Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 445 The Death of the Boss

Chapter 445 The Death of the Boss
The BOSS is dead, the organization has moved, and the BOSS cannot be dug out, and the organization cannot be uprooted, so why has he been undercover all these years?
What did Jing Guang die for?

Is it just for the few members of the organization like Gin and Belmode?
It's not worth it...

It took a long time for Toru Amuro to calm down, rubbed his frantically throbbing temples and asked, "So, how did the boss die?"

Hearing this question, Belmode's mouth curled up in a meaningful arc, which seemed to be a little mocking.

"Related to that Onmyoji, Rum said that after repeatedly checking the effect of the spell, BOSS finally decided to give it a try.

At first, the effect was very remarkable, more effective than other methods until now, it is said that the BOSS was very happy, and then decided to take advantage of the period when the body was in good condition, to perform the heart replacement operation that has been delayed for the past two years..."

Belmode didn't continue, but the meaning was already obvious.

Toru Amuro immediately thought of the question that the doctor from the Fujiwara family had mentioned before:
At the moment when the external vitality suddenly disappears, the fragile body cannot withstand this drastic drop, which may lead to a sudden deterioration of the situation, so it is not recommended to use the blessing technique to improve the physical condition for surgery.

In the end, the Fujiwara family begged the president to take action, and used the blessing technique that would not dissipate after dawn, inspired by his own spiritual power, which allowed the Fujiwara family master to pass through the gate of hell smoothly.

But after that time, he has clearly reported this precaution...

"Did you...didn't read the information I sent back carefully?"

Belmode snorted, "Before you sent back that supplementary information, they couldn't wait to use it.

In other words, the BOSS has long since died, and that guy Rum has been keeping it secret. "


Amuro said heartily, don't blame me, but in this way, the person who kills the boss should be regarded as the president?
Thinking of the president of his family who is getting more and more salty, Toru Amuro couldn't help feeling an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

I have worked hard for a few years, but it is not as good as the president's carelessness. This is too much to discourage people's enthusiasm...

and many more! ! !

Did the president really do it unintentionally?What if this is also in his calculations?Then there seems to be more reason why he doesn't care about the composition of employees at all.

Malicious detection... Spell positioning... Little paper man tracking... Divination...

Toru Amuro calculated in his heart what he knew, the technique Hanyu Qingan mastered, and it felt very possible.

But now is not the time to think about this, Toru Amuro put this matter aside for the time being.

But another matter suddenly became clear in his heart. No wonder Lang Mu’s behavior was so weird before. At one time he paid special attention to it, and at another time he didn’t take it to heart at all. It’s because he really has “urgent matters” that must be done quickly, so Gu Not going to the funeral home.

After thinking about it, Toru Amuro tentatively verified again: "I still feel a bit unacceptable, the boss has always been so mysterious, how could he die... Uh, so hasty?"

Belmod laughed suddenly. It seemed that this question was so funny that Gin on the other side couldn't help but look up and snort coldly.

After a long time, she stopped laughing, looked at Toru Amuro and asked, "Have you heard of the Ship of Theseus?"

Toru Amuro didn't know what she wanted to say, but nodded, and said, "I know, the Ship of Theseus, also known as the Paradox of Theseus, is a paradox about identity change.

Question posed by Plutarch in the first century AD: If the wood on Theseus' ship was gradually replaced until all the wood was not the original wood, would the ship remain the same ship? "

Resentment flashed in Belmode's eyes, "Yes, the BOSS is the ship of Theseus, except for the brain, every part of him has been replaced, and more than once, that's why he can live for so long.

His regular surgery has almost become a part of his life. Although he needs to be fully prepared every time, he cannot guarantee a [-]% success rate every time. It is normal to make some mistakes.

On the contrary, it is not normal that he can survive so many operations intact. "

Toru Amuro frowned and said, "Since he has undergone so many operations, it stands to reason that his doctor level should be very high, so he shouldn't have thought of this problem, right?"

Belmode raised his eyebrows, "Who knows, maybe, some people have seized this opportunity."

Amuro understood clearly, some people probably meant rum.

The atmosphere returned to silence, and Toru Amuro found that Belmode was a little strange, as if his expression was a little lonely.

But before he could ask, Belmode spoke up himself.

"You should have guessed something, right? My relationship with the boss?"

Toru Amuro raised his eyebrows slightly, "Blood relationship?"

Belmode nodded, "To be precise, I am from the BOSS matriarchal family, Wynyard, this surname is the surname of the BOSS matriarchal family."

This is a major development. Originally, he only knew that Belmode's alias was Chris Wynyard, but now he knew that it was the matriarchal surname of BOSS!
But... the bosses are all dead, so what's the point of knowing this?

Toru Amuro sighed, now the focus is on the escaped Rum.

Gin snorted coldly, as if a little dissatisfied, Toru Amuro gave him a strange look.

Belmode said: "Leave him alone, he is allergic to the surname Wynyard."

Amuro came back to his senses and guessed: "When you say this, do you mean that you are actually the organ reserve of the boss?"

Belmode sneered and said: "Oh, otherwise, why do you think he is so kind to me? Because my body, every organ, is prepared for him! He naturally cherishes it.

Every operation of BOSS requires matching, but because the blood of the Wynyard family is very special, it is difficult for him to obtain organ sources from the outside world.

But it was ridiculous to say that instead of being annoyed by this, he said that Wynyard's blood was a noble blood, which was why it was so rare.

In addition to being used as an organ reserve, the people of the Wynyard family are also his experimental materials. All the medicines to be used on him must be used on the people of the Wynyard family first, and he will use them only after confirming that there is no problem.

Includes onmyoji spells. "

Toru Amuro, the bloodline turned out to be a curse and the source of misfortune. No wonder Belmode's attitude towards the boss has always been different from other members.

Amuro glanced at Gin, and asked in a low voice, "Speaking of which, what's going on with Gin? His attitude towards the boss seems to be..."

Belmode knew what he wanted to ask. Gin joined the organization halfway, and he was cold-blooded and ruthless. Logically speaking, the death of the boss didn't have that much impact on him.

The organization has all disbanded, so this issue is naturally not taboo.

Just talking about Belmode couldn't help laughing, but he still saved some face for Gin, "He's not mourning the death of BOSS, but because Rum has captured the organization and is confused about the future.

You know, Gin Jiu is the default heir of the BOSS, and has been moving towards this goal all along. "

"Heir?!" Toru Amuro was shocked.

 Thank you for the reward from [Yingyixun] last week, thank you for your support~
  ps: I can't understand the masking words at all now. It seems that there is no problem at all, but it will become a star...

  Two places have been modified before, and after the modification, it will be displayed normally, but the corresponding chapters will disappear, let me say it here.

  One time was [guan, guan], and I didn’t understand the blocking point at all.

  Once it was […things. "The line was changed in the middle, and then it was continued: Yuanshan and Ye], the words between the two paragraphs were inexplicably blocked...

(End of this chapter)

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