Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 430 Cause and Effect, Trouble

Chapter 430 Cause and Effect, Trouble

The effect of this kind of smashing skill regardless of the cost is very significant, only a few breaths, Yuan Shan and Ye woke up.

"Heiji! Don't let go!" Yuan Shan and Ye exclaimed after waking up.

"It's okay, it's okay, Kazuha, it's alright." Hattori Heiji hugged her tightly.

"Oh, it's okay." Toyama and Ye's negative status has been completely eliminated. They just went online again, and their thinking has not continued. After recovering, they saw themselves lying in Hattori Heiji's arms, and felt a little embarrassed.

" let go of me first, I'm fine..."

"Ah, oh oh oh." Hattori Heiji hastily let go of his hands in embarrassment, but fortunately his face was dark, and others couldn't tell whether he was red or not.

"What's going on?" Hanyu Qingan asked.

Hattori Heiji, Toyama and Ye suddenly turned serious, and hurriedly said: "There is still someone who has been rescued, go and see."

Speaking of Hattori Heiji, he quickly got up and searched under the cliff. The moonlight was not enough, and Hanyu Kiyosuke summoned the Aoyuki Lantern and Lantern Ghost to help illuminate it. After a while, everyone found Naoko Kuroe.

At this time, she was lying on her back on the gravel beach, her chest was pierced by an arrow.

"It's too late." Although it seemed hopeless, Toru Amuro checked Naoko Kuroe's carotid artery before making a judgment.

Hattori Heiji punched the stone, and a few drops of bright red blood flowed down, but he didn't seem to notice it. Compared with this physical pain, the depressed mood made him feel heavier.

"How could this be? Sumi is gone, why is Naoko... What happened?" Shimabukuro Junhui looked at Naoko Heijiang's body, puzzled.

"These two arrows are dugong's arrows?" Hanyu Qing'an found that besides the arrow branch passing through his chest, there was another arrow falling beside him.

Junhui Shimabukuro took a closer look and nodded, "That's right, they are all arrows from dugongs."

Everyone couldn't help but look at Toyama and Heye. At present, only three people hold the Dugong Arrow, namely, the father of Menxie Saori, the deceased Naoko Heijiang and Toyama and Heye.

The two arrows that were stained with the blood of the deceased clearly showed that Toyama and Ye were related to the death of Naoko Heijiang.

Hattori Heiji kept Toyama and Ye behind him, and said calmly: "Let me explain, the thing is like this..."

He pestered Naoko Heijiang and they insisted on finding the mermaid grave together, and urged him in every possible way, Naoko Heijiang still messed with the grave and fell off the cliff. He told the story of the two of them saving lives.

"...The situation was very critical at that time, no one noticed, and the arrow from Heye Huai fell out, and it just happened to land on Naoko Heijiang's eyes. She was in pain and panic, and subconsciously let go of my hand , the whole person fell down.

I couldn't see what happened after that, but now it seems that the arrow pinned behind her must have fallen out somehow, and it just stood under the place where she fell. "

Toru Amuro inspected the scene, frowned and said, "The two of you are hanging on the cliff. It's really impossible to set up an arrow trap on this gravel beach. I can only's really a coincidence."

Yuanzi couldn't help covering his mouth and said, "This is a promise that has come true, so it must be retribution... Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?"

Everyone silently agreed, what a coincidence, there is no way to explain it except retribution.

"Chasing the immortal, and dying because of immortality, unrealistic pursuit will only bring misfortune." Hanyu Qing'an couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Heijiang Naoko died because of the arrow of the dugong and the grave of the mermaid that she never forgot, even Hanyu Kiyosuke could not help but suspect that there is a cause and effect in this world.

Toru Amuro said in a deep voice: "The problem now one can prove that Naoko Heijiang's falling off the cliff and letting go have nothing to do with you. Of course, the police follow the principle of innocence, so there should be no major problems. .”

Hattori Heiji nodded solemnly, "I know, we have a clear conscience, no matter how we investigate, we will cooperate."

"How about resurrecting the dead?" Yuanzi helped out with an idea.

Hanyu Qingan shook his head, "Do you think Heijiang will speak for Hattori and the others? I'm afraid she is very resentful..."

Amuro Toru and Hattori Heiji didn't mention this, and they both thought of it, and the atmosphere was a bit dull.

"Well, do you want someone to bring Naoko back to the village first, and leave it here, or the remains will be destroyed by birds and beasts." Shimabukuro Junhui said weakly.

Everyone looked at Hattori Heiji, and Hattori Heiji had a firm face, "It should."

Hanyu Qingan reminded: "Are you sure? The villagers may not be calm and listen to your explanation."

Hattori Heiji nodded heavily, "Let's do it this way, Kazuha and I did nothing wrong, so there's no need to be timid."

"Heiji..." Toyama and Ye were a little worried.

"Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you." Hattori Heiji comforted without looking back.

Sonoko blinked, how is the situation?

Toru Amuro accompanied Shimabukuro Kimie back to the village to call someone. Hanyu Kiyosu prepared for a rainy day, went through the portal first, went back to the hotel, and carried Yuzu back to the courtyard.

Then he knocked on the doors of Mao Lilan and Conan, "Are you asleep? Something happened."

After a burst of noise, Mao Lilan opened the door a little, "Did something happen? Hanyu-kun."

"Yeah." Hanyu Qing'an nodded, "The situation is not very good, you'd better hide in my garden."

"Sister Xiaolan? Brother Hanyu? What's the matter?" Conan came out of the room with sleepy eyes in his pajamas. It seemed that the antidote he begged for from Haibara Ai had no effect.

"Hattori and the others are involved in the murder case. They are likely to be misunderstood by the villagers and cause conflicts. You'd better follow along, otherwise I won't be able to take care of them." Hanyu Qing'an explained.

"Involved in a murder case?" Conan cheered up immediately, "I'll change my clothes now!"

Conan changed his clothes in the room, while Mao Lilan went to the bathroom to change. While changing, the two listened to Hanyu Qingan's story.

After speaking, the two were also ready.

Conan didn't know how to persuade Heiji to be good, it was too unlucky, and he was also stubborn. Of course, with Onmyoji around, safety is guaranteed.

I really can't explain it, and there is still time to run away.

Conan and Mori Ran didn't choose to stay in the courtyard, but went to the gravel beach together. When he saw Hattori Heiji, he couldn't help teasing:
"I heard that at the Onmyoji's house last night, someone promised to protect someone, and in the end, he became the one who was rescued today."

Hattori Heiji's face darkened. If Kazuha hadn't been there, he would have died on the spot, and even the onmyoji couldn't save him. "Since you're here, help figure out a way! Don't make sarcastic remarks there."

Conan spread his hands and said helplessly, "What can I do? If it's the police, then you only need to carefully inspect the scene, perform an autopsy and check the fingerprints on the two arrows to prove your innocence.

But... are you trying to reason with angry villagers?And a group of villagers who believe that mermaid meat can make people live longer?You're really a dick. "

(End of this chapter)

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