Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 422 The Gap

Chapter 422 The Gap
In the souvenir shop, Hanyu Kiyoan followed behind the excited garden, which was an eye-opener. The specialties here basically have mermaid elements.

A mermaid, and nothing on the upper body...

It is also very reasonable, what clothes do mermaids wear?It is these mermaid pendant amulets that ordinary people are afraid to hang outside, right?

"Why do I feel the color in your eyes?" Sonoko suddenly turned around and asked.

Qing'an Hanyu was very wronged, "I was just wondering if these things can really be sold? It's not that I'm belittling the local characteristics here, but the shapes of these mermaids are so outlandish that they can't even be considered ugly. My aesthetics is still very good. It's normal, you should know."

Yuanzi Xin said yes, these mermaid specialties are too abstract, "Don't talk nonsense, it's not good for the boss to hear."

Hanyu Qingan flicked her forehead, "Didn't you ask this?"

The two were arguing, and suddenly someone pushed the door open, and the boss said helplessly: "My guest, I've already told you everything I know about Saori, and I really can't think of anything else. "

Hattori Heiji who came in waved his hand, "Ah, no, I'm just here to find them."

"Heiji?" Toyama Kazuha, who was teasing Yuzu with a mermaid pie, got up in surprise, "Have you finished your investigation?"

Hattori Heiji came over and leaned against the counter discouragedly, "No, there are too few clues, all I know is that Saori lost the arrow of the dugong, and was anxious all day long, fearing the mermaid's revenge.

Then she suddenly disappeared three days ago. The last time anyone saw her before that was Junhui Shimabukuro of the Federal Shrine. She was a friend of Saori Monsie, and she accompanied Saori Monsie to go outside the island four days ago. Visited a dentist. "

Hanyu Qing'an heard the words and asked: "About the legend of immortality, have you heard anything special about it?"

Hattori Heiji stroked his chin and said seriously: "The old lady in Shimabukuro who is in charge of the Dugong Festival here, the villagers say that she is almost [-] years old, and she is the one who was said to have eaten mermaid meat in the news.

But I asked the granddaughter of Mrs. Shimabukuro, that is Junhui Shimabukuro, and she said that she was only 130 years old, not that exaggerated. "

"Huh? 130 years old is a lot." Sonoko sighed.

Hanyu Qing'an shook his head, "It's just that there's nothing special about it. This age is far from reaching the world longevity record."

Not to mention anything else, Hanyu Qingan clearly remembers an ancient couplet describing the long-lived old people-reunion at the age of [-] increases the years;

Sixty years of sixty years, reunion is 60 years, plus Sanqi 120, 21 years old, this is still ancient times, a 140-year-old old lady can only be said to have a long life.

"Have you seen that old lady?" Hanyu Qingan asked after thinking about it.

Hattori Heiji shrugged, "I asked Miss Shimabukuro, and she said that the old lady is preparing for tonight's festival, and she is very busy, so she has no time to meet guests."

"It's normal, the festival is really busy." Hanyu Qingan nodded in understanding.

Toru Amuro on the side didn't know what he understood, he was in charge of coordinating and arranging the ceremony of Hanyu Shrine, and the president just showed his face...

But with a smile on his face, he said: "President, I have already arranged this. I have also met that Miss Shimabukuro, and I have made an appointment with her to meet the old lady Shimabukuro after the festival is over. .”

Hattori Heiji was stunned, "No way, how did you do it? She was a little impatient when I asked her, and hurried to do things."

Amuro Toru took it for granted: "It was just a direct question, nothing special, she even invited me to see her working place."

"..." Hattori Heiji opened his mouth, hesitant to speak, this distinction is too obvious!
Seeing that he was a little bit shocked, Toru Amuro comforted: "Don't take it to heart, it may be because she and I are also in a certain sense, and we have a common language when we talk about the work of the shrine."

Hattori Heiji immediately felt better.

Toru Amuro turned his head and said to Hanyu Qingan: "I also got a more detailed explanation from Ms. Shimabukuro about the Dugong Arrow.

The forbidden arrow was originally cast with a spell to exorcise evil spirits, but the people on the island arbitrarily associated it with the dugong. "

Hattori Heiji:……

"Ms. Shimabukuro's mother told her these things. In addition, her parents were buried in the sea five years ago. Even her grandparents disappeared at sea before she was born. Now she and her great-grandmother are the only ones who depend on each other." Toru Amuro said with emotion typical.

Hattori Heiji said angrily: "...except for the matter of Saori, she didn't tell me anything else."

Yuan Shan and Ye muttered to the side: "Do you think you are as handsome as Mr. Amuro and popular with girls? Only I can bear your strange temper."

Hattori Heiji was unconvinced: "I have gained something too, okay? At least the other two friends of the door association Saori have told me a lot, but it is a little strange that Shimabukuro Junhui, the heir of the shrine, is very interested in mermaids and longevity. I don't believe it at all.

On the contrary, several of her friends since she was a child believed in this, not only the sect coordinator Saori was in a panic because of the loss of the dugong arrow, but also Ebihara Shoumi and Heijiang Naoko were also talking about it. "

After speaking, he looked at Hanyu Qing'an, "Your side is completely different. Strangers are dubious about Onmyoji, or even don't believe it at all, but the more people who know you, the more convinced they are."

Yuanzi put his hips on his hips and said, "Of course, because Qing'an is really powerful."

Seeing her like this, Yuan Shan and Ye couldn't help covering their mouths and giggling, it's really a husband and wife.

"The president's wife is right." Toru Amuro smiled and agreed, "True gold is not afraid of fire, only the more you understand it, the more certain it is, it is true and credible, and the legend of immortality here is probably just to promote tourism. .

But there is no need to jump to conclusions so quickly. After the festival is over, just visit the old lady in Shimabukuro. "

Sonoko blushed slightly when she heard his address, but she felt happy in her heart, hugged Hanyu Qingan's arm tightly and lowered her head with a smirk.

Hehehe... Mrs. President... Amuro is very sensible.

After hearing this, Hanyu Qing'an said: "In this case, let's go shopping first, and talk about it after the festival, Amuro, you will lead the way next."

Toru Amuro nodded, "Okay, I wonder if you like fishing, President?"

"Fishing?" Hanyu Qing'an was stunned for a moment. He had always heard about fishing guys before, saying that it was the best hobby of middle-aged men, a paradise to avoid troublesome things, but he never thought of trying it.

"Then try fishing."

When Yuzu heard that there were fish, she couldn't help but shed tears at the corner of her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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