Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 419

Chapter 419

"After Gin went, he only said 'wasting time' when he came back. He didn't say much about the specific situation, but he probably got nothing," Bellmode said.

"However, because of the appearance of Onmyoji some time ago, when I was talking about that matter with him, he suddenly mentioned a hidden danger."

"Oh? What's the hidden danger?" Toru Amuro snapped up.

"They said that they had registered their names at the festival over there. If you go this time, remember to find that booklet and destroy it." Belmod gritted his teeth and said, as if he was suffering some kind of pain.

Toru Amuro guessed that she was probably bandaging the wound, but more attention was paid to what she said, "It's a bit unbelievable that Gin would leave such hand tails when doing things."

Belmode took a few breaths and sneered, "He wasn't that experienced from the beginning, but that matter may be different from what you think, it seems that the ceremony must be registered with a real name to be valid.

Effectively refers to the so-called talisman of immortality - the Arrow of the Dugong, because that matter is very important, so Gin Jiu can only lead the team in person, and this left his real name. "

Toru Amuro was slightly moved, Gin's real name!This is a big discovery. After working so hard in the funeral home for so long, this is the most important information about the organization.

"So, how do I know which book it is? What is Gin's real name?" Amuro asked tentatively.

Belmode smiled, "You just need to destroy all their rosters. Of course, you can also destroy the shrine on that island."

"Understood." Toru Amuro didn't pursue the question, and changed the subject, "You've been a little too busy recently, and it took me a long time to reply when I contacted you several times."

Belmode sighed, "You know Rum's temperament, after the task is given, as long as there is a slight delay, he will keep rushing.

Moreover, recently, there are so many tasks that I don’t even have time to sleep. At most, I travel to three or four countries a day. "

"Isn't this a bit strange?" Toru Amuro frowned, "If it's an urgent and important matter, it shouldn't be just a few of you, even if you don't consider your energy and physical strength, you should also consider the importance of the task, right?

And if it's not an emergency, what's the point of doing it? "

Belmode laughed suddenly, as if venting the accumulated pressure, and then said: "As expected of you, Bourbon, you noticed the problem after just two phone calls, which makes us seem stupid.

But there is no way, the orders of the superiors in the organization cannot be violated, and the tasks assigned are indeed urgent tasks, there is no problem, and Rum also said that there is no manpower available elsewhere, so we can only make us work harder.

Until recently, there have been more and more missions. Although it is true that they are all missions of traitors and spies, Rum has been unwilling to send more people, as if we are the only ones in the organization who can use them.

We also gradually realized that something was wrong, but the woman in Curacao kept staring at us, and it was difficult to make any big moves for the time being. "

So, this means that a big move is already planned?Amuro Toru secretly figured it out.

"Okay, do your job well, don't think about anything else, just hang up first." Belmode hung up the communication without waiting for him to reply.

Beep beep busy sound, Toru Amuro lost sleepiness.

On Belmode's side, after hanging up the phone, she sent an email to Calvados. Calvados had already reported to her about Onmyoji's going to Mermaid Island.

After all, Hanyu Qingan and the others stood downstairs chatting without any shyness, their voices were not lowered, and they could be overheard as long as they paid a little attention.

After explaining the matter, Belmode got up in a panic and walked to the side of gin and vodka not far away.

Gin leaned against the container, and said a little tiredly: "How is it?"

Belmode lit a cigarette, took two puffs, seemed to relieve some pain, and then replied:
"The bait is set, whether Bourbon is trustworthy or not, just wait and see. By the way, the person responsible for monitoring the line of Mermaid Island is reliable, right?"

Gin let out an "um" without further explanation.

There are still many baits deliberately laid out like the roster, but this time I happened to use the bait from Mermaid Island, who has been in charge of cleaning up undercover traitors for so many years, and Gin's fishing law enforcement methods are very skilled.

Many seemingly loyal and reliable members always easily exposed their undercover identities when faced with some tempting bait. Gin has long been familiar with it.

"Brother, the woman from Curacao is here." Vodka on the top of the vodka container said with his night vision binoculars down.

"Heh, I don't know how tough the mouth of this number one confidant of Rum is."

Gin slowly got up, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he shook off the dust on the windbreaker, and the fatigue of days of running around seemed to be shaken off together, his eyes were cold and menacing.

Belmode threw away the cigarette in his hand, and immediately recovered his usual calm state, followed behind, with a half-smile and said: "You can try it this time."

Vodka jumped down from the container, landed on the ground with a bang, and then quickly followed.

Over the pier not far away, a plane full of heavily armed personnel responsible for escorting supplies is coming here with Curacao.

In the darkness, Cohen and Chianti, who were hiding somewhere, were silent.


In the early morning of the next day, everyone gathered at Poirot's coffee shop, had a simple breakfast, and then discussed how to get to Mermaid Island.

"It's convenient to teleport directly there, but the meaning of vacation will be lost if you do this, and Yuzu seems to have been on a boat once, right? Fukui can go to Federal Island by ferry." Sonoko said while stroking Yuzu's head.

Hattori Heiji took out the entrustment channel: "But the above said it was very urgent. If you go late, the door assistant Saori will be killed by the mermaid."

Hanyu Qingan said: "It's easy to handle, I will open the door and send you to the island to investigate first, while the others take the ferry and walk slowly.

If there is an emergency, you can call us. Yuanzi, I, and Xiaolan can use satellite communication, and there will be no delay at sea. "

"...Is this appropriate?" Hattori Heiji was speechless.

"I think it's quite appropriate, anyway, you're the same as Shinichi, you're more positive when you hear about a case than seeing a beautiful woman," Sonoko complained.

"Beauty? Where is it?" Mori Kogoro was distracted, and woke up when he heard the key words.

"..." Mao Lilan raised her forehead.

Sonoko laughed loudly, "Look, the way you see the case is like Uncle Kogoro's reaction when he heard the beautiful woman."

Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at Mori Kogoro, with a black hair, who is like him...

"Okay, let's go, then let Conan come with me, you take the ferry slowly." Hattori Heiji picked up Conan's back collar and said.

"Hey, I didn't say I want to be with you." Conan retorted.

Hattori Heiji messed up his hairstyle and laughed, "I decided for you, so be it."

 Thank you for the reward of [novice players 5000 starting coins, ink, and starry sky that has not yet collapsed] last week, thank you for your support ~
(End of this chapter)

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