Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 451 Continue to Lurk

Chapter 451 Continue to Lurk
After the ice coffin was fixed, Gin stayed in the cabin to look after Karasuma Renye's body, and he didn't care about being in the same room with the dead.

But this is Renye Karasuma's body...

Looking at the adult who would never move in the ice coffin, under Gin Jiu's calm face, there were mixed feelings.

That boss who never dies, no one knows how many people he can kill, will have this day...

Outside the cabin, Belmode stood on the deck, watching the airship slowly float up in the dark night, the lights of the shrine under his feet gradually faded away, and the condescending vision contained the wider Tokyo.

Everything is under your feet, prosperous and small.

Belmode lost interest after looking at it for a while. She began to observe the staff of the shrine around her. There were many familiar faces thrown over by Rum, undercover agents, traitors, and dissidents.

Only Calvados wasn't around.

Walking back along the side of the ship, passing by those strange shikigami standing in the shadow under the eaves of the cabin, when they reached the middle part of the flying boat, Belmode suddenly stopped in his footsteps.

She felt that there was something wrong with the shikigami standing next to her now, it was different from the previous ones...

Belmode turned around calmly, turned his back to Shikigami, leaned on the side of the ship, and faced the outside, pretending to be looking at the scenery.

After a while, there was a gurgling sound, like a stomach growl, very weak, but Belmode knew he heard it right.

The corners of his mouth curled up, and Belmode secretly thought, sure enough, humans were mixed into Shikigami.

I just don't know, which side of the force got in, the Japanese Public Security Bureau, the FBI, or MI[-]?
Belmode blew the evening breeze for a while, then continued to wander around on the airship, and soon she spotted Calvados.

"Sir, can I consult with you about the funeral?" Belmode maintained his character and said softly.

Calvados couldn't help shivering. He had followed Belmode for so long. How had he ever heard her speak to him in such a tone?
It's just...

During this period of time, I was undercover in the funeral home. Although I lost time with Belmode, everything is worth it now.

Thinking so in his heart, but Calvados's face was even more dull, his face was slightly flushed, and no one noticed in the night.

He nodded and stammered a little: "Yes, of course, yes."

So he followed Belmode with one deep foot and one shallow foot, and walked to the tail of the spaceship, where there was no one.

"I've also told you about the current situation. You should stay with Onmyoji from now on and forget about everything in the past." Belmode said straight to the point.

Calvados was stunned for a long time before he asked, "What does this mean?"

Belmode took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a puff. The smoke quickly shattered in the wind, "The organization is gone, everything in the past is meaningless, forget it, and work in the funeral home with peace of mind.

With Onmyoji around, others would not dare to act rashly when they discovered your past identity. "

Calvados was dumb, and he choked out a sentence for a long time, "What do you do?"

Belmode smiled and said freely: "Who knows? The future is unpredictable, let's take a step and see, but the organization... probably won't exist anymore."

Calvados said decisively: "I'll follow you."

Belmode shook his head, "I have a bad feeling, I'm afraid my end will not be good, so you should stay here."

Calvados said resolutely: "It's okay, as long as I follow you, it's fine."

Belmode put away his gentle tone and said sternly: "I order you, stay!"

As soon as this attitude came out, Calvados couldn't resist. He opened his mouth, but in the end he could only obey orders silently.

"Okay, go back to work, don't let the onmyoji misunderstand." Belmode waved his hand.

Calvados did not turn around and leave immediately, but took out a spell from his pocket.

This is a life-saving item that he has cherished for a long time and has been reluctant to use. Even if his eyes exploded, he gritted his teeth and endured it.

"This is for you." Calvados put the spell into Belmode's hand, then turned around, "I'm going back to work."

Belmode looked at the spell in his hand, remained silent for a long time, finally sighed, and put the spell away.

At this time, Toru Amuro came out from an unknown corner, and said quietly: "You are really cruel, you know very well that he won't be able to live happily in this way."

Belmode seemed to know that he was there, and laughed at himself, "Are people like us worthy of talking about feelings? It's not bad if we can live."

Toru Amuro fell silent. Indeed, it was already difficult to be alive.

Jing Guang, Ah Hang, Zhen Ping, Yan Er, the only one left of the five is himself. It is really difficult to live.

Belmode threw down the cigarette butt in his hand, and the remaining flames were quickly extinguished in the wind and disappeared without knowing where they fell.

like organizing...

"Some people got mixed up on the boat, do you know what's going on?" Belmode lay on the side of the boat, his buttocks slightly raised, showing an amazing arc, and asked without looking back.

Toru Amuro was startled, but quickly realized, and said with a smile: "It should be a bug from the FBI. Speaking of which, someone tipped me off before, but I don't know who it is.

An anonymous email told me that Shuichi Akai had sneaked into the funeral home. "

"Oh?" Belmode suddenly became serious, "Have you verified it?"

"It seems that you don't know about this? Who did it?" Toru Amuro was a little confused.

"Maybe it's rum..." Belmode frowned.

Toru Amuro nodded, "Maybe, the content of the email does not need to be verified, and I am [-]% sure.

Kusuda Rikudo should have died a long time ago, now Akai Shuichi is pretending to be, but I don't know who helped him change his appearance, his level has reached this level, and he hasn't shown his flaws for so long. "

Belmode didn't care about Kusuda Ludao's death, but this news made her a little concerned, "A very clever disguise?"

Toru Amuro nodded, "Not worse than you."

Belmode murmured: "Could it be her? I didn't expect her to intervene..."

"You know?" Toru Amuro was very interested.

The corner of Belmode's mouth rose, "It's possible, this is interesting, but I don't know if I can meet my former best friend again."

Toru Amuro kept it in his heart, and then said: "You tell the piano bar about Akai Shuichi, he cares so much, he probably doesn't want to see me intervene, and I will help create opportunities when we get to the Twilight Pavilion."

Belmode nodded, "Understood."

Toru Amuro talked to Belmode for a while, but he was really unwilling to reconcile. He actually wanted to avenge Jingguang himself and kill Akai Shuichi.

But...he is now in front of Hanyu Qingan, one of the few official personnel who can speak, and he cannot easily make mistakes.

In the period when the relationship between the president and the officials was delicate, for the sake of the overall situation, he could only choose this way.

Get rid of the relationship and continue to lurk.

(End of this chapter)

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