Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 446 Gin: Shut up! ! !

Chapter 446 Gin: Shut up! ! !
"Yeah, those who are obsessed with longevity die because of longevity, those who are obsessed with power are abandoned by power.

The organization was swept away by Rum, of course he was hit. After all, he had worked so hard for the organization all along, but in the end, someone took away the results when things came to an end. "

Toru Amuro thought this was very familiar. The president also said it when he was in Mermaid Island?

But he also finally understood the reason why Qin Jiu was so loyal to the organization. It turned out that he was the heir, the second generation. For his future career, could he not sacrifice his life?

"Shut up!!!" Qin Jiu cursed coldly.

Belmode covered his mouth and snickered, very happy. He didn't know whether it was comfort or gloating, and said to the gin:
"Don't be angry, it's not a bad thing, even if Rum doesn't fight and the boss dies suddenly, you still can't suppress others.

If the BOSS never dies, you have some blood from the Karasuma family and the Wynyard family, and you may be sent to the operating table before that day. "

Amuro suddenly looked at Gin in surprise, the co-author is not only an heir, but also a spare organ, "So, Belmode, don't you have a blood relationship with Gin?"

Belmode tilted his head, his side face was obviously very charming, but he looked at Gin's expression inexplicably with a feeling of "kindness", which made people feel weird.

"That's right, in terms of seniority...he still wants to call me auntie."


Toru Amuro was dumbfounded. He never expected that Belmode and Gin were not only related by blood, but Gin was so much younger in terms of seniority.

However, there are no rumors in the organization, is there a story between Gin and Belmode?Could it be that……


Amuro Toru secretly gasped, no wonder Gin had such an attitude towards Belmode, I'm afraid he only found out about it later!
However, the blood relationship between the two is actually far away, and it has long been beyond the scope of taboos. It is not too shocking, but when it comes to seniority, Gin feels very uncomfortable.

"Okay, it's almost time to get down to business." Belmode restrained his smile and said seriously.

"What business can we do now? The organization has run away, and we are the only ones left. Do we want to re-establish the organization?" Toru Amuro said.

Belmode shook his head slightly, looked at the gin, "I'll talk about this later, let's talk about it when he cheers up. The most important thing right now is the burial of the boss."

Toru Amuro immediately guessed something, "Could it be that he wants President Hanyu to give him a funeral? But isn't the death of BOSS also related to Onmyoji?"

Belmode said indifferently: "What does that matter? It's Rum who really harbored evil intentions. In addition, Rum sent a copy of the boss's last words. I've heard that the meaning of the boss is very clear. It is indeed that the Onmyoji is going to give him a funeral." , doesn't look like a fake.

Of course, there is another purpose for inviting that onmyoji..."

There was a flash of light in Amuro Toru's eyes, "The body of the boss is still well preserved?"

Belmode nodded and sighed slightly, "He's still not reconciled."

"He" is naturally talking about gin, and if the body is intact, the Onmyoji can be resurrected!Gin intends to struggle for the last time, to see if he can get a chance to make a comeback from the boss.

The BOSS is very scheming, so it should be left behind. It's just that the incident happened suddenly, and it may not be used in time.

Amuro stared intently, and thought to himself, it seems that it is not impossible, if he can help Gin turn over, then he will naturally become the most core member, and in this way, he can also capture Rum and other escaped guys and catch them all!
After all, gin is much less harmful than rum now, but killing gin is of little significance.

"I understand. I will persuade the president. Also, do you have any specific requirements for the boss's funeral?"

Belmode is not interested in this, "The boss only asks to be buried in the Karasuma villa where he was born, and the rest doesn't matter.

Just try to use high standards, and don't worry about the cost. Rum entrusted us with the funeral task, but he didn't fiddle with money.

By the way, I, Carl, heard that the funeral home has a plan for a ghost tour? "

Amuro's thoughts changed sharply, and he narrowed his eyes and said, "Indeed, there are, but it's just a document, but I will try my best to persuade the president to adopt it."

Belmode stretched his waist and groaned seductively, "Well, you can figure it out, I will leave the funeral to you, we have other things to do, contact me when you are ready .”

Amuro smiled and said, "I understand."


Time went back to the present, in the funeral club, Hanyu Kiyoan sighed, since the death of the other party was related to him, he could no longer shirk it.

And as Amuro said, these impolite behaviors may only be the actions of some members of the Karasuma family, and it is not good to blame the deceased and the remaining family members.

Although with Hanyu Qingan's current strength, he can indeed completely ignore it according to his preferences, but once this kind of thinking starts, he can't stop it anymore.

Everything depends on power, and will eventually be manipulated by power, losing reason and humanity.

"Amuro, go prepare for the funeral." Hanyu Kiyoan made a decision and stopped thinking about it.

Conan and Hattori Heiji were a little speechless to Toru Amuro. You knew it earlier, but you said it earlier. I guessed here for a long time, but I couldn't help anything, really.

Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up, "Hanyu-kun, what do you mean, is this a promise?"

"Yeah." Hanyu Qing'an nodded, "Since it's related to me, cause and effect are entangled, naturally we can't push it any longer, otherwise I will not be able to avoid the liquidation of the underworld in the future, even if it is me."

Although things didn't go well, Hanyu Qingan didn't forget, and by the way, he strengthened his external settings.

That's fine, even the Onmyoji himself has to be careful about this kind of thing, and other people don't dare to take it lightly.

Mori Kogoro's eyes turned into the shape of money, and he rubbed his hands happily. Now that it's done, he can get another 1000 million yen, blood earning!
"This time, don't go." Hanyu Qingan suddenly said to Sonoko.

Sonoko was taken aback, "Why?"

Hanyu Qing'an didn't explain, "Anyway, don't go, be obedient."

Yuanzi pouted, and didn't insist any more. In front of others, it's better to save some face for Qing'an.

Hanyu Qing'an's consideration was very simple. Although from an objective point of view, the death of the person involved this time had only a little something to do with him, but he did not kill him.

But usually in this kind of situation, the family members are emotional, and they will not reason with you. It is normal to say something ugly, so there is no need for Yuanzi to face it.

But these words made Amuro Toru's heart skip a beat, does the president know something?Divinated?Has your plan been seen through?

No matter how Toru Amuro guessed, there was no information on Hanyu Kiyosuke's face.

Everyone went back to their respective homes, Sonoko saw that Hanyu Qing'an was in a bad mood, so he specially changed into a halter sweater and black silk, and came to help him cheer up and decompress.

Hanyu Qingya wanted to say that he was busy with work recently, so he should go to bed first, but he couldn't hold back Sonoko's enthusiasm, so he was dragged to the room to squeeze dry.

Visual impact, amazing tactile sensation, whispering in the ear, dispute of tongue...

Not to mention, after being squeezed dry, the whole person felt a lot lighter, relieved, Hanyu Qingan didn't bother to go to the garden to find tea and sushi, and simply fell asleep while he was exhausted.

silent night...

(End of this chapter)

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