Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 431 What are you going to do to my Kazuya! ! !

Chapter 431 What are you going to do to my Kazuya! ! !
Hattori Heiji said unhappily: "Is this a question of whether the truth is clear or not? If it is deliberately concealed, it will be even more unclear later. Since there is nothing wrong, the cover-up will only become more suspicious."

Conan also knew this truth, he just chatted to ease the atmosphere, "No way, but it shouldn't be a big deal, there is an onmyoji here."

Hattori Heiji scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "I just asked him to come over for help, and now I have to trouble him again, what do you think I should repay?"

Conan also sighed, "Don't talk about you, I don't know either. Onmyoji has everything, and his own strength is extraordinary. Well, his wife is still the lady of the Suzuki consortium. Do you want anything? It's just the two of us. At most, we can invite someone else." Have a meal..."

Hattori Heiji rubbed his face in distress.

Conan comforted: "Don't think too much, President Hanyu doesn't care about such things at all."

Hattori Heiji gave him a sideways look, "You are relaxed, yes, I heard that Miss Ran has helped President Hanyu several times, and she paid off your debts."

"..." Conan was speechless, "You can also let Ye Youyou bring more grapefruits to play with."

"..." Hattori Heiji was even more speechless, the two big men discussed and discussed, but in the end they could only rely on the girl to pay back the favor.

But there is no way, who told Hanyu Qingan that there is nothing that needs their help?
The two of them are frowning here, which makes Yuanshan and Ye who are not far away with Yuanzi and Mao Lilan a little worried.

Just as the crowd fell silent, the dots of light not far away joined together, some were holding torches, some were holding flashlights, and a mighty crowd came here.

After seeing Naoko Kuroe's body, the villagers obviously started to riot. After Toru Amuro explained the ins and outs of the incident, the villagers were silent for a while.

Then they all looked at Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha suspiciously.

"Although the matter is very clear, isn't this too coincidental? It's hard for us to believe."

"That's right, of the two arrows, one happened to hurt Naoko's eyes, while the other passed through her back. This can only be explained by coincidence, isn't it justified?"

"The death of Shoumei just now is also very strange. Before you came, our island was always fine."

"That's right, what the black-faced young man said before is also very strange. We have lived on this island for so many years, and we don't know that there is a mermaid grave. How did he know it when he just arrived?"

"Speaking of which, there is one more strange thing. Do any of you know how this black-faced young man got on the island? I have been working at the pier today but I have never seen him."

"Shazhi has been missing, I'm afraid it has something to do with them..."


Seeing the crowd turbulent and clamoring, Hanyu Qingan raised his voice, "Quiet!"

Because of his onmyoji dress and manner, the villagers subconsciously quieted down, and then Hanyu Qingan asked:

"I am very concerned about one thing. The mermaid legend on your island is so famous, and when asked about the people on your island, most of them claim that there are indeed many magical things.

However, right now, you don't seem to have thought about the possibility of the mermaid's revenge at all, and you don't think that there is karma or mysterious power that caused all this. Isn't this a bit strange? "

The villagers looked at each other, and then asked back: "Modern education has been popularized for a long time. Isn't it strange that young people like you believe in these gods and ghosts?"

"..." Qingan Hanyu was speechless for a moment, fell silent for a while, and continued, "The reaction of Mr. Ebizo to the death of his daughter made me feel a little strange. Now it seems that you also have some strangeness.

What do you seem to know about mermaid legends and the truth about immortality?That's why he can be so sure that the mermaid's revenge is nonsense? "

The villagers were silent for a moment, while Junhui Shimabukuro was a little stunned. She looked towards the villagers, but no matter who she saw, everyone bowed their heads immediately.

The silence of the villagers made Shimabukuro Junhui feel bad all over.

She couldn't help asking: "What do you all know? Tell me!"

The villagers did not dare to face this problem directly, so they had to shift their targets and redirect the artillery fire at Hanyu Qingan and others.

"We are the ones who are interrogating you now. You are the ones who are suspected of killing people in our village. Who are you who suddenly stood up?"

Toru Amuro also said from the side: "I have always been concerned about one thing. Doesn't anyone of you know about the Hanyu Shrine in public?"

"Hanyu Shrine? What is that?" The villagers were all at a loss.

Toru Amuro had to say a few more words, "Is no one on your island watching TV? Didn't anyone watch the Metropolitan Police Department's press conference broadcast on NHK a while ago?"

All the villagers shook their heads.

Shimabukuro Junhui explained: "Because people from NHK often come to the island to collect TV bills, and their programs are not good-looking, the island is very disgusted with NHK. Many people simply don't buy TVs, and even if they do, they don't watch NHK. channel."


Both Toru Amuro and Kiyoya Hanyu were silent. No wonder, they said that they seemed to be out of Tokyo. Few people knew about the Hanyu Shrine and the press conference. It turned out that it was all NHK's fault.

nhk is equivalent to Japan's official channel, which broadcasts nationwide. When collecting TV fees, as long as there is a TV, it is assumed that you watch this channel, and the fee will be charged.

If you don't pay, you will be reminded from time to time. Many people will hide the TV when the nhk toll collector comes to the door to avoid paying the fee.

This kind of fighting of wits and courage is basically a traditional custom, which has also led to a lot of resentment from the public towards this channel.

"We don't care who you are, anyway, your accomplices are suspected of killing the villagers on our island. You are probably also accomplices. It is best not to resist, so as not to get hurt."

"Tie them up first, find a warehouse and lock them up, don't let them escape, wait for the police to come, and then hand them over to the police."

The villagers started to act as soon as they said that, surrounded Hanyu Kiyoan and others, and first targeted Toyama, Ye and Hattori Heiji.

"Heiji!" Yuanshan and Ye were a little panicked. Although her force value was much stronger than that of the villagers, she couldn't resist with a ruthless heart.

Because she couldn't help but blame herself in her heart, even though it was just an accident, the death of Naoko Heijiang was indeed related to her.

If it hadn't been for the arrow of the dugong that fell out of her arms, if it hadn't been for that arrow that had pierced Naoko Heijiang's eyes, it wouldn't have caused the other party to let go and fall off the cliff.

The most important thing is that because of Heijiang Naoko's falling off the cliff, the two of them were finally rescued, but the other died.

No matter how annoying Naoko Heijiang is, no matter whether they are actually in danger to save people, this is always an indisputable fact.

Rescue people, but save the problem, this is also a helpless reality.

"What are you going to do to my Kazuya!!!"

Seeing someone trying to tie Toyama and Ye with a rope, Hattori Heiji, who wanted to wait for the police to come to clear up his grievances, finally couldn't help it.

(End of this chapter)

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