Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 423 You Have Liked Me Since That Time, Haven't You?

Chapter 423 You Have Liked Me Since That Time, Haven't You?

"I didn't expect fishing to be quite interesting."

It was getting late, and Hanyu Qingan was wearing a straw hat, carrying a fish basket, and holding Yuzu's little hand, and walked towards the hotel together.

Behind him, Yuanzi was looking worriedly at the little paper figurine in his palm, "I said Qing'an, is it really all right? It's half wet and doesn't move much, it looks like it's dying..."

Hanyu Qing'an didn't turn his head back and said: "Don't worry about it, it's just acting like a baby and being lazy, although the little paper doll really doesn't like water, but it's not afraid to this extent, you can go back to dry or use a hair dryer to dry it.

Oh, grilling is also fine, but it may not like it even more. "

"That's it..." Sonoko carefully put it in his pocket, and followed.

"Borrow the hostel's kitchen for a while, let Amuro use these fish to cook some dishes. It is said that his cooking level is very high, not inferior to Xiaolan." Hanyu Qingan had a good plan.

"Speaking of which, I don't know what's going on with Xiaolan and Conan, I'll go and have a look later." Sonoko muttered.

After entering the hostel, Hanyu Qingan took Amuro Toru and others to the kitchen. Since it was a small hostel, they were the main guests, and the boss readily agreed.

Of course, it is also for the face of Fukuzawa Yukichi (ten thousand yen banknotes).

Yuanzi walked to Mao Lilan's room, knocked on the door, and asked, "Xiao Lan, are you in? I'll come in..."

Mao Lilan and Kudo Shinichi inside were taken aback, one got up in a panic and went to the door to block it, while the other quickly retracted into the quilt to hide.

The sliding door was pushed open a little jerky, and Mao Lilan stopped there panting, "Ah, Yuanzi, you are back? Is there something wrong?"

Yuanzi glanced at her strangely, because her hair was disheveled, her eyes were red, and the lights in the room were not turned on, "It's nothing, just to see how that little devil is doing?"

Mao Lilan quickly blocked her peeking view, "Uh, it's okay, Conan is doing well, he just needs to rest."

"Is it really okay? I think you are not in a good condition, why don't you let Qing'an treat you."

Mao Lilan shook her head quickly, "No, it's really fine, I just woke up after falling asleep..."

Yuanzi whispered with a strange expression: "That...Xiao Lan, as your best friend, I have to remind you of one thing.

Although, I also know that Conan is actually Shinichi, but, no matter what, he is now a seven-year-old elementary school student, you...don't make mistakes.

Some things are illegal, we understand, but other people don't understand..."

Mao Lilan was still confused at first, but her face became familiar when she heard it later, "Yuanzi, what are you talking about! How could I... Anyway, there is no such mess as you think."

Yuanzi smiled, and said, "Don't get excited, I just remind you, you just know what's in your mind. In addition, Qing'an and I came back from fishing, let's go out for dinner together, and I can bring some fish soup to Conan later, after drinking it Hot soup should be better."

Mao Lilan breathed a sigh of relief, "Well, you go and eat first, I'm not hungry yet, it's the same if I ask the proprietress to help deliver food when I get hungry later."

As soon as she finished speaking, her stomach rang, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Yuanzi glanced at her suspiciously. Mao Lilan was at a loss for words this time, but Yuanzi didn't press the question to the end, but said: "The meal will be ready later, and I will bring it to you. Okay, then I won't disturb your rest."

After Yuanzi finished speaking, he turned around and left. Mao Lilan opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

After she couldn't see Sonoko's back, she closed the door and went back to the room, muttering: "Isn't it too good, actually it's okay to let Sonoko and the others know, as long as Mr. Amuro doesn't know?"

Kudo Shinichi poked his head out from under the quilt. He was wearing the bathrobe prepared by the hostel, and said helplessly: "But you look at her, you guessed like this without seeing anything. If you really know that I have changed back, you must think about it." Even more outrageous."

"Also..." Mao Lilan held her forehead with a headache, what does it mean to remind herself not to break the law, how could she do such a thing!
"How long can you last like this?" Mao Lilan asked suddenly.

Kudo Shinichi sighed helplessly, "It's best to stay until twelve o'clock in the evening at the latest. If it's earlier, it might change back in a while."

"Is that so..." Mao Lilan hugged her legs and sat there in a daze.

After Conan changed back, the two of them actually didn't do anything, they just chatted together and talked about a lot of things that Mao Lilan didn't know.

At most, when Conan first transformed, she was naked and had no clothes to wear. She ran to the bathroom to get a bathrobe.

Well, so, Kudo Shinichi is now in neutral and can only hide under the quilt.

Kudo Shinichi suddenly showed guilt, "I'm sorry, Xiaolan, I originally wanted to give you hope, but it seems to make it even more difficult for you."

Mao Lilan shook her head with a smile, "It's okay, it's not your fault, you were killed too, so you can't be so reckless in the future."

Kudo Shinichi laughed twice, but didn't dare to answer.

The two were speechless for a while, looking at the moon outside the window, Mao Lilan was in a daze, and suddenly said: "Hey, Xinyi, what do you think my father and mother are doing now?"

Kudo Shinichi said without thinking: "It's dinner time, they should be eating."

"That's it..." Mao Lilan showed a sweet smile on her face, "It's great, it would be great if the two of them can take this opportunity to reconcile, this is my greatest wish all the time."

Kudo Shin nodded, "I know, when you were a child, you wrote a wish on a note."

Mao Lilan suddenly remembered, "What are you talking about? I was bullied at that time, Yuanzi helped me drive away that little fat man, and she even accused you of not being a man at all, and not knowing how to protect me.

Then you said that it had nothing to do with you, but in private you secretly figured out a way to make my mother really come back to see me. "

Kudo Shinichi was a little guilty. At that time, he took Xiaolan's photo as a reward to trick that little fat man into helping him. At that time, he was very willing to tear off his own half.

But, thinking about it now, blood loss, I thought there were plenty of photos from my childhood, but thinking about it now... Uh, I still have some of my own, but Xiaolan only has those.

"Xinyi, have you liked me since then?"

"Ah?!" Kudo Shinichi was startled, "What did you say?"

After Mao Lilan finished speaking, she also felt a little regretful, why did she say it before her mind came to her senses.

The two blushed and lowered their heads.

But after Mao Lilan was shy, she couldn't help thinking of Yuanzi's words. If she didn't express her feelings bravely, would she only regret it?

Just like when Shinichi disappeared suddenly, goodbye is already Conan...

You don't know what will happen in the future, and you don't know how long you will have to wait, so why not... Hurry up now.

"I said, have you liked me since then?" Mao Lilan raised his head, his eyes burning.

(End of this chapter)

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