surroundings through the gap in the curtains, and then connected the phone.

"Is something wrong?"

"Hurrah..." There was a sound of rapid breathing from the other side, and then Belmode's voice, "I will go back soon, is your situation still stable?"

"Stable, are you on a mission again?"

There was a burst of explosions, and Belmode paused for a while before saying: "Yeah, I haven't been idle recently. What's the latest move of Onmyoji?"

Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes and said, "He's going to Mermaid Island..."

"Oh? Mermaid Island..." Belmode seemed a little surprised, "He's going there, does that mean there's really something there?"

An Shitou looked at the corner of the wall and said, "I'm not sure about this, because he didn't take the initiative to go there, but did Gin find anything there before?"

(End of this chapter)

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