Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 429

Chapter 429
"...In this way, our family has played the role of longevity woman from generation to generation, maintaining this legend. My mother once asked me to let longevity woman continue to exist no matter what, because she loves this island so much, so I hope The fame brought by the legend of the mermaid has made this place develop even better."

In the Shimabukuro family, Junhui Shimabukuro explained in detail why she played the longevity woman.

"This is too much. The future of the entire island is placed on you alone, and a girl is made to play the role of an old woman, so that you can't have a normal relationship with boys in order to keep it secret..." Yuanzi was a little bit aggrieved.

Hanyu Qingan's eyelids trembled, the last sentence is the point, right?Is this really going to worry about love for the girls in the world?
Junhui Shimabukuro smiled calmly, "It's okay, I'm used to it, I'm the only one left in this family, apart from the mission my mother entrusted to me, I don't know what else to live for."

Yuanzi was even more sympathetic when he heard it.

Junhui Shimabukuro turned to look at Toru Amuro, "Mr. Amuro guessed it was me all at once, did you use some magical technique?"

Toru Amuro shook his head slightly, "There is no such thing, it's just that when you saw Shikigami in shock, you accidentally exposed the bottom of your skirt..."

"???" Sonoko widened his eyes and said in astonishment, "Mr. Anshi, even if you are a pervert, you wouldn't say such things in front of others, would you?"

"..." Amuro's face twitched, and he was forced to be speechless by the sudden turning point.

Hanyu Qing'an was also speechless, the word "also" has something to say...

Junhui Shimabukuro said: "You should have seen my feet and shoes, right?"

Toru Amuro nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, "That's right, I found that you were walking on your knees, and it felt wrong for a moment.

After thinking about it again, throughout the day today, whether it was at the shrine or here, you and Longevity have never appeared at the same time, so there is speculation. "

Junhui Shimabukuro smiled wryly, "Mr. Amuro is really sharp."

Hanyu Kiyosuke put down his teacup, and asked, "What about the mermaid grave? What Amuro saw was an empty grave?"

Junhui Shimabukuro's face became ugly. Just now Naoko Kuroe was going to find the mermaid grave. She was very angry, but it was difficult to say anything because of the crowd.

She bit her lip, "The so-called mermaid grave is actually my mother's grave and my future grave."

Toru Amuro comforted: "Don't say death easily, you still have your mission, although it sounds cruel to outsiders, but it is very important to you, isn't it?

Mission is this kind of thing, although it is not understood by others, although it needs to sacrifice a lot of things, it is important enough to stick to it with life, and it also makes people feel the meaning of their own existence. "

Junhui Shimabukuro was stunned. She didn't expect Toru Amuro to not understand like others, but to say such words, which resonated with her so much.

She stared blankly at Toru Amuro, then smiled, "Thank you, Mr. Amuro."

"You're welcome, it's just that I can't help you much, so let's talk about some consolation."

Toru Amuro really resonates with Junhui Shimabukuro, who is willing to sacrifice his life in order to protect the island.

He is the same, willing to sacrifice everything for the country.

"Although it's not good to ask these things at this time, there are still some details I want to confirm with you." Hanyu Qing'an interrupted the harmonious atmosphere between the two.

"Some people on the island said that your parents met a mermaid at sea and died, but you just said that the tomb of the mermaid is actually your mother's tomb. It seems that it is not an empty tomb. The two statements are somewhat contradictory."

Junhui Shimabukuro's expression froze immediately, he hesitated for a long time and refused to speak, obviously there was something inside.

When the atmosphere was somewhat silent, Hanyu Qingan's cell phone rang suddenly. He switched it on to connect, only to hear a voice that seemed to be very difficult.

"Onmyoji, if you don't come to save people, we will die..."

Without saying a word, Hanyu Qingan directly canceled the summoning of the insect master in front of him, summoned it with the spell on Hattori Heiji on the other end of the phone, and released the skill.

However, there was a moment of silence on the phone, and he said in a numb tone: "It's not about treatment, I'd better trouble you to come here yourself, and Ye Zheng and I are hanging on the cliff."

"..." Qing'an Hanyu fell silent, and while getting up, he said, "Remember to make it clear next time."

After hanging up the phone and opening the portal, Hanyu Qing'an briefly explained the situation, and everyone hurriedly followed into the courtyard.

Before Shimabukuro had time to marvel at everything in the courtyard, Hanyu Qingan reopened the portal, and then led everyone away.

Under the cliff, Hanyu Qingan looked up and saw Toyama and Ye holding the branches, Hattori Heiji was pulled in mid-air by her, and the two of them were hanging on it in a very embarrassed way.

"Don't look, hurry up, she can't hold on Kazuha anymore." Hattori Heiji said anxiously.

"You just grab Master Bug's legs, and she will bring you down." Hanyu Qing'an raised his voice.

When he came, his first reaction was to use the flying boat to save people, but the flying boat had to "set shikigami", it was too cumbersome and time-consuming, anyway, it was just to save two people, the flying shikigami like Zongshi and Qingxingdeng One is enough.

"Is there any problem with the two of you?" Hattori Heiji glanced at the little insect master, a little suspicious that she would fall directly with the two of them.

"No problem." Hanyu Qing'an said concisely.

Hattori Heiji didn't ask any more questions, put the phone away, and then grabbed the short leg of the insect master with his free hand, and quickly grabbed Toyama Kazuha's wrist with the other hand.

"It's okay, He Ye, let go, we're saved."

Yuan Shan and Ye were almost unconscious, she murmured, "Are you saved?"

"Yes, we're saved, we can let go." Hattori Heiji's throat was a little choked.

"Oh... that's great..." After she finished speaking, she let go of her hand, relaxed her whole body, became limp in an instant, and passed out.

Hattori Heiji firmly grasped her wrist, and then signaled to Hanyu Kiyoan that it was enough. Under Hanyu Kiyoan's command, the little insect master floated down very slowly with the two of them.

"He Ye! He Ye! Are you okay?" After the person landed, Yuanzi hurried up to check, and then asked anxiously, "Qing'an, why did she pass out? Didn't you have been healed by Shikigami?" ?"

Hanyu Qing'an thought for a while, "It should be that she has too many negative states. I only let the insect master treat it once, so only part of the negative states were removed."

Hattori Heiji grabbed Toyama Kazuha's hand and nodded, "That's right, the wounds on Kazuha's hands and face should have been healed, originally her hand holding the branch was full of wounds, but it's all healed now. "

After listening to Hanyu Qing'an, he asked the insect master to give them a few more skills. Because the insect master's skills are group-based, several people around followed him a few times, and the green light under the cliff kept flickering...

 Push this to devour starry sky fans, there are very few such articles, if you are interested, don’t miss it~

  "Swallowing Starry Sky Practice Simulator"

(End of this chapter)

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