Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 432 Showdown, Qinglong town

Chapter 432 Showdown, Qinglong town
Hattori Heiji pushed away several villagers around Toyama and Ye, and protected them behind him. Toyama and Ye grabbed Hattori Heiji's clothes in fear, and the scene was in chaos.

"Qing'an, why are you still watching here?" Sonoko tugged at Hanyu Qing'an's sleeve anxiously.

Hanyu Qing'an looked around calmly, and said, "I've already done it, look up."

Not only Sonoko, but Toru Amuro and Junhui Shimabukuro who were close together also raised their heads together, and saw that there were some dark clouds in the sky at some point, covering the moon, and occasionally there were flashes of lightning, which made people vaguely see the huge monster walk through it.

"That's..." Shimabukuro Junhui's eyes widened.

"Qinglong." Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes and said, no matter how many times he watched this scene, he was still shocked. With the power of a mortal, he acted like a god.

Hanyu Kiyoan also finds it a bit tricky, you say these villagers are reasonable, they don’t listen to what you say at all, you say they are unreasonable, they just want to tie themselves and others up and lock them up until the police come to deal with them , and did not mention lynching.

If they were facing the real murderer, the actions of the villagers would not be excessive.

But in any case, it is better to have the initiative in your own hands, so deterrence can only be used as the main method.

The movement in the sky finally caught the attention of the villagers, and the crowd who were pushing and shouting gradually quieted down, and followed the first few people who raised their heads to look up to the sky.

"That's... what kind of monster?"

"Is this the end of the world? How can there be such a thing?!"

"Could it be that the typhoon tonight is actually the passing of the Dragon King?"

"Is this an illusion? How could there be such a thing..."


The villagers all forgot what they were going to do, and stared at the situation in the sky dumbfounded. Hattori Heiji took the opportunity to pull Toyama and Ye to hide beside Hanyu Qingan, and Mourilan also hugged Conan and came closer.

The blue dragon in the sky uttered dragon chants, and some panicked villagers fell to their knees on the spot, and the oldest one was the first to beg for mercy.

"Dragon God, I beg you to forgive me and other mortals for our disrespect. We will immediately restore the previous sacrificial ceremony and worship you..."

People on the seaside believe in the existence of dragons far more than people in the inland areas. The impermanence of the sea makes people always have no idea. Gods such as the dragon god and water god are the spiritual sustenance of fishermen.

Because of the popularization of modern education, the villagers on the island have not worshiped the Dragon God for a long time, and now they see the Dragon God who was once classified as false, and they are all terrified.

"I said that the village cannot give up the sacrifice to the Dragon God. You young people just don't believe it..."

The older generation began to complain about the middle-aged generation, and the middle-aged generation is not easy to refute. If we really have to go back, there were living sacrifices a long time ago, so should it be restored?
As the blue dragon came towards the crowd with teeth and claws, some villagers began to flee in panic. From time to time, some people fell down on the gravel beach, and their heads were bloodied.

Qinglong's huge body was within easy reach, and a few of them didn't run—mainly the old people who couldn't run, and they prostrated themselves on the ground, shivering.

Shimabukuro Junhui was a little more courageous, but she just knelt on the ground, staring at Qinglong dumbfounded.

With Hanyu Kiyoan as the center, Qinglong flew around, gradually shrinking its body, and finally entrenched behind him. During this process, even Hattori Heiji and others were terrified.

Such a big dragon, if you touch it, you will probably be seriously injured.

But what is surprising is that such a huge monster is so inconceivably dexterous, they stood beside Hanyu Qing'an, but they didn't touch it at all.

The most outrageous thing is Sonoko, Mao Lilan saw with her own eyes that she stretched out her hand to touch the passing Qinglong twice, and when Qinglong was entrenched behind Hanyu Qingan, she went to grab the dragon's beard, it was so daring!
Without the sound of the dragon chant and the blue dragon passing overhead, the quiet air made the villagers gradually calm down. Those who were a little bolder finally dared to look up or look this way from afar.

The light was a bit dim, Hanyu Qing'an raised his hand and summoned the Qingxing Lantern to illuminate it, the villagers could clearly see that the dragon just now was actually guarding the man who appeared suddenly!

"I wanted to reason with you calmly, but you seem a little too excited, can you calm down now?"

Hanyu Qing'an's cold voice spread far under the silent night sky, and the villagers felt chills when they heard it.

"Which god are you...? Our mortal eyes are really ignorant, so we can't recognize you... But you must be a god with great powers, even the dragon god obeys your orders...

You are so powerful and noble, please forgive the offense of us ants. "

Some villagers pleaded guilty tremblingly.

With these words, Hanyu Qing’an even suspected that he had traveled to ancient Japan. It seems that the closed nature of this small island has allowed some inheritance to be kept intact. At least the tone of this word is very classic.

"You don't need to know who I am, and you don't have to be so terrified that none of you will be alive at this moment if I want to hold you accountable.

Bullying is very simple for me, I am willing to reason with you calmly, I think it is a blessing for you, what do you think? "

Hanyu Qing'an walked up to the person who just spoke, but the person pressed his head against the stone, not daring to look up.

"Of course, this is your kindness, for which we are grateful."

After threatening him, Hanyu Qingan waved the paper fan, "Get up."

Although everyone's legs were weak, they didn't dare to disobey and supported each other to stand up.

"Let's talk about it first. You haven't answered my previous question. You publicly promote the mermaid legend and immortality to tourists, but you don't take it seriously in private. It seems that you know some truth?"

Hanyu Qingan glanced around, everyone he saw quickly lowered their heads so as not to offend the gods.

"Don't dare to hide it from the gods. We do know that the legend of the longevity woman is actually false. It's just Jun Hui's grandmother and mother pretending to be the longevity woman."

Shimabukuro Junhui was struck by lightning, and she looked at the villagers in disbelief, " knew it a long time ago? Then you also know about my mother's death?"

The villagers did not dare to look at her, bowed and apologized, and said guiltily: "In front of the gods, we dare not lie. It is true. Except for the young people of your generation on the island, the older generation knows about it. .”

Another villager sighed and said, "Actually, we thought that after your mother died, the legend of the Longevity Woman ended.

But when we came to visit you at your home, we saw you come out pretending to be a long-lived woman, and we couldn't speak for a moment, and we didn't know what to do. "

"We thought, since you are willing to maintain this legend, then we are also willing to support you, after all, it is beneficial to the island.

Sorry, we are sorry for you, Junhui. "

(End of this chapter)

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