Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 433

Chapter 433

After listening to the villagers' words, Shimabukuro Junhui only felt a buzzing in his head, and then a burst of tinnitus. The voices of the villagers' voices faded away in an instant, and turned into small and incomprehensible whispers.

She opened her mouth, but her throat was choked and she couldn't make a sound. Everything around her was so irritating, she raised her hand but didn't know what to do, her eyes were dull, and she shed tears silently.

Hanyu Qing'an saw that she was not in the right condition, so he called out the insect master who was in mid-air again, and gave her a round of dispersing treatment.

The green light flashed, and Junhui Shimabukuro regained clarity in an instant. She finally couldn't help sobbing, "What the hell am I doing... everything is so meaningless... such a mission is just a curse."

She covered her face while crying, squatting on the ground, and her crying gradually became louder.

Everyone quieted down, looking at Junhui Shimabukuro who was crying bitterly, the villagers couldn't lift their heads guiltily.

Sonoko poked secretly behind Toru Amuro, poked him on the back, and when the other party looked over, motioned him with his eyes, and hurried up to comfort him.

Regarding Sonoko's misunderstanding, Toru Amuro could only smile wryly, but at this moment Junhui Shimabukuro really needed comfort, so he had no choice but to go forward to persuade him.

"No matter what, whether the villagers know it or not, the mission that your family sticks to has indeed made the island better, hasn't it?"

Junhui Shimabukuro shook her head in pain, looked at Toru Amuro with tears in her eyes and said with a miserable smile: "Master Hanyu asked me how my mother died, but now I tell you that she was burned to death.

Just because some people want to verify whether the longevity woman is really immortal! ! ! "

Toru Amuro was silent for a moment, but Kiyoan Hanyu didn't quite understand this logic. Is there any relationship between immortality and immortality?
"The three of them don't know the truth, and they are obsessed with immortality. Because they didn't get the arrow of the dugong, they were resentful and followed my mother who pretended to be a long-lived woman. And set fire to her.

After that, my mother's body, because the leg bones were smashed by the collapsed beams of the warehouse, even rumored that the mermaid corpse was spread.

After I inherited the mission of the Longevity Woman, they believed in immortality even more.

So the three of them set their sights on the so-called mermaid bones again!It is believed that eating mermaid bones can also lead to immortality.

Just because of this nonsense legend, and for the so-called mission, my three best friends burned my mother to death! ! ! "

This human tragedy is really unbearable to hear. Yuanzi and Mao Lilan felt sympathetic and worried at the same time. Some villagers felt so guilty that they sat down on the spot in front of Shimabukuro Junhui.

But what's the use?The tragedy has already happened, Junhui Shimabukuro's mother has already been turned into ashes, and even Hanyu Qingan can't do anything about it.

But Junhui Shimabukuro suddenly cheered up again, she looked at Hanyu Qingan with burning eyes, bowed her head and begged:
"Master Hanyu, you are the one who truly masters the mysterious power. I am a sinner, and I am not qualified to ask you anything, but I hope you can listen to my last request, no matter what price you have to pay, even if it is my humble soul.

I just ask you to wake up Naoko and the three of them, let them listen to what these people say, and let them see how ridiculous their behavior is! ! ! "

Hanyu Qing'an had no expression on his face, but he was very speechless in his heart. I'm not a devil, why do I need a soul?
Toru Amuro, Conan, and Heiji Hattori noticed a detail at the first time-Shimabukuro Junhui said "three people".

The whereabouts of Monsie Saori are only unknown, and only Ebino Sumi and Kuroe Naoko are definitely dead, so what Shimabukuro Junhui said means...

She knew that Menxie Saori was dead!
Then she is likely to be related to the death of Ebino Sumi and Monshe Saori. Combined with the previous accusation, her motive is also very clear, and she can basically be identified as the murderer.

Hattori Heiji couldn't help thinking, did he disrupt Shimabukuro Junhui's plan and lead to the death of Kuroe Naoko in advance, or Shimabukuro Junhui planned to do it himself?

! @#¥%...

This is too unfair! !
Hanyu Qingan silently looked at Shimabukuro Kimie who was kneeling in front of him. The latter remained motionless with a firm attitude, insisting on killing people.

But this is also understandable, who can be calm after being treated like this?
Everyone has likes and dislikes, and Hanyu Qingan is also extremely disgusted with the behavior of the three members of the door association Saori, so he doesn't mind doing a little favor.

Do as you please, think well.

"I have received your prayer, so let it be as you wish." Hanyu Seiyasu replied seriously, and then ordered, "Amuro, Hattori, go and carry Naoko Kuroe over."

Although this would destroy the scene and be detrimental to the subsequent collection of evidence by the police to build files, Toru Amuro can still tell which is more important.

It's not a big problem, let's give priority to the president's will. Well, in layman's terms, the president needs to be coaxed.

Toru Amuro and Heiji Hattori worked together to carry Naoko Kuroe over, and the villagers all looked up quietly, not knowing what to do next.

I saw that the god suddenly summoned a pink female monster, a burst of green light fell on the body of Naoko Heijiang, and then...

Terrible things happened.

Naoko Kuroe, with an arrow stuck in her chest, opened her eyes suddenly, and then sat up stiffly.

It's a scam! ! !
This idea came to all the villagers' hearts, but they didn't dare to speak, they just continued to tremble.

It's too scary, the god who plays with life and death has too much background, no wonder he can order the dragon god.

Just now, people like myself dared to shout at this person. They are simply tired of work. We can only hope that this god is really kind...

Naoko Heijiang looked around blankly, "Why are there so many people? What happened?"

Without waiting for everyone to answer, she suddenly remembered, and yelled ferociously, "That's right!! Where's the mermaid skeleton?! I found it first, and it's mine! You are not allowed to snatch it from me!!!"

Junhui Shimabukuro looked at her like this, without ridicule, only felt sad.

A very discerning villager saw that Hanyu Qingan was helping Shimabukuro to vent his anger, and offered to chime in: "Naoko, there are no mermaid bones, and the mermaid flesh can live forever, it's all fake. "

"Nonsense! You just want to snatch my mermaid skeleton by saying that, right? Don't think I don't know!" Heijiang Naoko looked like a madman.

Another villager said: "Naoko, what he said is true, in fact, there is no longevity woman at all, it has always been pretended by the Shimabukuro family.

The long-lived woman you burned to death before was actually Jun Hui’s mother, and the older generation on the island knew about the matter of the long-lived woman, only you, the younger generation, didn’t know about it..."

Naoko Heijiang looked at Junhui Shimabukuro, who looked cold and didn't look at her at all.

"The legend of the mermaid is just a gimmick to attract tourists on the island. We didn't expect you to take it seriously..."

"Yeah, obviously your education is much more advanced than ours at that time, and we don't know how you can believe in such things."

You speak and I speak, in order to appease the anger of the "Master God", the villagers took turns criticizing Naoko Heijiang...

(End of this chapter)

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