Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 421 Do you want to meet Kudo Shin 1?

Chapter 421 Do you want to see Kudo Shinichi?
"Ah--" Conan sneezed and sucked his nose.

Seeing this, Hattori Heiji joked: "Could it be that someone is talking about you behind your back? I've only been separated for a while and I've started thinking about you?"

Conan gave him a blank look, and Toru Amuro said, "Maybe I have a cold. I forgot to wear more when I came here. You should wear my coat first."

As he spoke, Amuro Toru took off his coat and put it on Conan.

The warm feeling surrounded Conan, he stared blankly at Toru Amuro, who was only wearing white short sleeves, and was very surprised, "This is not good, brother Amuro won't be cold like this?"

Toru Amuro patted his chest and smiled, "Children have poor immunity, I don't care, just hold on for a while, and let the president come to help treat it.

Alright, I'm going to arrange board and lodging, is it okay for you to do it yourself? "

Hattori Heiji and Conan shook their heads quickly, "It's absolutely fine."

"That's good." After speaking, Amuro Toru left without looking back.

Hattori Heiji and Conan breathed a sigh of relief until they could no longer see him.


"Hush——" Conan quickly stopped him, and then quickly checked his jacket to make sure there were no bugs before relaxing.

"Aren't you too careful? That Mr. Amuro looks pretty nice." Hattori Heiji said speechlessly, holding the back of his head.

Conan sneered and said, "Why do you have such a naive idea? You look more like a primary school student."

Hattori Heiji was furious, picked up Conan and began to rub the dog's head angrily.


It was almost time for lunch, Hanyu Kiyosuke and other people arrived late, set foot on this small island, and saw Toru Amuro head-on.

"President, the hostel has been arranged. In addition, I have also collected some local scenery items worth visiting. You can take a look at those you are interested in."

"It's really thoughtful..." Yuan Shan and Ye said with emotion.

After receiving the brochure from Amuro Toru, Hanyu Kiyosuke handed it directly to Sonoko, while he sized him up strangely and said, "Is this... a festival costume on you?"

Toru Amuro nodded, and while leading the way, he introduced: "That's right, the most famous thing here is the Dugong Festival, and it happens to be tonight.

Dugong is a marine herbivorous mammal. Some people think that dugong is a mermaid, so it gradually became synonymous with mermaid..."

Toru Amuro explained very competently, and everyone came to the inn after listening.

Toru Amuro said to Mao Lilan: "By the way, Xiaolan, Conan's child has caught a cold since he arrived, and Hattori-kun sent him here to rest just now.

I said to ask the president to help with the treatment, but he refused no matter what, just said to let you take care of him, you see..."

Upon hearing the words, Mao Lilan hurriedly asked about Conan's room, and then hurriedly ran to it. When she arrived, she saw Conan lying on the bed with his eyes closed, motionless, and his face flushed.

"Conan, are you okay?" Mao Lilan touched his head with some concern, it was hot, "Why don't you let Hanyu-kun heal you."

"Lan?" Conan opened his eyes in a daze, "cough...don't worry, it's just right if you have a cold."

"What's that?" Mao Lilan frowned.

"Come closer, I'm telling you..."

Conan waved, and Mao Lilan listened to him.

"Do you want...cough...see Kudo Shinichi? If you want to, I'll let you meet."

Mao Lilan was confused, "Are you confused? What nonsense are you talking about? Well, I get it, I won't be angry with you anymore, and you wouldn't threaten me with your body, would you?
If you are sick, you should be treated, even with Hanyu-kun, you can't treat your body like this casually..."

Conan grabbed her hand, struggled to get up, and said with a serious face: "I'm serious, cough... If you want, I can let you see me now, Kudo Shinichi's state."

Mao Lilan was stunned, "You can change back? But didn't Hanyu-kun say that there is nothing he can do?"

Conan nodded, showing a weak smile because Xiaolan finally let go of his confession, "It's true that he can't help it, but it doesn't mean he can't help it at all. I know, you have been very distressed in your heart, and you don't know how to deal with this kind of thing. , cough cough cough...

So, I want to tell you that there is hope for me to change back, cough cough cough..."

Molly didn't know how to react.

Conan warned: "You will watch for a while, wait for all of them to leave, and then you will come back alone..."

Mao Lilan listened blankly, then nodded seriously, got up and left.

Conan lay back on the bed in a dazed state. He actually tried it at home before, alternating hot and cold water, even using ice, but he didn't catch a cold.

So, even though the location here is not so suitable, he doesn't want to wait anymore.

But to be honest, this place is more suitable, because there is only one Toru Amuro to be wary of here. In the case of the Mori family, there are more people from various forces around them, and it is easier to be exposed.


"What? Xiaolan, don't you want to go to the souvenir shop?" Yuanzi was very disappointed.

Mao Lilan nodded, "That's right, because Conan is sick, and the two of you just live in a two-person world? Oh, a three-person world."

Looking at the grapefruit being pulled by Yuanzi, Mao Lilan corrected it.

Because Miyano Akemi didn't come, Yuzu followed Hanyu Kiyoan this time.

"That brat is really troublesome. It would be nice if Qing'an could heal him, really..." Yuanzi said helplessly.

Mao Lilan had no choice but to say, "You can't bother you with serious and minor illnesses. Occasional illnesses are also good for improving your body's immunity."

"Well, Xiaolan and the others have their own ideas." Hanyu Qingan said, "However, if it becomes more serious, remember to call me at any time, you are welcome."

"Yeah, I see." Mao Lilan nodded gratefully.

Watching her back in a hurry back to the hostel, Sonoko whispered to Hanyu Qingan: "There is something wrong."

Hanyu Qing'an patted her on the head, "Everyone has their own secrets, it's normal, no matter how close they are, they can't be completely unreserved."

"Then you have a secret too?" Sonoko suddenly became interested, "What kind of secret?"

Hanyu Qing'an put a smile on his lips, thought for a while and said, "It's really dishonest for you to ask directly like this."

Yuanzi licked his lips when he heard the words, "Then let's torture him at night."

Hanyu Qing'an couldn't help shivering when he heard the words, if he had to do the intensity of exercise last night again, he might not be able to hold on for long without a single drop left...

"What's wrong with you recently?" Hanyu Qing'an asked strangely, the initiative has also increased too fast, didn't it mean that it would only happen when you were 40 or [-] years old?
Yuanzi's eyes wandered, "It's nothing... I'm married, so it's different from before."

 Recently... It's been so hard, it's raining, it's cold and humid, I'm not feeling well, and I can't lift my spirits.

  Obviously it will be June soon, and the temperature is still only in the early ten degrees. I want to ask for leave every day, alas...

(End of this chapter)

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